r/DetroitPistons r/DetroitPistons Moderator Apr 16 '24

Detroit Pistons GM Troy Weaver will remain in place as the franchise begins a search for a new head of basketball operations, sources tell ESPN. News


178 comments sorted by

u/Nerouin Apr 16 '24

Helpful context: per James Edwards, this news means only that a decision on his future won't be made before the Pistons hire a President of Basketball Operations.


u/cammjohn Saddiq Bey Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

No logical reason to keep him around, which is why it makes perfect sense that he’s still here

Joke franchise


u/Njorls_Saga Apr 16 '24

Reminds me of WCF and the Matt Millen era.


u/Myomyw Apr 16 '24

This kinda feels like Gores having overstepped and fucked the season up, knows it’s not Troy’s fault, so he doesn’t want to fire him, but also knows the fan base needs to see change, but also won’t publicly come out and take the blame. So he hires a new position over Troy so there is both massive change and he doesn’t have to fire Weaver.

Grasping at straws here.


u/thabe331 Chauncey Billups Apr 16 '24

This is half measures and the worst choice he could have made


u/AdPsychological6797 Apr 16 '24


It's 100% a "I don't wanna fire him, so you do it“ move.

It's cowardly on Gores part. It also assures further dysfunction next year.


u/yo2sense Mason Apr 16 '24

I think people here are wildly overestimating how poorly the team has been managed and I'm not sure how much Weaver is to blame for what has gone wrong but replacing him with some other mediocre GM would be better than this. The last thing this team needs is to add more complexity to their decision making process. It's a disaster waiting to happen.


u/Slippinjimmyforever Detroit Shock Apr 16 '24

Which is consistently the choice Tom makes.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Frankly I think it's because they know a Prez with full autonomy would fire Weaver immediately and bring his own guy and they would have no loyalty to the group Weaver has assembled. And giving them further autonomy to trade the young players as they see fit (whether it's justified or not, that's a whole different discussion) would be conceding that all this losing was for nothing. And if there's anything this current iteration of leadership can't tolerate, it's accountability for this mess


u/SituationSoap Apr 16 '24

This is not 5D Chess. Gores is just a moron, hiring morons. That's all it is.


u/Commentswhenpooping Peton Apr 16 '24

I think this is spot on probably


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

We're a fucking poverty franchise at this point. Coked out owner who can't make a right move if it punched him in the nose, a bunch of snake oil salesmen cashing in checks, and a GM who is too scared to actually try and build a team so he keeps throwing entire years away to buy himself more job security


u/mburns223 Cade Cunningham Apr 16 '24

Just add another chief to the crowded dysfunctional village


u/Zeiramsy Apr 16 '24

There is one reason, no indication it's the one, but at least I can think of it.

Wait until you have a new head of Basketball Ops so they can make the decision to fire Troy and find a replacement.

Same logic you have in not replacing your coach before your GM.

This also gives them more time to find the right person until after the draft.

But really just leave an assistant as the interim and just fire Troy now to make a statement.


u/Relevant_Gold4912 Apr 16 '24

Not a single person fired from their job for the franchises worst season ever.


u/hi11bi11y Apr 16 '24

Clown show.


u/LoWE11053211 Clippers Apr 16 '24

Probably add more nepo baby

which is common in sports franchise


u/OrganicLindo313 Apr 16 '24

It’s cool, we’ll bring in little Larry Frank who’ll recruit Ty Lue to come do something historic here. They’ll be off for the summer in a week and a half anyway.


u/mburns223 Cade Cunningham Apr 16 '24

I wish I could show up to my job perform horribly by every metric and still get to keep It


u/JXGhater Apr 16 '24

31 wins in 2 years and keeping ur job is wicked


u/AWokenBeetle Peton Apr 18 '24

The most enviable job in the world I’d say, getting paid millions to be one of the worst GMs in history. I’d do TERRIBLE things to have it that good


u/CountOff Jaden Ivey Apr 16 '24

Make no mistake – we are all disappointed with our record this season but are confident that we continue to be on the right path to success. We appreciate your patience, trust and loyal support as we continue this journey together.

