r/Fallout 2d ago

If Bethesda decides to make a Fallout film, it should focus on the story of Randall Clark and his adventures in Zion. It’s one of the best pieces of lore I’ve ever read.

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u/RexGoliath75 2d ago

Nah. Some things are better left to the imagination


u/Copperpot22 2d ago

This is a fair point, part of his legend is the collective imagination


u/YanLibra66 Vault 13 2d ago

Would make for an awesome book tho


u/Satanicjamnik 1d ago

A book is a brilliant idea.


u/Royalexp 2d ago

Yes sometimes it's better to leave something to the imagination , but let's think for a moment about books adapted to movies like Harry Potter, LOTR, GOT etc... How much impact do they have on popular culture thanks to the cinematic industry.


u/AFishWithNoName Old World Flag 2d ago

Exactly—books got adapted into movies.

Randall Clark left behind six parts of a journal.

That’s a lot of empty space to fill.


u/Mountain_Man_88 2d ago

Randall Clark has a great story but it's not "Fallout" enough for a Fallout film. No vaults, no pipboy, no BOS/power armor.


u/Mr-BillCipher 2d ago

I mean, I personally wouldn't mind playing a title where the brotherhoods near extinction


u/Mountain_Man_88 2d ago

May I introduce you to Fallout: New Vegas? That's probably the closest we'll get to an almost extinct Brotherhood. I mean, the BOS is so important to Bethesda that they retconned them into 76.


u/Mr-BillCipher 2d ago

I played NV, it was a fun game, though I really really hate its online fanbase. Honestly, I doubt Todd Howard's going to be allowed to hold onto fallout

On Howard's timeline, he has no plans to start a new fallout game for around 20 years, or 30 years after fo4

Microsoft wants a new game now while the fanbase is reeled in

Todd howard is a fantastic game lead, absolutely fantastic, but I've rarely heard of a worse CEO. Dude has a massive AAA game studio, and instead of having multiple IPs working at once, the dude hyperfocuses on one IP at a time so he can lead them. Which is not his job. He's a CEO now, not a lead


u/Strange_Compote_4592 1d ago

And instead of having multiple IPs working at once, the dude hyperfocuses on one IP at a time

It will probably sound weird, but that approach is why I consider Bethesda my favourite studio.


u/Pixel22104 Brotherhood 1d ago

I totally agree with you. While Bethesda isn’t my number one favorite gaming studio(that honor goes to Nintendo), they still are up there as one of my favorites even despite their flaws. I still really find it so cool that even though Todd Howard is CEO of Bethesda Game Studios. That he still wants to be involved with every project. He still wants to be part of the process that makes the games. I know it can make projects take forever to do but even still.


u/Strange_Compote_4592 1d ago

Yup. He is really cool even in vacuum. The CEO who actually cares about his games. And in comparison to other CEOs he is a fucking saint.

Has he ever been in a scandal, actually? Like, anything other that "dur-hur, skyrim rerelease"?


u/Mr-BillCipher 1d ago

Ever since they took that approach they just re-released skyrim for over a decade. Before todd was ceo, they would always have fallout and elderscrolls, and usually one small ip on the side

The only thing they've produced from this tactic is starfield


u/Strange_Compote_4592 1d ago

Do you think they re-release skyrim just because they don't want to make a new game? It sells like crazy, they would be stupid not to do it. And pry tell me, why nobody has issues with GTA 5 re-releases? RE4?

And yes, while starfield is not all it could have been, it is still a decent game. A bit too ambitious for its own pants.


u/M242-TrueLove 1d ago

starfield is decent, but its so infinetely shallow. nothing means anything. exploration sucks, writing sucks, characters suck, enviroments are dull. nothing is good. nothing


u/Strange_Compote_4592 1d ago

I haven't played starfield, to be the judge of its writing myself. But If there is one thing about bethesda that I learned throughout the years is this:

People who complain about their writing DON'T PAY ATTENTION. Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4 all suffer from "BeThEsDa WrItIng", which is usually condensed to "I didn't pay any attention neither to the environment, nor to the dialogues". So i am pretty sure the writing is, at the very least, is alright. (Poor Institute... How many times will I have to listen to "institute has no goal")

Environment is just a plain out lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Is generated stuff a too vast? Yes. Are 100 planets are plain too big? Yes, the game IS too ambitions. But is it bad or uninteresting? No. Bethesda is THE best environment storytelling studio, so I hardly pressed to even consider it.

