r/Eldenring 12d ago

The 5 stages of struggle Humor

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u/Leading_Math_4955 12d ago

Just finished the DLC and i had to resort to the tear again. I understand it helps bring in more players but i hate having it as an option because im the kind of person who will result in using it if im not doing well and i hate it. I really do miss bosses being made to be beat solo.


u/yemsius 11d ago

But they are made to beat solo and are very doable after learning them. They are just very hard.


u/Leading_Math_4955 11d ago

I'l be honest i said that after thinking the final boss was impossible to do damageless but have just seen a not hit run so i was wrong. i still believe the bosses are designed around summons but doable solo rather than vice versa.


u/yemsius 11d ago

They are not designed around summons. Meaning that they ar wnot designed with needing summons to complete. They just expect people to use summons to make the fights much easier. All of the fights are doable solo.