  • Weaver, 2023 2024

I might have to keep posting this all offseason for every time we double down on this clown show


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Troy Weaver bout to cook another washed vet trade so we can get hyped over the possibility of winning 25 games 🔥🔥🔥


u/OrganicLindo313 Apr 16 '24

*P.S. - Ya’ll lucky I don’t beat ‘cho ass.


u/thabigQ Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

I’ll eat my crow if I’m wrong but does anyone see the team feeding this information to Woj if they plan on letting the new President of Basketball Operations have full authority to can him, because I do not.

He will be back, & you automatically are taking away full autonomy for the new President, which will likely turn off some candidates. Hope I am wrong, but it’s the dumbest possible way to do it so that’s what I assume they will do.

Drop the “sweeping changes coming” news to the beat writers and hours later tell Woj the GM is staying employed. Hilarious organization.


u/cammjohn Saddiq Bey Apr 16 '24

The thing for me is, the whole reason we’re hiring a President of basketball ops is because Weaver has been incompetent at his job. Why wait to let the new president decide if Weaver keeps his job or not? Fire him now and all the candidates can see they can hire whoever they want for GM.

And if for some reason the person they end up hiring wants to keep Weaver on as GM, then they’re a bad hire, and I don’t want them as the president of basketball ops.


u/Anxious-Passenger-54 Cade Cunningham Apr 16 '24

It's likely because they value some traits of Weaver but don't believe in him being able to complete the full scope of the job.


u/Duckney Apr 16 '24

He's been okay to good/great at drafting relative to the positions we've drafted in - but absolutely god awful at everything else. His trades and FA signings outside of signing and then trading Jerami Grant have been horrific.


u/Anxious-Passenger-54 Cade Cunningham Apr 16 '24

His trade for Bojan, the trade to get Duren, the trade for Fontechhio, even the trade for Grimes were all solid. His asset management could definitely be better but I don't think he's been bad in terms of trades. My biggest issue with him has just been his lack of awareness when it comes to roster fit/construction.


u/Duckney Apr 16 '24

The trade for Duren was for Jerami Grant in essence - which I did say was his best move outside of drafting. But none of the other moves you listed have amounted to anything. He's taken on bust prospects for our seconds and prospects and then trading seconds to get rid of the bad contracts we took on. We got Bojan for little and got little for him. Fonteccio and Grimes haven't done anything here to warrant Weaver taking a victory lap.


u/aqphs Apr 16 '24

Weaver clearly has an eye for talent in the draft (ignoring 2020, which plenty of teams missed their picks on) so I think this is plausible.

If they kept him around just for draft scouting I’d be a fan of that. Anything beyond that though and we aren’t heading in a better direction anytime soon.


u/lukekennard123 Apr 16 '24

Hes drafted in the top 5 every season outside of 2020 and took the consensus BAP on everyones boards. Any fan could of did that.


u/aqphs Apr 16 '24

Heavily discounting the trades for Duren and Sasser here.

And I know our team had underperformed but literally anyone drafted here would be bad. It’s an organization problem not a player talent problem


u/lukekennard123 Apr 17 '24

I'm not even sold Duren was the right center over the next two centers in that draft. Today I'd surely rather have Kessler. Williams has had some injury concerns but hes showed talent. Duren is better on offense then both of them but his defense has been awful. I value defense on my paint bound 5s. Duren has youth and may be the best in the long run he may not be.

Sasser looked like he could be a potential rotation guard. Hes still a little guard who cant play defense I'm not like super excited about him. I'd of rather had GG Jackson at the 4 who went in the 2nd round where we traded up from any day of the week. Its not like we landed Whitmore or Brandon Podziemski on a trade up or something.


u/Anxious-Passenger-54 Cade Cunningham Apr 16 '24

Ausar was not consensus. Stew, Bey, and Duren were all good picks as well. He's only had one bad pick in Hayes and one questionable pick with Sasser.


u/lukekennard123 Apr 17 '24

Ausar was the consensus 100%.

Many fans wanted Tyrese Maxey over Stew and Bey. Bey isnt even on the team anymore he was only worth Wiseman. If we had Maxey here I'd be excited.

Duren is fine but he is a paint bound center with bad defense hes not some star. I'd of preferred Walker Kessler for his defense 10 picks later. If Troy traded up two extra picks and landed Jalen Williams in that draft I'd be impressed.


u/Anxious-Passenger-54 Cade Cunningham Apr 17 '24

You're talking about drafting with hindsight. Which just isn't realistic. Yes, other players were better drafted after them, but that is true every draft for all teams. Stew at his draft spot is a great pick. Bey at his spot is also a good value. Him being traded for Wiseman doesn't diminish that he was a late 1st round pick who is a rotation player.

