r/Eldenring 10d ago

The 5 stages of struggle Humor

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u/MuscleWarlock 10d ago

People with strength builds seem to be killing it lol


u/TheMeta8 9d ago

This has been true from day 1 for Elden Ring. I could not believe how different this game plays when you go from any of the normal sized weapons and start using halberds, reapers, greats, and colossus. It damn near lets you stagger enemies the same way they stagger you and it trivializes a lot of the game.

My first run through Leyndell I was terrified of Leyndell Knights with my Uchigatana. On my unga bunga playthrough rocking the Giant Crusher, it was a cake walk.


u/arbys_stripper 9d ago

Every time I try a heavier weapon, they're slow and I end up taking damage/trading. Sure I never stagger using katanas, but my stamina bar stays up and I can just not get hit. NG+7, you get hit just once on this DLC and now you're in a bad situation... especially with the bosses input reading you and pulling out a combo the second you try to drink a flask.


u/Free-Equivalent1170 9d ago

You have to know what you can get away with and when with heavy weapons, but the tradeoff is huge. You get stagger after stagger, and imo can exploit better openings as usually you have better range and can do one hard hit and go back on defensive