r/GenZ 2d ago

For those thinking it’s Joever… Political


Last night was rough. That being said, if today’s speech is anything to go by, I think Dark Brandon slept off his cold. Remember guys, a vote for the president is a vote for their cabinet, their platform, and any Supreme Court vacancies that might open up. I’ll gladly vote for grandpa Joe over the grandpa who’s a rapist, convicted felon, and wannabe dictator any day of the week. I hope you will too. I’m not about to sit by while our country gets handed over to a cult and our institutions are destroyed.


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u/Separate_Constant149 2d ago

I mean, it is kinda weird that the performance of the president is so different from last night to here.


u/DmitriDaCablGuy 2d ago

They did say he had a cold, man could have taken some NyQuil or something and slept it off. I’ve had to public speak when I’m sick and it sucks ass.


u/Separate_Constant149 2d ago

Did they announce that before or after? I watched a decent amount of the debate and didn't see it get brought up. I feel like it should have been mentioned before hand because if done after, it'd seem like a cop out. Last night he seemed honestly how he usually is during speeches (dragging off etc). Here he's very energetic. I feel that's not, a normal occurrence for him from what I've seen.


u/DmitriDaCablGuy 2d ago

Honestly this is how he tends to be at campaign rallies and events like that. Feels very much like the state of the Union address to me. He definitely has his old man moments, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like they get dramatically over represented in media coverage. I heard about the cold as it was going on, so I’m assuming before? Idk though.


u/Separate_Constant149 2d ago edited 2d ago

Hmm, yeah just odd 😂 like realistically (not saying he does) but there's no reason that caffeine, steroids, etc couldn't play a part. Not like it's a body building competition and he gets drug tests. I can't imagine any campaigners not doing something for energy. I feel like all this stuff relates to much to The Boys as it all goes down.


u/DmitriDaCablGuy 2d ago

Could be he chugged some caffeine before hand and it didn’t kick in fast enough lol 😂. He definitely seemed to get it together more as the debate went on, but he was still pretty clearly tired as fuck. Probably past his bedtime since it was a 9:00 debate lmao.


u/Separate_Constant149 2d ago

Very true, what time was the YouTube vid above? Old man needed his sleep or he loses brain activity 😂

Also, my family talks about Obama being involved in a lot of stuff still right? I honestly thought they were doing a. "conspiracy" like, no Obama's not running things behind Joe. But then there was a speech when Obama walked Joe off screen 😂 I basically coughed on what I was drinking and they looked at me and went "see".


u/DmitriDaCablGuy 2d ago

Exactly 😂! As for Obama, I genuinely think he’s one of Joe’s closest friends. If you look at their time in the White House together, they were best buds. I think it’s less “Obama the puppet master” and more “Obama the homie in chief”. I know if I were Joe I’d want that dude by my side. Barry was a once in a lifetime personality.


u/Separate_Constant149 2d ago

I don't really believe either haha but I don't believe that politicians or people in power don't obviously have their plans and agendas and are there for work and power. Believing anyone on those stages is only there as friends or to help out, is a lot of faith. Faith shouldn't be for politicians 😂 but obviously he's not some "puppet master" I agree. Between the charges right before the election and this debate, things be weird


u/Bukook 1d ago

They announced he had a cold well into the debate and once it was clear that Biden wasn't going to turn things around.


u/Separate_Constant149 1d ago

Well into the debate? I wonder if there's anything about it beforehand


u/Bukook 1d ago

Not that i know of


u/Ok_Tadpole7481 2d ago

Remember guys, a vote for the president is a vote for their cabinet, their platform, and any Supreme Court vacancies that might open up. I’ll gladly vote for grandpa Joe over the grandpa who’s a rapist, convicted felon, and wannabe dictator any day of the week.

Gotta pick one, OP. If you want to brush aside Biden's personal flaws because it's really about the cabinet and platform, then your attacks on Trump should be about his platform, not his person, shouldn't they?


u/Shoddy-Scarcity-8322 2004 2d ago

Great reply. OP failed to mention most 2016 MAGA team don't endorse trump, or are in jail currently


u/Interigo 1999 2d ago

He needs to be replaced, I don’t care how well he read off the teleprompter earlier. The coping is exactly why we are going to lose.


u/dan2sweet 2000 2d ago

this is massive cope my friend


u/kingketowindsorroyal 1d ago

He's reading a prepared and rehearsed speech off a teleprompter. This is the bare fucking minimum.


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u/Rags_to_Riches_19 2000 2d ago

This is pathetic


u/The_Wrecktangle 1d ago

Millennial here,

This is young voter bait, pay no mind.