Duren still has a really high ceiling given his athletic tools and his free throw shooting shows he might gain the ability to space some. Walkers defense is great right now, but he doesn't provide the vertical spacing that Cade benefits from in the PnR.

There were many clamoring for Whitmore, Walker, and Hendricks at 5. There's no way you can think Ausar was a consensus pick.


u/lukekennard123 Apr 17 '24

Its not hindsight at all. Troy was trading up for a center. The next 3 centers in that draft were Duren,Williams,and Kessler he was going to get a solid player there regardless. Its not like he moved back and took Kessler or something its not impressive at all.

Sasser is a undersized bench guard. The only reason you think its a feat of strength that Troy drafted him is because his drafting outside the lotto has been terrible.

I literally bet it last year on FD he was like -130 as the favorite!


u/Anxious-Passenger-54 Cade Cunningham Apr 17 '24

Kessler went 22nd and no one expected him to be the player he was right away. Mark Williams was a discussion for sure though.

I already said sasser was a questionable pick.

Fanduel odds don't = consensus. The odds were based on reports coming out of detroit. The odds were not what they were due to Ausar being the clear 5th bpa.

Look at the player they got with the pick number and Troy has been solid at identifying good talent for the pick number.

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u/mattosaur George Blaha Apr 16 '24

If you’re just going to get a new GM, why hire a PoBO at all?


u/cammjohn Saddiq Bey Apr 16 '24

I can think of two reasons:

  1. PoBO’s have more control/power/duties than a GM, Gores wants to restructure the organization and the new hire to have overarching influence

  2. PoBO is more enticing to potential candidates than GM. Other than paying them an insane amount of money, which he will probably do anyway, how many up and coming/good candidates are gonna want to come here? This team has largely been a dumpster fire since 2008. As PoBO they’ll know they’ll have more power, make more money, and be in a more “prestigious” position.


u/Myomyw Apr 16 '24

Was Weaver incompetent? Or was it the coaching? I thought Gores forced Weavers hand, right? So if it was the coaching, it’s not Weavers incompetence. Or is it the coaching and the shitty roster? If it’s such a shitty roster, why are we blaming coaching?


u/ItsYourBigNight Rasheed Wallace don't lie Apr 16 '24

we are smart people who can think the problem is more than one thing.


u/Myomyw Apr 16 '24

Ok, go ahead. If Weaver is incompetent, then that’s a critique on his roster construction, since we all know he didn’t choose the coach. So the roster was so terrible that he’s considered not just bad, but literally incompetent. Fair assessment?

So a coach is handed a roster constructed out of pure incompetence, that also dealt with non trivial injuries, and we also say that we’ve seen enough to also know that the coach is incompetent as well?

What coach not named Spoelstra is going to take a team constructed out of negligence and get them to not be the worst team in the league? In a season when league parity is historically high?

Wemby is in consideration of awards this season and led the league in a counting stat. It’s not the same so don’t say Pop.


u/Ukrainmaker Poison Ivey Apr 16 '24

What coach not named Spoelstra is going to take a team constructed out of negligence and get them to not be the worst team in the league? In a season when league parity is historically high?

Monty literally started Killian Hayes for how many games over Ivey dude. He would leave bench lineups out there until we were down 15 or 20 before putting starters back in with no chance of bringing us back. Early in the year I remember 3 or 4 games where we should have called a timeout or did call a timeout and ended up with some terrible iso play anyways that directly cost us games.

Yeah the roster is bad, but Monty also did himself and the available players no favors with a lot of his decisions throughout the year.

Both can be a problem


u/cammjohn Saddiq Bey Apr 16 '24

I’d you believe either Monty Williams or Troy Weaver have done a good job this year (or the last few for Troy), that is for you to believe.

While I acknowledge that Weaver started from literal zero, his management of assets has been poor. While he has some hits (Grant contract and then turning him into Duren) he has far more misses (blatant disregard for second round picks, trading multiple picks to get rid of contracts he signed, Killian). You can argue he’s been unlucky with injuries, but after 4 years has he done anything to prove he deserves another?

