r/GenZ 1997 3d ago

GenZ with ten years of work experience Meme

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u/bigbad50 3d ago

The circle really helped, I couldn't tell what the joke was before I saw it!


u/SpecialMango3384 1997 2d ago

I disagree, I am colorblind and I found this incredibly offensive


u/_gunther1n0_ 2d ago


u/FreshJury 2d ago

i’ve never seen a more deserving post


u/awshitherewe 1998 3d ago

the red circle tells us where to look


u/Top-Inspector-8964 3d ago

The employer is saying that they don't want to hire anyone much below 30.


u/bloodeyesdragon 2d ago

or maybe they just forget what 10-20 years of experience means for the younger people lol


u/Piemaster113 2d ago

Or they just don't want to hire at all, so they say they are looking while posting jobs with requirements that are unrealistic for the majority of candidates


u/Top-Inspector-8964 2d ago

What advantage would there be in that?


u/Piemaster113 2d ago

They can claim they are looking to filling positions while making their employees cover the extra work cuz they are short handed while never actually paying for the addition personnel. Think of it from a greedy business point of view, if you needed say a manager, but till you can get one you have Kathy fill in for the manager, you don't pay her anymore cuz shes only doing the job "temporarily", part of the hiring agreement includes a phrase like "additional responsibilities as needed by the business" under what Kathy's job included, So now you have someone getting paid a lower wage, while still getting all the functions of having the manager position covered without having to pay to hire someone new. You have now saved a lot of money by abusing a blanket term in a hiring agreement.


u/Top-Inspector-8964 2d ago

Employers don't give a shit if Kathy is unhappy. They'll just tell her she has to fill in. There aren't elaborate conspiracies being concocted with Indeed.


u/Piemaster113 2d ago

Its not an elaborate conspiracy, its just dishonest business, its been shown that there are job postings with literally impossible requirements, its a running joke online, hence OPs post. They will literally put positions out that no one can fill


u/Arrcamedes 2d ago

They just treat you like working as a minor doesn’t count as experience anyway. Job searching is bullshit


u/Environmental-Bee-28 2d ago

Here's a good one. " You Need A High School Diploma To Was Dishes "!!!? I was told at a recent interview.


u/DIODidNothing_Wrong 2000 2d ago

And some people will say “just get a trade!”


u/syrupgreat- 2d ago

i mean i did a bunch of manual labor when we did house renos, i know a lot of basic shit that i’m surprised a lot more people don’t know.

i put it on my resume if needed lol


u/undreamedgore 2d ago

What jobs are you hunting for that call for that kind of experience?


u/Ok_Target_7084 2d ago

Even in the trades many employers will require you to have years and years of experience and this excludes a lot of young people who are just starting out in the workforce with just a degree or a technical certification. I would say that a good 90% of jobs could be taught to a reasonably intelligent and motivated person even if they're fresh out of high school or community College.


u/Realistic-Road8972 2d ago

The circle really helped, I couldn't tell what the joke was before I saw it!


u/FBI_Agent214 1d ago

Did you pull this from Facebook


u/_Only_I_Will_Remain 2d ago

They're not looking for 22 year olds , they're looking for 30 year olds with experience