Same goes for the characters. They aren't made to be "video gamey", they are made to feel like real people. And 95% of real people are BLAND AND BORING. (Not because they are bland and boring in vacuum, but because your interests don't collide)


u/M242-TrueLove 1d ago

there is little to no enviromental storytelling in starfield, characters are also embarassingly bad they are all the same and they also tend to have incoherent dialogue, and the most egregious part about the game isnt even anything i already said, its the fact you have no agency at all with regards to anything that happens, its an rpg in name only. and fallout 4 characters rarely feel like real people outside of companions-

i have played starfield 40 hours of gameplay and its the biggest piece of AAA slop ever produced outside of sport games.


u/SoulfoodSoldier 2d ago

I really hope he gets replaced, bro went all in on the money trail and left the community behind entirely. We went from oblivion to fallout 3 in only 2 years and now we’re supposed to wait decades for an inevitably barely distinguishable mediocre title? It’s not like they’re actually spending decades developing it, no they’re literally just not even starting development until then.

Fucking insane and an amazing example of fully chasing exponential growth while disregarding the fundamentals that grew your company in the first place

Keep chasing profits while you’re selling shit products and it’s going to shrink and you’re going to be sacked, maybe your company will reinvent itself and get its groove on or maybe it will be like every other legendary studio that went from quality to live service/micro transaction slop, and die.

Dude went from ambition to corporate, it’s lame


u/Mr-BillCipher 2d ago

Well, the thing is, he was a lead back then. The most respected lead, but he wasn't the CEO until skyrims success I believe (correct me if I'm wrong)

That's why I say, amazing lead. Amazing. Lead some of my favorite games. But he's still trying to be a lead.

His job should be trusting titles to senior leads, find more todd Howard's to manage multiple IPs, while at most only personally being involved in 1 or 2


u/Garibaldi_Biscuit 1d ago

They were in a pretty bad state in Fallout 2. 


u/AceAlger Brotherhood 2d ago

In other words: Corporate needs more brandable material for the consoomers.


u/Mountain_Man_88 2d ago

I still have no clue why Amazon isn't all over Fallout merch. I guess they just have no actual manufacturing capabilities, but you'd think they could contract that out. And I'm not saying t shirts and shitty canvas bags, I'm talking Star Wars levels of merch. Action figures, toy weapons, helmets/masks. Collector level highly detailed stuff.


u/SynthBeta 2d ago

What do you mean? There's a lot of Fallout merchandise they're selling: store


u/Mountain_Man_88 2d ago

And I'm not saying t shirts and shitty canvas bags

And Funko pops. I want to see actual toys of characters and vehicles, nerf versions of fallout weapons, detailed collectors editions of in game items. Limited Edition Sugar Bombs cereal and Blamco Mac and Cheese. Star Wars levels of merch.


u/SoulfoodSoldier 2d ago

Star Wars is able to be that diverse because it’s all age appropriate, yes it’s violent but it’s not fallout levels of violence lmfao and the show is arguably far more violent then the video games

Like I think kids can handle fallout honestly but I’m an exception, your average parent isn’t letting their 6-9 year old near fallout for the same reason you don’t see them sporting a Dexter themed onesie, most parents are overly cautious of their kids.


u/Coolscee-Brooski 2d ago

I want little green power armour men


u/schrodingersscroller 1d ago

The fuck are you on about ? It's not unreasonable for fans to expect a potential big-budget film based on the thing they like to be easily recognizable as the thing they like. Are we getting this film ? No, because that's what the show is for, but for the sake of argument for OP's post, this my stance.


u/Kiel_22 2d ago

He did fight all of those Vault cannibals...

Yea, I see your point


u/Royalexp 2d ago

That's exactly the reason, why i want this as a film , fallout it's not just pip boys vault and Bos


u/Strange_Compote_4592 2d ago

Or a mini series on Keller family. The story of Randall is already told, in text, but still.

But goddamn I want to see the Kellers


u/Mikey9124x Mothman Cultist 2d ago

Nah I want something original.


u/DolphinBall 2d ago

Hot Take: No.


u/Thuis001 2d ago

This sounds amazing. I'd add to this by suggesting the ending to be the Courier finding Randall's skeleton.


u/FelipeIIDNW 2d ago

We could go for Pre-4 Minutemen in their prime


u/JaesopPop 2d ago

I was thinking this the other day. It would be neat to adapt these little side stories, disconnected from the events of the games, into a little miniseries of sorts.


u/Mr-BillCipher 2d ago

I think the way they did Anchorage was good. Like, rather than forcing a story where players stories don't impact anything, do an epic memory den thing


u/Old-Camp3962 Minutemen 2d ago

best piece of lore in all fallout
and the best contender for a movie is vault 108


u/Royalexp 2d ago

For those interested in his story, you can find it here: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Randall_Clark


u/Which-Balance-1427 2d ago

This was a good read, thanks!