As for Monty…. If you want to disregard this sub’s opinion on him because we’re fans, that’s fine. So many people in national media have loudly called out the terrible job he’s doing this year. Hell, even James Edwards (who I don’t hate as much as everyone else here) was openly questioning his coaching decisions by the end of the season. If you watched multiple Pistons game you cannot tell me Monty helped this team whatsoever on the court.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

When Morey went to the Sixers, Elton Brand remained GM and still is.


u/mclairy Apr 16 '24

And that was only in part because he had to take over as GM after the Colangelo fiasco. It’s not like he was an external hire gone wrong, just a bad second captain after the first went insane.


u/Sa-Tiva Trail Blazers Apr 16 '24

Those are normal sized collars, find a new slant


u/yo2sense Mason Apr 16 '24

Brand was given the title because he had been brought in to give the franchise credibility with the same kind of dumbasses who thought bringing in the Colangelos was a good idea. But he was only part of a group of decisionmakers. Elton Brand was never The Guy in Philadelphia.


u/QwertyBuffalo Apr 16 '24

Troy being as sidelined as much as Brand is now is the best possible scenario, but it's pretty unlikely to happen unless we hire a big of a name as Morey (which we won't)


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

I’m not going to pretend to know what Brand does. This isn’t unheard of though. Some of the names mentioned are quite prominent.


u/Scottwood88 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

It’s possible. if they are actually going after Horst and Milwaukee makes a deep run, then it might be another 2 months before a new head of basketball operations could be named. There’s also the possibility of Connelly from Minnesota or any number of assistant GM’s from championship contenders that they may have to wait for.

Also, based on what the best writers have said, I think the draft is the one thing they still feel comfortable with Weaver identifying talent in, so they might feel comfortable with him in charge of that process before a new President is picked.


u/ObiwanSchrute Apr 16 '24

I dont think they make a run they could lose in the first round


u/wiiinks Rasheed Wallace Apr 17 '24

who’s your crow guy?


u/thabigQ Apr 17 '24

Depends on the season but we have a few farmers markets with stock


u/LordOfLimbos Greg Kelser Apr 16 '24

That’s probably true, but it is possible that whoever gets hired will take over. Kinda seems like Troy is basically getting a demotion


u/QwertyBuffalo Apr 16 '24

Yep, this is horrible. Basically the same situation when Gores hired Stefanski as a senior advisor that reported directly to him and scared off literally every competent GM candidate. Can only hope it isn't so bad that we straight up do not make a hire and Troy stays in control like what happened with Stefanski for a year.


u/rhaggee Jaden Ivey Apr 16 '24



u/512fm Bojan Bogdanovic Apr 16 '24

I can’t believe what they’ve done to this once proud franchise man, it’s actually really sad


u/MarkusMillions Ben Wallace Apr 16 '24

Super depressing, and embarrassing


u/stfuYeezy Rip Hamilton Apr 16 '24

we're already eliminated from playoff contention for 24-25


u/lronicGasping Fort Wayne Pistons Apr 16 '24

Don't be so pessimistic man, Weaver might assemble a team that gets us fifteen wins next year!


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Who else is going to threaten to fight fans??


u/thabe331 Chauncey Billups Apr 16 '24

Any other GM would be fired if he talked to fans like that


u/strawberrycapital_ Apr 16 '24

should clean house imo. this season was everyone putting their best foot forward and it was a disaster. why should he stay?


u/Anxious-Passenger-54 Cade Cunningham Apr 16 '24

They still might might clean house


u/Image_sky Apr 16 '24

Welcome to hell


u/heavyshtetl Apr 16 '24

Which ring are we in now?


u/wavnebee Apr 16 '24

Third ring. Forever and always just the third.


u/ShippingNotIncluded Ausar Thompson Apr 16 '24


u/croissant_titty Rasheed Wallace Apr 16 '24

Everyone do yourselves a favor and just lock in on the Wings playoff chase. The endless heart attacks are better for your health than this garbage team


u/Mercury1750 Apr 16 '24

Sell. The. Team


u/Castaway_oyster Apr 16 '24



u/Pizzasaurus-Rex Apr 16 '24

I'm so dumb, I assumed the main responsibility of a basketball general manager was to head "basketball operations."


u/Found_my_username Apr 17 '24

Not when Tom Gores is your owner. I have a lot of sympathy for what Weaver has to deal with 


u/snowz_ Saddiq Bey Apr 16 '24

Isn't this what we kinda thought? Let him stay but have someone else kinda do his job?


u/RestaurantLatter2354 Apr 16 '24

I mean, we expected it because it’s a dogshit franchise. Still a horrifically bad idea.

