r/FluentInFinance 29d ago

Wealth inequality in America: beliefs, perceptions and reality. Discussion/ Debate

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What do Americans think good wealth distribution looks like; what they think actual American wealth inequality looks like; and what American wealth inequality actually is like.


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u/spsanderson 29d ago

"Should" being the operative word, but I would persist that to be a billionaire would leave you devoid of having such feelings.


u/Hefty_Button_1656 29d ago

I would say it’s a prerequisite to becoming that rich. Nobody gets that rich on their own merits, it requires exploitation of a vast number of people for personal gain


u/-4u2nv- 29d ago

Nobody? Really? Not one person?

Who did Taylor Swift exploit?

What about Keanu Reeves?

Maybe Tom Brady took advantage of people?

And ALL of those people are rich - because everyone else on the scale gave away money to them.

If we hit a button and the wealth was evenly distributed - everything we know about psychology and economics would say we would end up right here again.


u/Napoleons_Peen 29d ago

“H-h-hey you leave my heckin wholesome Keanu out of this! T-T-Tom to he’s just a good football man.” - you. Grow up. All of those people are still taking advantage of the system and have access to things you could never dream of, in order to maintain their wealth.