r/DetroitPistons The Palace Prince May 17 '23

Fuck News



170 comments sorted by


u/FernandoTitsMcGee May 17 '23

Can’t have shit in detroit


u/YukhoChan May 17 '23

It’s okay, Duren about to dunk on Webma’s ass and break his ankle.

Just kidding on the break his ankle part, but Duren do be dunking on his ass. Bet on it


u/Tearz_in_rain May 18 '23

I'm kinda glad we missed out on Wemby.

I get the feeling like Wemby may be a bust, not necessarily in terms of level of play but injuries.

His frame... I just can't see that going well long term.

We'll see though.

We never know what worse luck our bad luck saved us from.

That might end up being the case here.


u/JukeWillJohn Peton May 18 '23

I don't know man...

I'm a huge critic of the "Can't Miss" prospect label. I even remember thinking that there was a chance LeBron was going to seriously underperform his first couple seasons. With that being said it feels like this dude really can't miss aside from injuries but that comes with the territory with all true bigs. Even then I've seen so many different videos discussing his pre-game routine with protecting his feet from injury. Seems like this dude is going to be a modern era Kareem.


u/Tearz_in_rain May 18 '23

I would love to see that, and I hope that my reservations are unfounded.

Either way, that 5 pick is still high, and I have hope that the Pistons are able to pick a great player with it.


u/TeletubbiesKid Cade Cunningham Dec 08 '23

Duren broke his ankle


u/sunsfan08 May 17 '23

Patience. Y’all had a championship team less than two decades ago. It takes time for most teams.


u/area51cannonfooder Isaiah Stewart May 17 '23

Have you seen the rest of our sports teams lately?


u/kwoodson5505 May 17 '23

So we won a championship 20 years ago but need to wait even longer to expect to be good again? We haven’t won a playoff game since 2008, I think we’ve been pretty damn patient.


u/km_44 Bad Boys May 17 '23

Shaddup, will ya?


u/wilsonw May 17 '23

Half the people in the sub probably weren't even born yet last time lol.


u/therealmvpls11 May 17 '23

Can't have shit in Detroit


u/Intrepid_Whereas9256 May 17 '23

His likely better off with Coach Popo than anyone the Pistons can hire.


u/SnoaH_ Big Ben's right arm band May 18 '23

Who gives a shit?


u/bigbadbootydaddy32 May 17 '23

I can't believe the spurs break our hearts again. The spurs have been ruining my life for almost my entire life


u/Davetron-3030 The Palace Prince May 17 '23

This is how a heart breaks iykyk


u/accounttotalksports May 17 '23

Wow just unlocked a memory I didn't know I had


u/karishbhr May 17 '23



u/patjs92 Ben Wallace May 17 '23

Lmfao needed that


u/chubbs40 Peton May 17 '23



u/GerhardBURGER1 May 17 '23

"Horry a 3 pointer....OH MY, this guy is off the charts"


u/siphillis Spurs May 17 '23

If it's any consolation, it's nothing personal.


u/JoelWalkowski May 17 '23

Why are you even in this thread. Enjoy the W


u/MeloStillmatic Chauncey Billups May 17 '23

Piss off


u/sunnydftw May 17 '23

Can't wait to watch Wemby grab 15 rebounds over Beef Stew without jumping


u/iori9999 May 17 '23

Will he also dunk over Bagley's head after bringing down the ball himself?


u/RomeluBukkake Tayshaun Prince May 17 '23

I’m sick


u/TheyNeedLoveToo May 17 '23

You put some respect on Jalen Duren. He’s got rebounding promise, just needs to get his weight up and start marathon running in his down time and getting 1000 shots up every other day. Only a matter of time my friend


u/ChrisRaumpz Rasheed Wallace May 17 '23

Literally what I said as soon as it came up.


u/sRW44 Jalen Duren May 17 '23

A system where there is a coin flip chance that your worst franchise DROPS four spots is preposterous.


u/Boycott_China May 17 '23

They'll fix it in a couple years when the Lakers blow it up and tank for a generational player and they end up with pick 5 with the worst record.