The best candidates won’t want to risk their careers to be put into a situation where they clearly won’t have full autonomy. Everyone already knows what a shit show this team is and there had already been loud whispers that there is infighting within the upper reaches of the org. Now you’re essentially telling your new hire that they won’t have autonomy either because you’re keeping Weaver.


u/sliccricc83 George Blaha Apr 16 '24

What I don't get is why Troy is cool with it. It's effectively a demotion. I'd just quit to save face, because nothing that happens from now on will be credited to him


u/DontPanic40Too Apr 16 '24

The answer is millions of dollars


u/Crafty_Substance_954 Jerami Grant Apr 16 '24

Troy is probably going to get fired by the new POBO. This tweet is worded very specifically.


u/Trapgod99 Rasheed Wallace Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

I think this is very possible, people may be missing this. Gores is uninvolved and spineless. It would make sense he makes a hire to take over to fire the last person.


u/Crafty_Substance_954 Jerami Grant Apr 16 '24

Spineless? yeah a little bit, but it's ultimately the right way to do this. You let the person you're hiring to do these sorts of things make the decision.


u/Trapgod99 Rasheed Wallace Apr 16 '24

Yeah spineless forsure. The lack of accountability is too much. Maybe with this new hire he won’t go over the GM head and throw the biggest salary for the one of the shittiest coach.


u/Crafty_Substance_954 Jerami Grant Apr 16 '24

...they all wanted Monty. Monty was their #1 candidate. They talked to him and he wasn't sure if he wanted to coach right away, so they interviewed two other people twice and didn't like them. They all agreed to see if they couldn't motivate Monty and Gores did just that.

He didn't go over his head. Monty is shit though.


u/Trapgod99 Rasheed Wallace Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

I say go over his head because who has the final say? Did Weaver truly want Monty because that’s what he wanted or because that’s what Gores wanted? Was he influenced by whoever tf else was at that stupid table? This is prime example of issue with this franchise. Yeah you can use Weaver as a scapegoat because he’s titled GM. But he sure as hell doesn’t seem to be given full autonomy at least.


u/Crafty_Substance_954 Jerami Grant Apr 16 '24

Brother, everybody wanted Monty. Multiple teams wanted Monty. Monty played hard to get. Monty was Detroit's first choice, top-to-bottom.


u/Trapgod99 Rasheed Wallace Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Seemed Weaver def wanted Ollie himself but our FO rather wanted Monty. I am not a Weaver fan by any means but it seems fairly obvious he doesn’t have true autonomy. If Weaver actually called all the shots himself, Ollie would be coaching for us already.


u/MiyaharaAce Troy Weaver Apr 16 '24

We talked about this dozen and dozen times here

Weaver reached out Monty the moment Monty was fired, even before Gores said anything

Monty and Weaver worked together in OKC, Gores didnt forced Weaver to want Monty.

Weaver tried and Monty refused the job, thats why Gores overstep and overpaid Monty Williams

Weaver is no saint, stop trying to suck him off

There's a big ass article in the NBA website about this

Without Gores, Ollie would be our coach but not because Weaver wanted Ollie, but because Monty refused Troy Weaver offer


u/Trapgod99 Rasheed Wallace Apr 16 '24

Thanks for the update toolbox, but no one was here crediting Weaver, just highlighting he never had autonomy.


u/NottheIRS1 Apr 16 '24

He’s going to be hired to do the exact same thing Troy was supposed to be doing.

This is Gores being spineless, as he doesn’t want the press to know he overruled Troy and hired Monty


u/SnooPets1528 Apr 16 '24

Ding, way too many people think this means he'll be here next year.

