r/Damnthatsinteresting 4d ago

The Chinese Tianlong-3 Rocket Accidentally Launched During A Engine Test Video

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A Chinese Rocket Exploded Today After It Accidentally Launched During A Static Fire Test.

Link: https://x.com/aj_fi/status/1807339807640518690?s=46&t=XQLIlKXE_nRmbO5OFOpZFw


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u/GarysCrispLettuce 4d ago

One of the main things stopping me from having kids is the thought that they might grow up and not know how to use a fucking camera. Chills.


u/aT-0-Mx 4d ago edited 4d ago

Another view.


Other footage starts when the rocket begins descending.

And a better copy


And now Scott Manley reviews the footage.



u/Early_Magician_2847 4d ago

For all interested, the second link is a compilation of many great views.


u/Solrax 4d ago

And watch to the end, some of the best views are there.


u/Pls_PmTitsOrFDAU_Thx 4d ago

Thanks to this I clicked the second Link


u/GrymmTravel 4d ago

By the fourth endorsement I am utterly convinced NOT to click on this obvious Rick roll


u/Cardellini_Updates 4d ago

Bro you are earning the Order of Lenin 4 this one


u/aT-0-Mx 4d ago

Not sure if that's a good or bad thing...🤔


u/arathorn867 4d ago

Order of Lenin is best order comrade


u/jaymzx0 Interested 4d ago

And a better copy

The sad piano music like the memorial at the end of the Oscars 😆


u/Dr_Pepper_spray 4d ago

Yup. Turns out the reddit video is a 16x9 crop of a 9x16 image -- so of course it looks like shit.


u/Solrax 4d ago

This needs to be voted to the top. That video shows this happened near what is clearly a large city. It is sheer luck it didn't veer over the city and cause possibly 10's of thousands of casualties.

The Chinese seriously don't GAF. Range safety? What's that? Trouble is the rocket plans they stole didn't include the launch pad and hold down clamps.


u/MajorPud 3d ago

Scott Manley is the goat


u/Swimming-Cupcake7041 4d ago

Wow, the Chinese are basically trying to build a 1:1 copy for Falcon 9 and its engines.


u/BbRiicS 4d ago

The shaking is probably due to them zooming in.


u/ChimneySwiftGold 4d ago edited 4d ago

The losing it at times is probably due to them watching it happen in real life and not just through the camera. Plus reacting to what was probably very loud.


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Cardellini_Updates 4d ago

Mao's spirit visited me

what did he say

i dont speak chinese


u/even_less_resistance 4d ago

This hit me just right this morning 💀


u/UncleVernonK 4d ago

Tank noises.


u/silverclovd 4d ago

I don't speak Chinese

Like, he wrote it down or what?


u/Cardellini_Updates 4d ago

The joke is that, when people talk about a spirit visiting you, it's like this idea that the essence of their being never really dies, and the spirit could thus magically beam its message into your head, or however spirits talk. So we establish Mao's spirit, but then inject a part of reality into a place of magic, the joke is that his spirit would still be speaking Chinese, and thus be compltely unintelligble and there would be nothing this spirit could actually communicate. This contradiction is a form of absurd humor.


u/InertLeaf 4d ago

“I cannot understand you. You need to speak Chinese.”

“It’s always the same with these long noses…always talking to us in foreign languages. I don’t understand what you are saying to me. You can’t speak Chinese?”


u/RealRatAct 4d ago

they got a different word for everything


u/Dark-Peaches 4d ago

This comment is underrated! 😂 


u/Indian_Outlaw_417 4d ago

And they eat animals live 🤢🤮


u/Bruhmomentusmaximus1 4d ago

You shouldn't throw stones in glass houses, western stereotypes about Indian food and hygiene aren't the most pleasant not to mention, you have a history of fentanyl abuse 😭


u/Indian_Outlaw_417 4d ago

And if you're going to attempt to appear intelligent by using old expressions, do yourself a favor and use it properly..It's a very well known expression that has been used for decades at least..It's not as if you just came up with it on your own


u/Bruhmomentusmaximus1 4d ago

Mate do you really think "you shouldn't throw stones in glass houses" is me trying to sound smart? 🤣 my guy you said it yourself it's a commonly used expression 🤯


u/Indian_Outlaw_417 4d ago

No..No it is most definitely NOT..The phrase is "You shouldn't throw stones WHEN YOU LIVE IN A GLASS HOUSE"..You are so dumb, it's painful trying to correct all your asinine comments.


