r/Eldenring Jan 12 '24

My Boyfriend bet me $500 that I couldn’t beat Elden ring in 6 months with little to no video game experience. Humor

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The rules of the bet:

  1. No magic
  2. Only Melee
  3. No farming for runes
  4. Have to beat the entire game by June, 6th, 2024

I am currently on the last boss of the game with 89 hours played. I hope the last boss doesn’t take me 5 months. 😂


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u/ResponseExternal Jan 12 '24

Lmao I don’t understand these rules at all.

GGs on the free $500 and (I hope!) having enjoyed the game


u/Cartman55125 Jan 12 '24

lol me neither. Magic builds make a lot of bosses more difficult. It’s not like it’s an easy mode build like it is in Demon’s Souls


u/cappsy04 Jan 12 '24

Suppose so she can't comet azure bosses and end them really quickly. Although that spell requires 60 int, which isn't easy to get on your first playthrough and no farming. Assuming you're leveling up other stats fairly.


u/Smart-Potential-7520 Jan 12 '24 edited Jan 12 '24

There are a lot of other very strong spells that get exponentially stronger if you can cast them freely because your summon is taking the aggro.


u/atimholt Apr 07 '24

Comet of Astel is better than comet of Azure in more situations.


u/MaidenlessRube WhatWouldGriffithDo Jan 12 '24 edited Jan 12 '24

night comet is more fun, only 38int and you can get the Staff of Loss in the same area where you get the spell


u/Sicuho Jan 12 '24

Azure work well on Mohg but other engame bosses punish it hard.


u/ArnoldVonNuehm Jan 12 '24

I ended placidusax within 7 seconds. Dude didn’t even unfold his wings completely.


u/Aurorious Jan 12 '24

It is worth noting that these strats have been nerfed repeatedly


u/_T_H_O_R_N_ Jan 12 '24

Right? lol All of these strategies may have worked in the first month that the game came out, it's a different beast now lol


u/Aurorious Jan 12 '24

They still WORK, but i wouldn't call them good lol


u/joeuvula Jan 12 '24

I one shot malenia with azure


u/Sicuho Jan 12 '24

Her second phase or her first ? Because while it's possible to take advantage of the aeonia, she's a bit too mobile to use comet azure effectively outside of that.


u/joeuvula Jan 12 '24

I used a summon so both phases it took a few tries to line it up tho


u/Tanasiii Jan 12 '24

Not comet azure but I recently had a bug on Malenia where we got her to stage 2 but she only started with like 100hp. Basically 1 tapped her


u/runnyyyy Jan 12 '24

I did that on my second playthrough and it got her to about 30% hp while she was down lmao. then she did 1 more ability and went back into aonia and it was an easy few comets


u/thrownawayzsss Jan 12 '24

Which one? Because Honestly with Azure and good entrance RNG you can basically firehose a bunch of the bosses down HAARD and just 1 shot them.


u/Sicuho Jan 12 '24

Malenia dodges it, Radagon parry it, Godfrey stomps you, Maliketh moves a lot, Gideon rolls it. Mogh, EB and Placidusax are weak to it. Loretta, godskin duo and misbegotten crusader will stab or shoot you in the 2 seconds you need to cast it. I think the wyrm will too, but maybe there is some openings there.


u/thrownawayzsss Jan 12 '24

As I said, all you need is good entrance RNG and you melt all of those fights.

It's just a numbers game of walking in with buffs and coin flipping until you get the RNG where they do the "walk at target" approach.

This is largely why magic gets memed, you don't need any skill with comet azure, it's just down to luck.


u/Sicuho Jan 12 '24

Of those, that only work for Maliketh and Loretta tho. The others actually react to spell casting even if they where in neutral before.


u/thrownawayzsss Jan 12 '24

I mean, I've done it for literally all of them except for I think Gideon and Radagon.

Those two I could just rock throw them down easily enough.


u/Merry_Dankmas Jan 12 '24

Id be very surprised if she had any really OP builds - magic or not. Once she's done,, it'll most likely be because she got gud, not because she had an OP build. If this is one of her first gaming experiences, I dont know how effectively she could navigate build guides online to find busted spells to use.

We gotta remember that for most of us on this sub, we've all been playing these kinds of games since we were kids. Reading up on the meta and certain builds is second nature to us. We understand almost immediately what every stat does and whats more important than other stats just based off past experience.