u/WhyAmIMisterPinkk Troy Weaver May 17 '23

Interestingly, the Lakers have had pretty shit luck in the lottery


u/[deleted] May 17 '23

Yeah they only had 3 #2 picks the past decade (Dlo BI Zo)


u/mmafanguy2828 Peton May 17 '23

Exactly lol wtf is this guy talking about bad luck


u/Life_Ad_9518 May 17 '23

where was the #1 pick with so many chances?


u/dkmegg22 May 17 '23

But how do you prevent tanking? Not saying you guys intentionally tanked but teams shouldn't just count on the draft or expect to win. Always prepare for the worst.


u/basch152 Poison Ivey May 17 '23

letting a team tank for #1 for a season or two is better than being stuck bottom 5 for 5 or 6 years because you keep losing the lottery


u/Trent3343 May 17 '23

I'm a die hard pistons fan and I like the system. Be smart with your money when you are drafting high and pick the time to make your move while the young guys are on their rookie deals. It forces teams to be smart with their money. And doesn't reward teams as much for being incompetent year after year.


u/boddah44 May 17 '23

Fuck me in the goat ass


u/Confident_Antelope88 Jalen Duren May 17 '23

fucking cock sucker titties fuckers fuck stick shit fuck


u/[deleted] May 17 '23

Really thought Wemby was gonna take us to the Ragu festival


u/jdooley99 May 17 '23

Crank it up, Fuckers!


u/[deleted] May 17 '23

Somebody said they were going to untie me…


u/lyricalholix Rasheed Wallace May 17 '23

Awe, the NBA button hooked us


u/iwantthebestdeal May 17 '23

Lakers fan here, only wanted you guys to get wemby. So sorry


u/iwantthebestdeal May 17 '23



u/ThatOneTwo George Blaha May 17 '23

It's time to FAFW both times we play them.


u/deadzsteve Draft Night Daddy 🦶 May 17 '23

Well. See you guys back here next year.


u/egotistic_NaOH May 17 '23

Watch Ivey get hurt all year next year


u/ickyrainmaker May 17 '23

Uh oh, it's a chunky


u/juggdish Peton May 17 '23

Bro, you made this, you knew which ones are chunkies. My only question…what does he do?


u/GrilledCyan May 17 '23

Don’t come over here!!


u/juggdish Peton May 17 '23



u/lyricalholix Rasheed Wallace May 17 '23

Wether you black or a honkey, you’ll love Pork Chops-a-Chunky


u/P-ssword_is_taco May 17 '23

I guess it’s time to say he’s way too big and lanky so he’ll be hurt all the time and a bust. We will get a stud nobody expected at 5. Speak it into existence people (I’m not rooting for him to fail necessarily just that we actually don’t miss out anything in the end)


u/benchmaster620 May 17 '23

Copium hits good


u/Trapgod99 Rasheed Wallace May 17 '23

Ngl I pray he’s a bust now lmao


u/Kooky_Lead_44 May 17 '23

Already been preaching it. Not hoping for failure either but Duren gonna body his scrawny ass! Detroit v Everybody


u/Popmus May 17 '23

Now I have to 180 and go from hyping this kid to hating on him smh


u/Genocide_Angel16304 May 17 '23

Wow, wishing for people to get hurt.


u/earthvsmatt May 17 '23

I knew 1 wasn’t gonna happen but was hoping for 3


u/DJMaxLVL May 17 '23

I was watching and saying “please make it to the top 4”…when I saw the card at 5 everything faded


u/basch152 Poison Ivey May 17 '23

yeah, actually I'm honestly just going to unsub from this reddit and not watch basketball.

I'm not even kidding. it's not enjoyable watching a small market team that's unable to land superstars be stuck at the bottom because they lost the lottery


u/earthvsmatt May 18 '23

My advice is to root for 3 teams. One that’s mediocre to good. And one that’s really good. I root for Pistons, Indiana, and Denver. More fun that way.


u/basch152 Poison Ivey May 18 '23 edited May 18 '23

I usually watch certain players that I like, it's been steph since his time at Davidson honestly, but I always had hope the pistons would be able to put something together, but it's just not worth it anymore

it's honestly maddening.

we watch the spurs be a top tier team for 10ish years because of David Robinson, then he gets injured and they win the lottery in one of the best years they could've won, and go right into a tim duncan dynasty that lasts an additional 15 years, they get 4 years of bad play, then win another lottery the year one of the biggest prospects ever is going in.