u/Indian_Outlaw_417 4d ago

Did you read your comment before you posted it??..Yes, WESTERN STEREOTYPES about Indian food and hygiene aren't the most pleasant..First and foremost, I am Native American Indian..Our food is the freshest and best on earth, and our hygiene is better than most Westerners..Secondly, what does my HISTORY (meaning THE PAST) fentanyl abuse have to do with the FACT that Chinese eat animals live?..At least you TRIED..But you REALLY shouldn't have 🤣😂


u/Bruhmomentusmaximus1 4d ago

What? Is consuming fentanyl healthy or not digesting now? Some new delicacy? "Food is freshest and best on earth" "hygiene is better than most western countries" ok 😓 yk y'all eat dog meat too right?

"Western stereotypes" - your comment was exactly that before 🤦pull up anything online about Indians real quick before speaking


u/Indian_Outlaw_417 4d ago

🤣..I never ONCE made a claim that fentanyl was healthy or DIGESTING (🤣)..And you still haven't made it clear wtf my PAST addiction has the least bit to do with the FACTUAL comment I made..Thank you for educating me on my peoples dietary choices..Myself, and any of my Kanesatake First Nations brothers and sisters use our dogs to hunt animals with enough meat to expend the energy used to dispatch the animal..Clearly YOU pulled up the INTERNET stereotypes about Native Americans..So, not only will I not bother to do so, as you clearly already have, and have been so kind as to educate me..But, I also DON'T HAVE TO CHECK THE INTERNET TO LEARN THE HISTORICAL WAYS OF MY PEOPLE..Just keep digging..You're doing so well. 🤣😂


u/Bruhmomentusmaximus1 4d ago

Jesus Christ please try to make it readable I'm not reading all this 🤦Wild how you have a Schizo breakdown after others point out your group also has stereotypes under a comment of you being racist 💀 lay off the fent


u/Indian_Outlaw_417 4d ago

I've read many of the comments you posted on other topics..Telling me to make my comments "readable" (🤦‍♂️) is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black

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u/Indian_Outlaw_417 4d ago

Stereotypes are made by lazy, ignorant people who, much like yourself, are too dumb to read a book, because it's too long (😭)..You and your friends would much rather just ask the all powerful ozernet..And please explain how me making a FACTUAL comment is racest..Take your own STUPID advice and check the amazing internet..There are hundreds of videos of Chinese eating live mice and rats..Dipping them in plum sauce and biting their heads off while they are very much alive..I have MANY things that I can say that ARE racist..But I don't..Anyways, you probably have to get back to your online gaming site to argue with THE CHILDREN WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES..I won't hold you up with intelligent conversation anymore..Your head must be POUNDING

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u/AffectedRipples 4d ago

No wonder you're babbling, you're native so you're probably just drunk.


u/Jagerbeast703 4d ago

Then zoom out lol


u/Dr_Pepper_spray 4d ago

Hey everyone, look at this dot on the horizon! Trust me, that's a rocket test malfunction!


u/Jagerbeast703 4d ago

If only there was a middle ground with 1000% and 0 lolol


u/Dr_Pepper_spray 4d ago edited 4d ago

Depends on how far away they were. My guess is this was filmed at the end of their lens.

Also might not be a lens with a zoom motor. Zooming out might be a pain in the ass.


u/Antique-Kangaroo2 4d ago

0% zoom would have been infinitely better


u/wellsfargothrowaway 4d ago

You don’t know what zoom the video is at


u/Aleksandrovitch 4d ago



u/Salt382 4d ago

It's a UFO


u/SomeFunnyGuy 4d ago

Most people will never realized how hard it is to film one-handed, from a smuggled phone, out of an 8 foot tall cell.. while standing on someone else shoulders.


u/Party-Benefit-3995 4d ago

Enhanced mode.


u/Unlikely-Maybe9199 4d ago

The computer virus is spreading!

