r/FluentInFinance 13d ago

“Medicare for All” would save the U.S $5.1 Trillion over 10 years Discussion/ Debate


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u/MoneyGrapefruit1000 13d ago

Is this similar to how the ACA was going to make healthcare affordable without making people change their doctors? Because that didn’t happen for most of us.


u/slayer828 13d ago

The aca was gutted by Republicans and democrats owned by the Healthcare corporations.

Look at the original draft vs the final one.

Money is the problem and always was. Take money out of medical care and the problems will shrink.


u/Intrepid_Perspective 11d ago

Can you provide some sort of proof for this? This is such a commonly held reddit belief, but I have no idea where it comes from.


u/slayer828 11d ago

There are tons of articles if you look. You just have to scroll past all of the ones since then if Republicans trying to repeal parts of it....

Here's one.


I mean the entire act is pretty conservative in itself. Lots if it came directly from mitt Romney.

If it were truely a "socialist agenda" it would have been much different. Things like medicare reform to be accepted everywhere, full drug and cost negotiations, hard cap on profit, full opt in, government ownership of hospitals and clinics shut down in small communities.

Instead we got mandated private insurance. Whoopee.