thats not enjoyable when you're a team that was a bottom dwelling team for 19 of those years in the same time period, and has actually had less 1st overall picks during that time period

seriously, the last 30 years, San Antonio has been in the lottery 5 times and won twice getting duncan and wembanyama, pistons have been in the lottery 20 times and won once...

like come the fuck on, this is an obviously atrocious system


u/karmaster Rip Hamilton May 17 '23

Let out a loud fuck in the middle of the office. 10/10 would do again.


u/Kooky_Lead_44 May 17 '23

Threw my headset against the computer lol


u/blbobobo Cade Cunningham May 17 '23



u/Jgills2001 Cade Cunningham May 17 '23



u/Koolklink54 May 17 '23 edited May 17 '23

Why can't we have nice things!?!?!?


u/Apprehensive-Ebb1993 May 17 '23

Cuz it’s Detroit


u/512fm Bojan Bogdanovic May 17 '23

Fuck it’s hard being a fan of this franchise man, I haven’t watched a single playoff win


u/tnathanielj May 17 '23

well that went badly ,I would have been happy with top 3, WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.


u/BeatinCheeks12 May 17 '23

Assumed we wouldn't be lucky enough for 1, but hoped better than 5, jeez.


u/em_washington Ben Wallace May 17 '23

League is rigged. Lakers-Celtics in the finals and Spurs win a generational lottery after tanking for a single season.


u/Neader Jalen Duren May 17 '23

Classic Pistons


u/[deleted] May 17 '23



u/AV63 Jaden Ivey May 17 '23

What the fuck dude


u/igorficas Greg Kelser May 17 '23



u/Zealousideal_Arm4359 May 17 '23

I sat there and just kept thinking “top 3, top3,” I DIDN’T ASK FOR A LOT!

Cam better be there at 5 or I say we riot.


u/BelugaBale May 17 '23

Piston legends KCP and Bruce Brown playing right now


u/burros_n_churros Isiah Thomas May 17 '23

Watching ex-Pistons contribute in the playoffs is so bittersweet.


u/Stockton_Nash Blue Horse May 17 '23

With Reggie Jackson and Ish Smith on the bench


u/hoptagon Ben Wallace May 17 '23

Possible long term bright side: Wemby may be nonstop injuries, so hey, at least we could avoid how toxic this sub would be if he were an injury bust after all that.


u/silky_flubber_lips May 17 '23

Toxic af to be saying "hey at least the player we wanted to draft might be riddled with injuries so us not getting #1 isn't so bad" smh


u/depressedhuskersfan May 17 '23

the person who used their yearly prayer in shambles rn


u/Joshsc05 May 17 '23

Fuck, Fuckity, Fuck Fuck...


u/ryanswebdevthrowaway Dwane Casey May 17 '23

Kevin Ollie incoming


u/Historical-Pause-401 Rip Hamilton May 17 '23



u/masterant369 May 17 '23

got screwed


u/Apprehensive-Ebb1993 May 17 '23

On the bright side the salty levels coming from the rockets subreddit is about to go nuclear


u/NoneMoreBLK May 17 '23

We good. A lot of us were hoping for Scoot Henderson because we needed a pure point guard more than anything else. We already have AL-P at the 5, and I don't want to see his minutes cut.

Being in the fourth position, we may be able to trade for the pick.


u/Apprehensive-Ebb1993 May 17 '23

So the good thing is, the hornets have lamelo, and the trailblazers have dame. So I think the kid from bama is gonna go 2 to Charlotte and blazers will pick amen. Scooter going to the pistons makes the most sense


u/Pplschamp16 May 17 '23

Not happening


u/GalaxyOpalGrill May 18 '23

Blazers fan here. We're probably going to trade the pick to a PG thirsty team in order to appease our aging superstar. We will get a 2nd tier star in return and not even sniff the WCF, then Dame will leave in a couple years or retire in a few more and we'll be right back to losing the draft lottery. Why do fans in small markets even watch the NBA?


u/[deleted] May 17 '23

Hard pass on scoot. Another guard that can’t hit threes. Call the fire department, this one’s out of control


u/[deleted] May 17 '23

Fuck, if I didn't fail stats last semester maybe we could've done better.


