r/Eldenring 12d ago

The 5 stages of struggle Humor

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u/eLemonnader 12d ago

I find even with light weapons I'm often trading hits. So if I'm gonna trade hits and can only get one attack in any way, why not have it do a shit ton of damage? This is the biggest problem with ultra aggro bosses that give you very small windows to get one attack in. Why would you ever use a small, light, weak hitting weapon over something huge which will make that one hit count?


u/The-Rizztoffen 12d ago

I wanted to run a Malenia build but it feels like I will have to respec back into jumping R2 heavy weapon or some shit :/ Or maybe the ole reliable Moonlight sword str int build


u/Karl_Gess 11d ago

I run the Moonsword. It is decent, but something other than your ass needs to take agro from bosses. That R2 is long to charge and it is a tiny bit slow even when not charged.


u/The-Rizztoffen 11d ago

well i used to have mimic tear running around while I am R2ing. Sadly cannot use summons for Blackgaol knight who is kicking my ass


u/Karl_Gess 11d ago

If you can use moonsword, you can cast spells. Nightcomet+cannon of Haima+ if you have faith deathbird explosion, if not, Zamor ice storm. He dies pretty fast.