He might be, but this tweet is Woj telling us Troy is willing to work under someone else, not that someone else wants Troy working under them. 


u/Scottwood88 Apr 16 '24

He’s under contract. He’d have to resign and lose millions of dollars. Also, the best job he could get now is some head of draft scouting job at another organization. His days as the main decision maker are over. So he’s just doing what he’d be doing for another franchise anyway.


u/chadwich3 Joe Dumars Apr 16 '24

Unless he's thankful to be let off the hook


u/RomeluBukkake Tayshaun Prince Apr 16 '24

He’ll never be a gm again so it’s not like he’s going to quit and get a better opportunity or pay elsewhere.


u/KingTranquilo Apr 16 '24

Cause no one else is hiring him


u/nobody12371616817163 Apr 16 '24

What a freaking joke man. Gores doesn’t care about this team obviously, in ANY OTHER CITY weaver would’ve been canned months ago at the worst. The cycle of poverty continues.


u/BenWallace04 Apr 16 '24

Gores is the new William Clay Ford


u/DiscombobulatedPain6 Chauncey Billups Apr 16 '24

He’s worse. The Ford family is incredibly important to Detroit. This guy is just a drunk loser


u/TrainingCoffee8 Cade Cunningham Apr 16 '24

Honestly, do we win more than 15 games next year? I have no confidence that we will. Worst run sports org by a mile.


u/lilflashstan Apr 16 '24

My o/u is at 10 wins next season


u/KaleidoscopeMuch9422 Apr 16 '24

Little early to be making predictions


u/TrainingCoffee8 Cade Cunningham Apr 16 '24

Comment was more just a reflection on how this team has sucked for 10 years and is making 0 changes after setting the losing streak and franchise worst record. No reason to expect any change next season


u/Technical_Clothes_61 Poison Ivey Apr 16 '24

Send the whole front office to Abu Gharib for basketball terrorism


u/Irritated_User0010 Marcus Sasser Apr 16 '24

Dogshit. Consistently, predictably dogshit. That’s the path they chose.


u/PureEn7ropy Apr 16 '24

Uggghhhh this sucks


u/TomCreanDied4OurSins Apr 16 '24

Would kill to have this kind of job security


u/SnooPets1528 Apr 16 '24

I'm not convinced this means Troy will be here next year. I think this is more that Troy's willing to stay under someone. He'll be doing the new guys bidding if the new guy wants to keep him.

If the new guy wants him gone, he'll be gone. Monty is probably safer just because of the money but hopefully new dude has the ability to replace him as well if he wants. 


u/Historical-Pause-401 Rip Hamilton Apr 16 '24



u/lilflashstan Apr 16 '24

I just dont see this franchise lasting much longer


u/DiscombobulatedPain6 Chauncey Billups Apr 16 '24

They’re so screwed. I don’t even need to look at attendance but I’m surprised I haven’t heard one single suggestion of relocation. It’s getting bad, man!


u/OdaDdaT Blue Horse Apr 16 '24

It’s so over


u/PleighboyStosh Apr 16 '24

Could the new head of operations fire weaver?


u/Sneacler67 Apr 16 '24

I think one of the problems was that attendance was decent. The pistons were 15th in the NBA for attendance. Why are people still giving their money to this trash? Gores has no reason to improve anything because he’s still making money


u/DiscombobulatedPain6 Chauncey Billups Apr 16 '24

That’s really shocking. The Pistons have virtually no presence in the city anymore


u/hard_pass_my_guy Apr 16 '24

I looked them up on ESPN... those have to be jacked up and contrived.

I have seen plenty of wide open empty sections the last two years.


u/clocke6346 Apr 16 '24

I’m seriously considering changing fandoms for good at this point. If the team doesn’t care about fans, why should I care about the team?


u/ojmho Apr 16 '24

I'm just going to tell myself that this president will have the power to fire Troy Weaver.


u/Anxious-Passenger-54 Cade Cunningham Apr 16 '24

Isn't this just saying he'll remain in place until they hire a POBO and then it will be up to the POBO whether him, Monty, and any other staff stay?


u/heyitsrains George Blaha Apr 16 '24

Tom Gores is a piece of shit


u/Jorihe84 Ben Wallace Apr 16 '24

I’ve never been this guy because I think it’s cringe…but, boycott this team. How the fuck is this still happening? Weaver is undoubtedly the most incompetent GM in sports right now and instead of firing him, this crackhead hires someone to supervise him. What fucking planet are we on right now??? To be so comically bad at your job and be allowed to continue. What in the absolute fuck. Stop buying merch and tickets until something is done. 


u/Particular_List_9175 Apr 16 '24

Fuck this - wake me up when gores sells the team


u/UnderstandingIcy1250 Apr 16 '24

Tom Gores is a fucking joke.