u/Old-Recording6103 Yes Man 2d ago

It's even better finding it within the context of Honest Hearts (the NV DLC), where you also see many of the results of his doing. And of course, when you find his remains along the final message, it hits different.


u/Glory_Boy- 2d ago

It was already told in season 5 episode 7 of the twilight zone


u/hells_cowbells Nuka Cola Addict 2d ago

Absolutely. Despite never meeting or interacting with Randall Clark, he still had a huge impact on the game for me.


u/mr_eugine_krabs 2d ago

If we get a movie I’d want it to be a cg animated movie akin to “the secret war ” episode of love,death,robots.


u/Glory_Boy- 2d ago

It’s a twilight zone episode


u/FelipeIIDNW 2d ago

We could go for Pre-4 Minutemen in their prime


u/C-LOgreen Yes Man 2d ago



u/Early_Art_7538 2d ago

Love a dlc where you use the memory lounge to play as Randall Clark and the last mission is fighting your way to your final resting spot...


u/Cologear 2d ago

Why's the AR speaking French?


u/HeLikesSashimi 2d ago

The Revenant + Mad Max + Children of Men + The Book of Eli + Ronin? A soldier travels the wasteland, horrified by the nuclear bombs he saw detonating with his own eyes, haunted by the ghosts of dead innocents he couldn't save, cursed by the memories of his loved ones he couldn't find out if alive or dead, carrying stubborn hopes and indefatigueable motivation to help whoever he can, and chooses to be the lurking shadow that watches and helps a group of survivors from afar, enacting justice like a godly figure both out of empathy for the weak & kind, and out of vengeance for his past trauma. A bloodied animal born out of grief, hatred, and hopelessness, learning how to be a good man again, and through time, comes to be revered as a messianic ghost. Coming soon.

Dope. Ngl. I'd pay to see George Miller or Denis Villeneuve take a shot at this. Get any male actor with decent acting skills who played soldiers before (Chris Evans/Tom Hardy/Idris Elba/Ethan Hawke/Mads Mikkelsen/Damian Lewis) and we're set.


u/TOkun92 2d ago

I feel that would be better as an audio podcast series.


u/guardianwraith 2d ago

Better idea a fallout series That spans over 200 years With the first story being a family pre war to them trying to o survive then time jump a few years . Then they could do ones of a member from factions. Heck you could even have the main character be mentioned or seen ( to do it without confirming what they look like have them in armor that everyone practical makes them wear so courier has ranger amror , chsoen ones has tribal , lone wander is in winterized t-51 with a bos emblem on the shoulder)


u/realycoolman35 2d ago

Really like the armor has way more personality than the normal one and can be fixed with the normal one


u/x_lincoln_x 1d ago

A Fallout movie should be about and follow Dogmeat.


u/Efficient_March_7171 7h ago

They would ruin it with modern political crap and rah-rah sisterhood. Best leave it alone.


u/Coast_watcher Mr. House 2d ago

Or Little Lamplight


u/Thatidiot_38 2d ago

I’m surprised no one’s ever done a fan film of this


u/Old-Recording6103 Yes Man 2d ago

It would even be set starting around Bethesda's favorite time in Fallout, when the bombs dropped. They would find ways to butcher it all though, so no thanks.


u/DaunNight 2d ago

I'd rather they leave good stuff alone. I'm sure they would fuck it up in some way


u/AceAlger Brotherhood 2d ago

They would butcher the lore. Randall would be made into a communist sympathizer. The area would be moved to the Shenandoah National Park. And the service rifle would be replaced with the Falput 4 "assault rifle."


u/guardianwraith 2d ago

They would it make it be a handmade rifle Since all service rifles are handmades ... Even though there clearly two different stlyes handmade is obviously a ak and the service rifle is a ar-10


u/AVeryFriendlyOldMan Followers 2d ago

Did Fallout 76's Skyline Valley specifically piss you off or what?


u/AceAlger Brotherhood 2d ago

No, I actually really enjoyed it.

I just said SNP because it was the first thing that came to mind--plus it's on the other side of the country, being the level of absurdity their retcons are typically.


u/Anarchyantz 2d ago

Nah, its been told already. Rather see new stories rather than go over stuff. Besides they wouldn't touch anything Obsidian because then the rabid NV fanbois would be beating themselves off at anything which slighted them.


u/dasoxarechamps2005 2d ago

No offense but not at all


u/DivineAlmond 2d ago

No lol you'll tune in for your yet another "old world remnant is evil" story and you'll like it!