r/Fallout 4d ago

If Bethesda decides to make a Fallout film, it should focus on the story of Randall Clark and his adventures in Zion. It’s one of the best pieces of lore I’ve ever read.

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u/Mountain_Man_88 4d ago

May I introduce you to Fallout: New Vegas? That's probably the closest we'll get to an almost extinct Brotherhood. I mean, the BOS is so important to Bethesda that they retconned them into 76.


u/Mr-BillCipher 4d ago

I played NV, it was a fun game, though I really really hate its online fanbase. Honestly, I doubt Todd Howard's going to be allowed to hold onto fallout

On Howard's timeline, he has no plans to start a new fallout game for around 20 years, or 30 years after fo4

Microsoft wants a new game now while the fanbase is reeled in

Todd howard is a fantastic game lead, absolutely fantastic, but I've rarely heard of a worse CEO. Dude has a massive AAA game studio, and instead of having multiple IPs working at once, the dude hyperfocuses on one IP at a time so he can lead them. Which is not his job. He's a CEO now, not a lead


u/SoulfoodSoldier 4d ago

I really hope he gets replaced, bro went all in on the money trail and left the community behind entirely. We went from oblivion to fallout 3 in only 2 years and now we’re supposed to wait decades for an inevitably barely distinguishable mediocre title? It’s not like they’re actually spending decades developing it, no they’re literally just not even starting development until then.

Fucking insane and an amazing example of fully chasing exponential growth while disregarding the fundamentals that grew your company in the first place

Keep chasing profits while you’re selling shit products and it’s going to shrink and you’re going to be sacked, maybe your company will reinvent itself and get its groove on or maybe it will be like every other legendary studio that went from quality to live service/micro transaction slop, and die.

Dude went from ambition to corporate, it’s lame


u/Mr-BillCipher 4d ago

Well, the thing is, he was a lead back then. The most respected lead, but he wasn't the CEO until skyrims success I believe (correct me if I'm wrong)

That's why I say, amazing lead. Amazing. Lead some of my favorite games. But he's still trying to be a lead.

His job should be trusting titles to senior leads, find more todd Howard's to manage multiple IPs, while at most only personally being involved in 1 or 2