r/Damnthatsinteresting 4d ago

How long haul airline seating works Image

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u/Dry-Worldliness6926 4d ago

Its the most profitable. This post is full bs


u/gamja-namja 4d ago edited 4d ago


Found several sources that confirm the post is correct

And before that weirdo comes to accuse me of being a bot and posting a cropped image, he literally just cropped the ticket price table to show that 😂


u/ArcanePyroblast 4d ago edited 4d ago

Ok I'm thoroughly confused and my middle class upbringing is gonna show here, but the costs this paper is attributing literally are just made up to suit this narrative. It literally has a line for "additional costs" that isn't enumerated, I'm expected to believe the average first class seat is having $300 spent on food which, considering I work in the hospitality industry at a pretty high level and have done some work for in-flight entertainment, I'm going to call complete and total horse shit on this number myself. I could serve you literally the best food in the world if my cost was 300 dollars. The source that this paper CITES, is a blog, so not a source that should have been used for this at all. Second of all that "source" only lists the cost to the airline as "up to $100 a meal".

I want to be perfectly clear. If the argument is, could the airlines make more money on a lower tier seat per square foot or even per capita, I might agree. But this paper provides no sources for where they ass pulled the cost of their first class services, and the ones they did cite, they didn't bother to read before citing them.


u/Majestic_Tangerine47 4d ago

This paper also fails to recognize the repeat business and corporate accounts that monopolize FC. FC is absolutely a huge sector where airline profits sit.


u/ArcanePyroblast 4d ago

I just wonder what the goal of this commenter or the paper was. Because it's business 101. You don't sell shit that isn't going to make you money somehow.

Yes I know what a loss leader is. It has to recoup its costs somehow. And according to this paper if first class is the loss leader, at those rates, airlines would literally never be able to make money. They're alleging that airlines are pissing away in some cases orders of magnitude greater costs on certain sectors of the flight budget breakdown. You can't do that and expect to run a business and I'm not even a fuckin C suite knob, just a guy who has to balance his own P&Ls.


u/Majestic_Tangerine47 4d ago

I have a theory. The author can't afford first class and suffers from some entitlement complex where "the airlines are wrong" rather than recognizing his position on the ladder.


u/ArcanePyroblast 4d ago

This right here lol. Can't deny it feels a tiny bit classist, but I also can't lie and say the thought didn't cross my mind, that's why my first comment I established I grew up firmly middle class flying economy and thus far in life I've climbed to economy plus so there's certainly bits of flying I don't understand but I have an internet connection and the ability to click some links and think critically for just long enough for the brain to start getting hurty


u/Majestic_Tangerine47 4d ago

I'm gonna use that hurty brain line. Hilarious.

Same flying background, too. This guy's sitting next to us in PE and being all pissy about it, where I'm pretty satisfied just not sitting in the middle.