r/Damnthatsinteresting 5d ago

How long haul airline seating works Image

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u/Littlesebastian86 4d ago

First class “not actually that profitable”?

  • ya citations needed. Sounds like bull shit.
  • love the specifics of “that profitable”


u/anoidciv 4d ago

I remember reading that first-class is so luxurious because they're trying to claw back the flyers who would be able to afford private travel. Now why would they invest so much into retaining these customers if there wasn't a healthy profit margin? Stupid graph.


u/rollsyrollsy 4d ago

It might also be that having low-profit first class creates a quality halo effect for the whole brand (ie helps to win biz class sales from competitor airlines)


u/Hughcheu 4d ago

It’s why most automotive brands have a sports car. Break even profit or even loss making, but it improves the brand.