I don't think there is a single person on this team that want to be here.


u/Duckney Apr 16 '24

Gores' press statement actually phrases this a lot better. His statement more or less framed it as no changes will be made UNTIL the new President is hired - but that changes will be made.


u/lionsFan20096896 Apr 16 '24

For those panicking the President Of Basketball operation will still have say so regarding if Troy Weaver should stay


u/Bidens_precum Apr 16 '24

I’m gonna kms


u/which_association_42 Apr 16 '24

Is Tom going to go super cheap on this hire since he wasted a mountain range worth of cocaine on Monty?


u/Kayeyedouble Ben Wallace Apr 16 '24

This season was a by product of Weaver Doug what we all wanted ..Tank for Wemby . Pistons got screwed in the lottery. He could’ve blew money on some vets which would’ve made the pistons less bad but still bad but without flexibility..

Also if Gores has been meddling like everyone suggests how weak would it be to fire Weaver for following your directives/handicapping him


u/TheBimpo Dennis Rodman Apr 16 '24

So the soonest we could ever hope that he would sell the team would be after expansion and the new media deal, right?


u/spincycle66 Apr 16 '24

Watch how much of a gong show this president hire becomes…nothing has been easy for this franchise.


u/UnkleGiovanni Peton Apr 16 '24



u/bailey1149 Nuggets Apr 16 '24

The Detroit Pistons are far and away the worst franchise in American sports.

Makes the 2000s Lions look like the 80s Lakers.


u/bdk2036 Apr 16 '24

They want to remain a dumpster fire for Flagg.


u/Defacto_Champ Apr 16 '24

12% odds to get Flagg is not worth continuing to put out the worst product in the NBA 


u/bdk2036 Apr 16 '24

I'm throwing shit at the wall. I dont see why they're keeping him.


u/bonafide89 Apr 16 '24

Got more lives than a cat. Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


u/Ok_Physics_2192 Apr 16 '24

with clark getting drafted in wnba who do we pick now in the upcoming draft?


u/meziop Greg Kelser Apr 16 '24


u/KingTranquilo Apr 16 '24

I hate it here


u/DiscombobulatedPain6 Chauncey Billups Apr 16 '24

I’m done with this team, and y’all should be too


u/dknightOGG Chauncey Billups Apr 16 '24



u/Jew_3 Isiah Thomas Apr 16 '24

There has to be a clause in the LCA agreement that says if attendance drops below a certain number the team can leave. This is starting to remind me too much of the 1980s classic Major League when the new owner tries to move the team to Florida. Gores had to have a secret agreement Vegas at this point. Or maybe Bogota, so he’s closer to the source.


u/randigital Apr 16 '24

Can’t believe I brought a child into this world smh


u/Grundy-mc Apr 16 '24

They've only been to the playoffs twice and haven't won a post-season game since Gores bought the team in 2011. Get this man out of here, holy shit! Worst season in franchise history.


u/NoThanksJustPeaking Apr 16 '24

Will the new president of basketball ops have the authority to fire and hire a new GM? Is Gores just too gutless and clueless to get rid of Weaver himself?


u/Badger__Ballz Apr 16 '24

What an absolute joke. Sell the team!!


u/DanCampbellsNipples Apr 16 '24

This franchise is so stupid


u/wiiinks Rasheed Wallace Apr 17 '24

Isiah Thomas


u/BeefJerkyDentalFloss Chuck Daly Apr 17 '24

In related news, season ticket sales for next season are now at 0.


u/OFD-Productions May 09 '24 edited May 09 '24

There is no hope for this team as long as that moron Gores is the owner


u/Crafty_Substance_954 Jerami Grant Apr 16 '24

Translation for those who have difficulty reading this very carefully worded tweet from Woj, which is apparently an awful lot of you:

Detroit Pistons GM Troy Weaver will remain in place (for now) as the franchise begins a search for a new head of basketball operations (who will probably fire him), sources tell ESPN.

