r/Eldenring 12d ago

The 5 stages of struggle Humor

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u/Weffu 12d ago

Feel the same. Got frustrated with Rellana beat it with mimic and now feel like a fraud and don’t feel any accomplishment like beating Friede or Gael.


u/Leading_Math_4955 12d ago

Friede is literally who i think back to when i was drumming up my comment. Too this day she just stomps me and it took so much trial and error to beat her. It would have been the same with a few in this DLC if not for the mimc tear (summons in general). I really hope we get another sekiro/souls as the next fromsoft game tbh


u/Organic-Habit-3086 11d ago

You can just not use the Mimic Tear


u/Dense_Positive4451 11d ago

Lmao, you'd think the game was forcing them to use summons.


u/Organic-Habit-3086 11d ago

I read a similar sentiment from a guy on the Sekiro sub who hated the game. One of the things they disliked was that you only needed 2 great rune bosses to enter Leyndell, they felt that we should be made to get all the great rune bosses before entering Leyndell and it was really really lame that they allowed you to get in with just 2.

I just don't understand takes like that. The game is all about freedom so you can choose to use mimic tear or not beat all great rune bosses, but you can also restrict yourself from doing that.


u/Dense_Positive4451 11d ago

Some people blame anyone but themselves for their lack of self control. That's why I find the argument of putting an accessibility mode would ruin the game laughable, just don't use it if you don't want to


u/Weffu 10d ago

Game is partially balanced around mimic tear, of course I lack self control, but would rather it just didn't exist instead like any other FromSoft game for both those reasons. Personal opinion.