u/bigben-1989 May 17 '23

I hate to say this but if relocation ever happened I wouldn’t be completely shocked 😔.. this is worse than I could have ever imagined and sets us back years.. if you don’t agree then I’ll be back in 12 months to tell you again as it hits even closer to home


u/Fish_Leather May 17 '23

Please kill me


u/Kowalski356 May 17 '23

Mannn fuck


u/whiskeyrocks1 May 17 '23



u/mr_Blomberg Rasheed Wallace May 17 '23



u/GoodBloke86 May 17 '23

We have suffered enough


u/alley_mo_g10 May 17 '23

It’s cool, the pistons will get a top 3 pick next year when there isn’t a generational talent available.


u/lukaRookieHoarder May 17 '23

Last 2 times the spurs picked first they got 2 hall of fame centers who went on to twin multiple championships each. David Robinson and Tim Duncan. I knew the spurs would get #1 especially after the pistons got it 2 years ago with Cade.


u/gabe420710 May 17 '23

Tonight blazer fans and pistons fans drink together, life is pain


u/samiam23000 May 17 '23

No way they trust Detroit with the future of the NBA. Going to have to do it the hard way.


u/ignoranceisbliss37 May 17 '23

Me and every friend that is a Stones fan said Spurs 100% winning lottery. Didn’t think we would get 5th, but the outcome was a given. Nba is fixed. Pretty sure this is first time ever #1 odds team gets 5th.


u/Far_Mousse8362 May 17 '23

Are you guys as fucking pissed as me, for the fact that, not only did we get the shittiest possible selection that we could’ve possibly received, and aren’t getting Wemby… BUT, because he’s literally already being considered the greatest pre-draft prospect of all time, amongst ALL sports?! Yes, he’s obviously going to be great… but I just thought how sick it would be to have a player, that is so highly considered and would have gone #1 overall in the 03-04 Draft, to be a PISTON! Someone that would have brought a fresh new piece of HISTORY to the organization and would have put a TON of eyes on the city! I’ve maintained that feeling in the back of my mind that , “ain’t no damn way we get this blessing.” but I tried to be as optimistic as possible that we would at the very worst, come away with Scoot or Brandon Miller… and who knows, maybe we trade up from 5 to 2 or 3 with Charlotte or Portland? I feel like they would be the teams that would benefit from the additional draft capital… If we did trade from 5 to 2… obviously they’d need something of value to fall back so, would we trade a current player on the roster + #5 pick, or, do we go with a future selection ?? What’s that value worth to us, to get a Scoot or Miller type of guy? I see us making a push for Brandon Miller … otherwise, we go with Jarace Walker at #5?? Honestly, I like Grady Dick! I think this kid adds a very important piece to our roster that we don’t necessarily have, and that’s a sharp shooter from outside! (I know MOST of you will probably hate that take😂) but I think he’s going to develop into a pretty scary type of player.. especially if he beefs up a little & isn’t afraid to put the ball on the deck and get to the rack.


u/Adventurous-Bed-5586 May 17 '23

He’s not NBA ready…..he’s lanky and kind of gumpy…. I really don’t see how he dominates the NBA …. This will be a Sam Bowie Michael Jordan draft….But to get the 5th pick is so frustrating … I hate the NBA right now we always get screwed


u/[deleted] May 17 '23

It’s y’all fault for spamming all day


u/KarimFF7 r/DetroitPistons Moderator May 17 '23



u/SurpriseDonovanMcnab Ausar Thompson May 17 '23



u/[deleted] May 17 '23

Detroit Vs Everybody. Fuck the Sperms


u/Mavori Bill Laimbeer May 17 '23



u/10foldLucidDreams May 17 '23

Nice but we got Cade!!!! Everything will be alright!!! This team will never be shit as long as Gores owns them


u/TheRealTravisClous Tayshaun Prince May 17 '23

Lmao, I called it months ago Wemby to the Spurs. He could be their next Duncan


u/InstanceMoney May 17 '23

Raptors fan here, I feel for you guys man, that was rough. But hopefully, Casey manages to find a star at 5.


u/Darn21173 May 17 '23

Who should we be going after with the 5th pick.


u/MindlessYesterday668 May 17 '23

Maybe, just maybe, we can get a pick that will be a stud once the season goes underway.