This is a good idea. Puts the person who will be in charge of basketball in charge of basketball. Removes the ultimate decision out of Gores hands, which is something people also want around here, less of him operating the team. In the business world we'd call this "Good organizational governance".


u/NottheIRS1 Apr 16 '24

He’s staying because he knows Gores overruled him on Monty, and Gores doesn’t want that made public.


u/yoyododomofo Rasheed Wallace Apr 16 '24

How could you all pin your hopes to something that clearly was never happening? Weaver and Monty get one more crack at it. It was obvious from the trade deadline that they decided officially one more tank year and kick the tires on everyone we’ve got left. They didn’t show much.


u/aTROLLwithBlades Apr 16 '24

There is something he did well that most people in here wanted him to do. Tank


u/WestBend8786 Apr 16 '24

So this means someone else will be running the draft, making trades, etc? Why are people here upset if he's just hanging around the front office?


u/ShippingNotIncluded Ausar Thompson Apr 16 '24

Iirc Pres. of BBall Ops handles the more day to day mundane off the court tasks. They’ll be the buffer between the owner and GM….meaning this new person will just be another cook in the already crowded kitchen of Gores, Weaver, Stefanski, and Tellem


u/WestBend8786 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

I ask this all the time and have never received a quality answer on this sub: Why do people here believe that Tellem and Stefanski make executive decisions? Advisors are not unusual. Front offices have multiple people on every team. Where is this perception coming from that they are meddling in a way that is unique?

There is NO reason to believe that Weaver wasn't where the buck stopped on roster moves. None.


u/ShippingNotIncluded Ausar Thompson Apr 16 '24

I don’t think they make executive decisions, I think when Gores starts meddling it’s usually someone in his ear telling him these things.


u/WestBend8786 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Complete and total speculation. I've asked around on this constant name-dropping of Tellem and y'all got nothing. One poster said the germ of it was Valenti (a guy who doesn't go to games and has no inside info on the team at all) invoking Tellem and that's all it took for a couple dummies to repeat it here and have it spread like wildfire.


u/ShippingNotIncluded Ausar Thompson Apr 16 '24

My bad bro, I didn’t mean to call out one of your favs.

I’ll stick to just criticizing Stefanski 😉


u/OrganicLindo313 Apr 16 '24

Stefanski hasn’t been with the ball club for a few years now. Just learned that a couple weeks ago myself.


u/ShippingNotIncluded Ausar Thompson Apr 16 '24

Huh TIL, gotta find a new front office scapegoat then


u/WestBend8786 Apr 16 '24

Another guy who you have no idea what he actually does. You're emblematic of why the discourse here is so low. 


u/OrganicLindo313 Apr 16 '24

Just because you haven’t received an answer you like doesn’t mean there’s no validity to the claim. The FACT that multiple trades we’ve made ended up with us either getting a former Tellem client, a player currently signed to his former agency and friend and/or a player whom is a client of his son shows he has something to do with the moves being made. Nobody has to spell that out. You think Troy is actively seeking to trade for players with heavy affiliations to Arn? His other son Eric is the Director of Pro Scouting. How’s that working out?

Troy deserves massive blame but I don’t know why you’re putting on a cape for Arn Tellem when, not only has it been widely reported he’s meddlesome but the proof is in the pudding. He’s part owner and Gores’ business partner, Troy’s not overriding what he wants.


u/WestBend8786 Apr 16 '24

So you believe that Arn Tellem wanted to keep helping his friends not by being an agent, but by buying minority ownership of a club and telling the GM to trade for his guys, even though those players already have a contract that someone is going to have to pay him.   

How is that logical? What would Tellem get out of that? Also, who is part of the "wide reporting" of him being meddlesome? 


u/OrganicLindo313 Apr 16 '24

His objective is to make money, first and foremost. He invested in the Pistons when Gores bought the team for a third of what it’s recent estimated $1B value is. He’s damn near quadrupled his investment. Within this business structure there are opportunities and wealth to share with his family and friends, such as 1) his son’s client being drafted here and never touching a Pistons jersey (Procida), 2) employing his other son within the organization (Eric Tellem) and 3) Trading for Gallinari so we can do him a favor by getting him out of Washington and subsequently cutting him so he can be in a better situation. These are just situations I can recall off the top of my head but there is more. This is not heresay or “reports” these are facts.

AGAIN, TROY HAS DONE A BAD JOB, he has done his fair share of nepo hires and nepo drafting that hasn’t worked out either. I don’t know if you’re related to the Tellems or what but you’re arguing the obvious just to bicker about Troy doing a bad job… which we both agree on.


u/Lost2nite389 Pistons Apr 16 '24

Good, couldn’t believe people actually wanted him gone lmao typical doomers