r/FluentInFinance 5d ago

People in this sub Discussion/ Debate

Why are there so many people who couldn’t get a C- in high school personal finance in a sub that is called fluent in finance?


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u/HaiKarate 5d ago

Personal finance != business finance != government finance


u/AdFar3727 5d ago

And the people I’m talking about are ignorant of all of those subjects


u/sphericaltime 5d ago

The easiest way to distinguish is to see if they know that there is a difference between those things.


u/FillMySoupDumpling 5d ago

As soon as I hear someone talk about all  gov deficits as bad or “if I have to tighten my belt so does the government “, it’s an instant tell they aren’t going to reasonably talk about gov finance.


u/Feeling_Buy_4640 5d ago

Name one economic school of thought that says we should spend like there is no tomorrow and rack up all this debt.


u/FillMySoupDumpling 5d ago

Yes, you’ve illustrated it perfectly!! 

Complex economic concepts = so you’re saying spend all the money to those people. Like no understanding of nuance or anything.


u/Feeling_Buy_4640 5d ago

I see there is none.

Therefore, the statement, "its bad to have such a massive(in proportion to gdp) defficit" is correct.


u/FillMySoupDumpling 5d ago

Idk buddy, I never said any of that and you came in asking for something we all know doesn’t exist. 

You’re coming up with whatever it is you’re imagining I said and then getting mad about it. I can’t help you. 


u/Feeling_Buy_4640 5d ago

Okay, so when people kvetch about the national debt, it might be simplistic in their understanding but you dismissing their opinions based upon being a bit simple is rather simple minded. Some how, I feel like you merely add to the nonsense here.


u/Funseas 5d ago

There is nuance between any/all government debt is bad and any/all government spending is good. Soup dumpling gets it. You flew past and get the C-


u/Feeling_Buy_4640 5d ago

Something tells me how he or she doesn't lmao.