If this is one of her first few real game experience, I highly doubt she'd end up with anything super OP even if magic was allowed. Elden Ring doesn't hold your hand at all is and is quite daunting for a new comer. I dont mean this in a condescending way at all. Its like if you had a car that 2 people have never worked on before. One is a mechanic whose already worked on hundreds of other cars and one has never touched a car in their life. The speed and efficiency in which both could fix it would be light-years apart even though neither had ever worked on that particular car before. You could give the inexperienced mechanic all the highest end tools on the world and the experienced one would still finish quicker.


u/innybellybutton Jan 12 '24

It's my favorite game and my least favorite game


u/InfernoJesus Jan 12 '24

Comet azure is not even good. Carion slicer and night comet are all you really need. Maybe lorettas greatbow for sniping.


u/TheAccursedHamster Jan 12 '24

Tbh I'm getting kinda tired of the "lol comet azur" meme, it acts as if it doesn't need a ton of setup and knowledge ahead of time, and only works on bosses who stay still enough.


u/Rucks_74 Jan 12 '24

Comet azur doesn't even work on half of the bosses. Yeah, it'll deal damage but it won't make the boss just disappear easily


u/BrotherZael Jan 12 '24

I got to level 210 on my first play through, but tbf I was farming just to get my int up so I could use comet azure


u/JillSandwich117 Jan 12 '24

Kind of depends on what constitutes farming. I didn't do any cheese farms, bleed the giant dragon, or even really rerun through areas much, and I had a pretty solid Comet Azure set up for late game in my first playthrough. INT was my only damage stat, other than that I had I think 35 Vigor and a bit of Endurance.

I don't think it is that hard to do first playthrough if you are exploring thoroughly. You basically need to do Sellen's quest, and stumble across a specific Crystal Tear.


u/Victor_Wembanyama1 Jan 13 '24

No farming is weird tho.

Like if she’s really a beginner the levels wouldnt matter that much and would eat time out of her playthru


u/TheCorpseOfMarx Jan 12 '24

My first playthroigh was magic, ng+1 was faith, now I'm on a second playthrough with strength and it's sooo much easier! I don't think melee players recognise how much easier it makes it when you can stunlock enemies


u/RandomMabaseCitizen Jan 12 '24

Smirks in rock sling


u/NightDX Jan 12 '24

Try to use a ultra greatsword or any heavy waepon with barely any stats to work with. Can´t equip armor, can't fast roll, have to invest everything in STR and END, have to find the bigest windows on bosses because our weapons are slow and we can't tank any hits...

Its a playstyle thing and magic isn't for me but Malenia with a pure STR build was a nightmare but some friends just changed to magic and beat her with more ease.


u/TheAngriestPoster Jan 12 '24

There’s a build for every type that you can trivialize Malenia with. Putting stamp upward cut on a colossal weapon meant I could stunlock her every time I joined a host. Royal Knights Resolve meant I could actually outtrade her

Bleed and Magic are both very strong, don’t get my wrong, but strength has options as well. You just have to know the moveset well enough to pick your moments


u/whomad1215 Jan 12 '24

I unga, therefore I bunga


u/HarmlessSnack Jan 12 '24

I dunno man, I’ve watched people beat Melania like a red-headed step child with Iron Ball fist weapons. STR builds absolutely have options into her.


u/Latter_Weakness1771 Jan 12 '24

Not to mention the runny slammy mace thing that one combos her before she can ever stand back up


u/HarmlessSnack Jan 12 '24

Fire Prelates charge I think? I can believe it.


u/bgi123 Jan 12 '24

STR spartan builds make the game easy mode with shield poke.


u/AtMaxSpeed Jan 13 '24

All you need to beat Malenia is bloodhound's step, I died like 50 times before using bloodhound step then beat her in 2 tries with it. Every attack from her is easy to dodge normally except for waterfowl dance, and bloodhound step makes that trivial.


u/HarmlessSnack Jan 12 '24

Jump Heavy, Charge Heavy, Riposte, Repeat.

It’s crazy how many enemies that works on lol


u/Smart-Potential-7520 Jan 12 '24

Nothing stops you from using melee with a int build. Summons take away the downsides of being a frail caster.


u/Anagoth9 Jan 12 '24

There've been a lot of patches to make it viable. 


u/peepee_zucc Jan 12 '24

Not trynna be an anti-magic dickrider but a lot of that ease is probably from the experience from your first playthroughs


u/curtcolt95 Jan 12 '24

you can start as prisoner which starts with magic glintblade. That spell alone can beat probably like 90% of bosses because of the ability to delay cast which stuns them. I found magic so much easier than my second playthrough with melee


u/Fancy_Cat3571 Jan 17 '24

Yeah I’m gonna try strength on my 2nd play through as well cause ain’t no way people were saying magic is as easy as it is yet she’s about to beat the game in under a month with strength while being one of the first games she said ever played.


u/Jeht_1337 Jan 12 '24

I did multiple playthroughs including PURE UNGA BUNGA GREATSWORD and pure magic and I had a way easier time using a str build


u/OnceMoreAndAgain Jan 13 '24

To be fair though, a lot of people's opinions about the game were formed based on how the game was on release and strength builds were a lot weaker on release than they are now. They got several rounds of enormous buffs since release. Meanwhile, magic builds have remained pretty much unchanged by patches.

Magic was really strong on release, because the starting spell was really strong and people weren't yet sure which strength weapons were best nor where to find the upgrades easily (or even how the upgrade system worked).

These days we know exactly how to upgrade weapons and where to get each type of upgrade material, so you can easily make your weapon very strong very fast. Also, we know the boss attack patterns now, which is a buff to melee relative to magic, since melee builds are more dependent on knowing boss patterns.


u/secret3332 Jan 13 '24

People said magic was trash on release. It was buffed several times...


u/thumos_et_logos Jan 12 '24

I struggled more with my magic build than with my melee. A lot of the fights are pretty close quarters or involve adds that do little damage but are hell on casting.