turns off the monitor


u/Formal-Parfait6971 4d ago

And pointing it at the clouds instead of the ground when the rocket hits was not a zoom problem.


u/Flat-Succotash4231 4d ago

Most likely caused by the ultra zoom and not paying attention to the camera


u/HeavilyBearded 4d ago

Redditor: "Ugh, why can't they hold the camera still?"
Random Person: [watching a secret missile of unknown capability fall from the sky].


u/GarysCrispLettuce 4d ago

In other words, not knowing how to use a fucking camera.


u/LifeTitle3951 4d ago

In other words living in the moment and not caring about the quality video they could have made for mom and dad and risking being a disappointment. Totally worth it.


u/UptownShenanigans 4d ago

So they’re both failing at camera work and living the moment


u/Fit-Ad4782 4d ago

If that's the case, then just don't record.


u/Glad-Meal6418 4d ago

Redditors are so ridiculous


u/TheHolyWaffleGod 4d ago

Fr people seem overly irritated by this guy for not recording well. It’s weird


u/LifeTitle3951 4d ago

I am sorry dad i could not live up to your expectations. I know i am not as good a cameraman as your friend's son but I tried. I tried to bring some joy to you but I guess no matter what I do, it will never be enough. But I still love you dad.


u/Fit-Ad4782 4d ago

It's OK son... you are forgiven.


u/printmaster5000 4d ago

(and get a tripod next time)


u/Frozen_Shades 4d ago

You won't even have seen anything at all then. Try being grateful for what you have.


u/Fit-Ad4782 4d ago

I didn't see anything anyway, so what was the point?


u/Aedan91 4d ago edited 4d ago

I know that in the context of this conversation, you're playing the role of the asshole and the other guy is the "be grateful" guy. But this answer right here is tremendously savage.

YOU'RE RIGHT the video was so bad that not seeing anything and just read about it with give us roughly the same approximation.


u/Fit-Ad4782 4d ago

I would agree with being the asshole if the person recording this is the one that posted it, but I'm pretty sure it's some random person in China that has no knowledge of this post.


u/Frozen_Shades 4d ago

You saw enough. You just like to complain.


u/Fit-Ad4782 4d ago

The most important part of the video was out of frame. All this video did was annoy me.


u/daern2 4d ago

To be fair, this rather frustrating footage (that missed the big kaboom at the end) is way more justified than the Muppets I was talking to last night, who couldn't see anything weird with hiring someone to hide in the bushes and secretly film their own marriage proposal....


u/Thue 4d ago

But since this was not a planned event, he should have known that his video would likely be fairly unique. So unlike recording some random rock concert along with 1000 other people holding up their cell phones, it would actually make sense to prioritize the arguably valuable recording.


u/diemunkiesdie 4d ago

Jeez, why do y'all act like you can't take a video AND live in the moment at the same time?


u/LifeTitle3951 4d ago

Because not everyone is a natural cameraman like you. People look at things and holding camera becomes less important to them


u/Background_Ice_7568 4d ago

Because interposing your phone between you and the thing you’re apparently trying to be “in the moment with is”… and this is true… not being in the moment with that thing.


u/heavymountain 4d ago

then they just suck at multitasking and aiming a shot


u/Questioning-Zyxxel 4d ago

I'm not so convinced you would do better. Even professional people tends to have issues with tracking when they need to use silly magnifications to have something to actually capture. Their only advantages is they don't need to hand-hold, so they get a bit less camera shake. But still so easy to end up with "where is that than plane or rocket???"


u/Dr_Pepper_spray 4d ago

Ugh... It's a cell phone zoomed in. If you breathe it'll shake, even with image stabilization on. I'm sorry the guy filming this didn't run to grab his tripod or ronin.

At least he filmed it landscape.


u/frank_datank_ 4d ago

At least he filmed it landscape.

You sure about that?


u/shartshooter 4d ago

It's a fucking gem of a comment...follows internet comments about the importance of filming in landscape but doesn't  know which is which.


u/Wakefire8 4d ago

And he damns the good name of Dr Pepper in doing so, most egregious.


u/Dr_Pepper_spray 4d ago

Does this look like 9x16 to you?