u/pawljee May 17 '23

Rockets fan here, we all got screwed, that was disgusting. Not even top 3.


u/pmharrell May 17 '23

I blame the Peton memes.


u/primetimeII May 17 '23

I know it sucks but we got jaden at 5th d wade was 5th Vince Carter was 5th kobe was 13th steph was 7th "i think"


u/burros_n_churros Isiah Thomas May 17 '23

Henry Ellenson was a steal at 18. /s in case it is t obvious.


u/knifeazz Bad Boys May 17 '23



u/NilClassic May 17 '23

Sheed x Wemby collaboration would be…


u/[deleted] May 17 '23



u/SexPanther_Bot May 17 '23

60% of the time, it works every time


u/GraemeTaylor Ben Wallace May 17 '23

People are hardcore overreacting to this

We had a nearly 50% chance of getting pick number 5, you can't be surprised when it happens

Would have been amazing to get a better pick, but we'll still get a quality player at 5 who will contribute next year


u/GonzoTheWhatever May 17 '23

If there were four other bad teams, then how did we have a 50% chance at number 5?

I just don’t understand how this system works


u/GraemeTaylor Ben Wallace May 17 '23

The worst team has a 47.9% chance of getting #5, and cannot pick lower than that

Second worst has a 44.7% chance of getting pick #5 or #6, and a 3.5% chance of getting pick #7

And so on and so forth

it sucks, and in prior years we'd have better odds of a higher pick

But given the current system, it shouldn't come as a surprise


u/GonzoTheWhatever May 17 '23

Oh...I think I get it. The other 52 something percent is spread out over the first four pick spots. It's starting to make some sense now.

Thanks for the reply!


u/GraemeTaylor Ben Wallace May 17 '23

you're welcome, happy to explain any other part if that helps! But yeah, while we technically have a greater chance of getting 1 - 4, as an individual outcome getting #5 was by far and away the most likely scenario


u/AdamSliver Rip Hamilton May 17 '23

Thought I could sleep it off… Nope. Woke up in pain.


u/uvgotnod May 17 '23



u/coreynj2461 May 17 '23

76ers fan here. At least you didnt draft Markelle Fultz when you could of had Jason Tatum


u/of_patrol_bot May 17 '23

Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.

It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.

Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.

Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


u/bubapl May 17 '23

ben wallace looked so defeated


u/Intrepid_Whereas9256 May 17 '23

A fifth pick could be as good as a second. Not a fan of Brandon Miller. I'm intrigued by Taylor Hendricks.


u/Jerry_Dust May 17 '23

Silver lining here is our current squad and whoever we add will have something to prove as long as the Wemby hype is high. And they avoid the distraction of the media circus that will come along with Wemby. We still don't know how he is mentally, even with all the talent, there will be a world of pressure on this guy, I believe in Weaver and I doubt his plan requires a generational talent to succeed. We will be fine.


u/Wisdm2th May 18 '23

We’ve been punished for the hubris of worshipping Peton over Hooper


u/madeyetrudy May 17 '23

Maybe we should try not being dogshit and relying on luck?


u/sxuthsi May 17 '23

The mental gymnastics we go through to justify getting fucked by the draft


u/Brinkster05 Poison Ivey May 17 '23

Ah yes, don't take the gamble and be a middling team with no real shot to compete. Tough call. Some of y'all on here play the result like no other.


u/JadenKarr May 17 '23

Not to mention the fans are not at fault for bad management, some people are simply cold and spoiled.


u/HiiiPoWer810 Cade Cunningham May 17 '23

Honestly this is pure karma for losing games on purpose. Never again should we root for sitting our players for even odds at the top pick.


u/alldei Cade Cunningham May 17 '23



u/[deleted] May 17 '23



u/Bigslanger777 May 17 '23

So now what y’all gone say to defend Weaver????


u/Zealousideal_Arm4359 May 17 '23

How is this Weavers fault?!? Was he supposed to bribe the accounting guy so we got the first pick?!? WTF?


u/Bigslanger777 May 17 '23

Here we go🥱


u/Zealousideal_Arm4359 May 17 '23

Yeah great explanation.


u/[deleted] May 17 '23

Found someone who doesn’t understand how things work


u/Davetron-3030 The Palace Prince May 17 '23

Probably fuck