Shit I couldn’t walk up the front steps of the academy because of the two mages at the top. It took me 3 hours to walk up those steps.


u/Smart-Potential-7520 Jan 12 '24

Melee + summons can still be very hard if you have no experience with these games.

Magic + summons is the easy mode.


u/radicalelation Jan 12 '24

So, I made a mistake being all melee, plus not knowing I had to get a fucking bell?


u/Smart-Potential-7520 Jan 12 '24

At least you got gud, right?


u/radicalelation Jan 12 '24

Accused of speed running and "skipping the game" by hitting the fire golem at 60, except I had like 40 hours by that point so it was more of a wacky marathon than a run since there aren't boundaries and I just went everywhere. Didn't miss anything, just took it slow.

Then I found the bell in the shop and everything became easy.

Whole time prior I was just like "man these summons sound really cool I can't wait to unlock the ability". Was around level 20 and fucking with the dragon on the bridge before the imprisoned beast dude, picked up one of those monkey men summons, was bummed I couldn't use it still, and took to Google. I thought I missed the chance then, because I didn't read on that it could be bought if you weren't given it, and just continued on like I'll just experience it next playthrough. I avoid guides and such like the plague until I finish a game.


u/Stunning-Media3028 Jan 12 '24

I can't take anyone who plays with summons seriously. If you wanna speedrun the game at low difficulty just say that, but you're never becoming "good" at the game. It's also pretty irrelevant to bring up difficulty without bringing up levels. Going at Margit at level 20 vs doing it at 30 makes a huge difference.


u/Cerebral_Discharge Jan 12 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

I can't take anyone seriously who takes people seriously based on how they play a fucking video game lmao


u/protestprincess Jan 12 '24

imagine being so hyperfocused on player “skill” that you disrespect what is actually the core of the game (exploration and adventure + story). I can’t take anyone seriously who doesn’t deeply appreciate those things. I’ve always been skeptical of people who play the game purely for combat, it feels like you just don’t deserve to play the game or something.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

Ya, like a lot of bosses are easier to dodge up close. My personal take is that ignorance breeds hate, and a good portion of people who hate magic spam have never played an int build (more reason as to why they don't know how to counter int builds in pvp)


u/Sintho Jan 12 '24

after playing 5 different builds, magic was by far the easiest without looking up any skillbuilds. I basically finished the game only using two spells, rocksling and magic glintblade.


u/BloodShadow7872 Jan 12 '24

Not true, Glintstone pebble trivializes a lot of encounters, and a Late game 80 int build can do a lot of damage.


u/IvenVlex fia 💛 Jan 13 '24

... it literally is easy mode. i breezed through the game on my first ever playthrough with a magic build purely because it was my first souls game and i didn't want to have a difficult time.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

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u/Cartman55125 Jan 12 '24

I disagree. I’ve seen people one-hit bosses with melee builds. My Dex/Str run was by far my easiest


u/mitch359 Jan 12 '24

I've just started a new game as a Mage. With cerulean hidden tear, Magic-Shrouding cracked tear, and Meteorite incantation, I can kill bosses quicker than my str/dex builds. I'm enjoying it but I do miss the bonk.

Night Comet and Carian Slicer are keeping enemies at bay and I've only died twice due to poor planning. Nice change up.


u/Belten Jan 12 '24

i found my int dex playthrough a billion times easier than my strength faith playthrough. anything that doesnt die to magic gets killed by moonveil.


u/Cartman55125 Jan 12 '24

Moonveil is definitely the easy mode weapon for that build. But think all builds have easy mode weapons like that. My main point is Magic isn’t some cheat code. The game is well balanced.


u/Belten Jan 12 '24

i found most bosses to be significantly easier with pebbel/comet than having to time each dodge and counter poke with my great sword and giant crusher and being up close most of the time. Malenia and mohg were complete jokes with the moons and comet azure, while they were the biggest challenges in my unga bunga playthrough. the only exception were rennala and the glintstone dragons cuz of their resistances.


u/Ereaser Jan 12 '24

Might be to simplify since it's her first game.


u/eru88 Jan 12 '24

Night comet with bonus staff it's so powerful. It's kinda easy mode


u/s_string Jan 12 '24

Demon souls archery was OP


u/AkunoKage Jan 12 '24

I think he’s going off of the idea that some magic builds are indefinitely easier than peak melee builds. OP said they aren’t allowed to farm, which means even a well built melee character has to be somewhat efficient. There are some really good builds that wallop most bosses even if you aren’t power leveling.


u/emannikcufecin Jan 12 '24

There aren't many bosses you can't rock sling into oblivion


u/Spongi Jan 12 '24

Magic builds make a lot of bosses more difficult.

Maybe that's the point. An attempt to make it easier on (her?).


u/Cartman55125 Jan 12 '24

That might make sense if the no grinding rule wasn’t also there


u/juicebox_tgs Jan 12 '24

Could also be refering to some ashes of war. I can easily see someone missing both hands beat the game fairly easily with blasfemous blade.