I got every wise ass in here commenting that the camera man doesn't know what they're doing because the image isn't stable without knowing Jack shit about cameras or zoom lenses.


u/shartshooter 4d ago

Landscape orientation is horizontal, while portrait orientation is vertical. 

Google is your friend.


u/Dr_Pepper_spray 4d ago edited 4d ago

Does this look vertical to you?

Edit: click the link. You have time to delete your comments.

Edit 2: Oh God fucking damn it! The reddit app is cutting it horizontal. -- My bad. That's also not helping with the shakiness. I thought it looked a little too cropped in.


u/shartshooter 4d ago
  1. Yes...perfectly fucking vertical.

  2. Seems Google is not your friend...

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u/TheHolyWaffleGod 4d ago

Dude the Twitter link also show the video was obviously filmed in portrait mode. What are you talking about?

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u/Teledildonic 4d ago

A landscape was filmed, yes.


u/Dr_Pepper_spray 4d ago

Does this look like 9x16 to you?


u/melpec 4d ago

For an amateur shooting of a spontaneous event, I find it pretty good filming.

Unless you think that was Steven Spielberg on vacation with an Arri Alexa and a technical crew?


u/TVLL 4d ago

Try shooting something far away.

I remember being at a Blue Angels show and trying to get them when I was zoomed in and they were far away. It's really difficult.

You're spoiled by all of the professional camera work you see.


u/Flat-Succotash4231 4d ago

The not paying attention part yes.


u/Ill_Albatross5625 4d ago

regardless..of their camera skills and the drama unfolding; i think they did an ok job. I certainly got the gist of what was happening.


u/fluffs-von 4d ago

Probably the best comment I'll read on reddit this week. Thank you!


u/Ill_Albatross5625 4d ago



u/tacos_247 4d ago



u/Due-Grapefruit-5864 4d ago

Here I was thinking I was funny sometimes


u/ponzLL 4d ago

Well teaching them is kinda your job lol


u/ihahp 4d ago

Shitty camera work often means the person stopped looking at their phone screen and decided to be present and experience it in real life.

I want to be that kind of person, regardless if it means sometimes my camera video is crap.

I hope you don't train your kids to experience everything through their phone screen.


u/Nethri 4d ago

Goddamn lol


u/Worldisshit23 4d ago

Imagine becoming a parent without knowing when a fucking camera is zoomed in to max and the clutter that comes with it. Chills.


u/yantraa 4d ago

One of the main things stopping me from having kids is the thought that they might grow up and not know that zooming in all the way on an object really far away and tracking and filming it well is really hard. Chills.


u/Thereminz 4d ago

.....oh....ah nice....yaas, godbless th- wait ok down....ehhh...cmon dude


u/Nrksbullet 4d ago

I think a lot of people when recording something don't look at the screen. They just kind of hold it up and watch it as if they're not holding their phone lol. Either watch it or record it!


u/trw419 4d ago

If they are zoomed in, any movement even the smallest will seem like it’s moving like seen.


u/netphish 3d ago

As a mic boom operator on amateur movies, I thought it was pretty decent considering the quality of the camera and the distance away. I'd probably do worse and be embarrassed and not posted the vid at all.


u/DirectlyTalkingToYou 4d ago

The camera work was a bigger disaster than the rocket.


u/Indian_Outlaw_417 4d ago

Don't they make all the electronics?!!?...HOW TF do they not know how to use them?!


u/TravelingGonad 4d ago

Many kids today will have 15 years of their childhood on video all in skinny portrait mode.


u/Intercostal-clavicle 4d ago

got me in the first half.


u/flaxon_ 4d ago

I was thinking, he was doing such a great job on the ascent...and then dropped the ball so fucking hard on the way down.


u/MarcMars82-2 4d ago

A phone camera at that. An actual camera I can excuse.


u/Shan_qwerty 4d ago

You can excuse an actual camera with an actual zoom but not a shitty phone camera with no real zoom functionality?

What even is going on in this comment section, is there a gas leak?


u/MarcMars82-2 4d ago

Yeah. It takes no brains to work a phone camera. An actual camera does.

Considering everyone has a phone camera everyone should know how to use one and since probably half the world’s population has never touched an actual camera and because that operating one is a bit more complex, I’m willing to give those people a pass.