r/FluentInFinance 13d ago

“Medicare for All” would save the U.S $5.1 Trillion over 10 years Discussion/ Debate


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u/AyeYoTek 13d ago

95% of the country is insured. So you have to be a real outlier to not have insurance.

Obviously, these things are location dependent.

So why is the thread about America and not these locations?


u/FeInfantryCop 13d ago

I never understand it either. I live outside a major city and get same day, next day non emergent appointments at my GP. I can see my specialists in 2 days or less...this is the same area I've seen people claim they wait months for a GP appt but has not been anyone I know or my experience.

Just has to be people lying or not calling to more than 1 GP.


u/seniordumpo 13d ago

I’ve had patients skip multiple appointments to their doctors for various reasons, then complain that the medical field has failed them. I’m like listen lady, you had 4 chances to go see your doctor to get your results, don’t complain to me that you have been waiting 2 months to find out what’s on the MRI!! I can understand complaining about insurance and difficulty getting GP appointments but damn, patients can be some of the most irresponsible people. Most dog owners would never miss a vet appointment, yet they are rarely as diligent with their own health.


u/FeInfantryCop 13d ago

You can't reason with people who have their own biases in their own existence. It's like the kids who argue for communism with older people who fled communism. The inability to understand no government or implementation is perfect, is the issue at hand. I'd rather have to have my own insurance, and have much faster doctor appointments than a socialist style Healthcare system that is failing at a fast rate. That's not even comparable to how bad it would be here based solely on our population (more comorbidities than most other western nations).

I guarantee I pay less for my insurance and copay than the 20-30% increase in taxes for a socialized health system.


u/seniordumpo 13d ago

Truth. Plenty of issues with insurance. It frequently being tied to employment, lack of portability, restricted purchase options. But transferring more responsibility from the individual to the government isnt going to be cheaper or lead to better outcomes.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/FeInfantryCop 13d ago

In the NHS system, the majority of people pay a 40% tax rate. They do not have the defense rate we pay (you can argue we shouldn't have such a massive defense budget but being realistic it will not go anywhere) so the majority of people would see over a 20% tad increase (this includes poor families who are the most in need).

Democrats in California proposed Medicare for all and they determined household taxes would need to be ATLEAST DOUBLED to pay for just their state. (It was an increase of over $12k PER household and you would still be required to pay a form of copay to use it & this was them also limiting what care would be covered to be more stringent).

The more liberal estimates stated CA would require over $450 BILLION per year in tax increases to pay for it (the annual budget is $300 billion).

This isn't "right-wing" anything. That's CA estimates. We've also done studies for SINGLE PAYER Healthcare and federal Taxes would require EVERYONE to pay an extra 20% and that would put us at a higher tax rate than paying for your own insurance. In fact, if everyone had insurance off the market, insurance costs would plummet. The reason they're high is uninsured costs.

Don't be daft because you disagree, this stuff has been studied to death and you're just incorrect.


u/FeInfantryCop 13d ago

Just some more "right-wing" estimates from liberal think tanks below for your perusal.

CRFB also finds that even a low-end estimate of $30 trillion over a decade “would mean increasing federal spending by about 60 percent (excluding interest)” and “require the equivalent of tripling payroll taxes or more than doubling all other taxes.”