r/CollegeBasketball Duke Blue Devils 7d ago

Amidst family drama and grooming allegations by his 30 year old Mormon girlfriend, Kyle Flipowski gets drafted in the 2nd round by Utah


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u/atlbluedevil Texas Longhorns 7d ago

And it's not like Kyle did anything morally wrong himself

Do people expect Scheyer to tell him to break up with his girlfriend or he's off the team? Or be punished for being groomed?


u/burnshimself Georgetown Hoyas 6d ago

They can maybe keep her (a non-student adult with no affiliation to the university) out of practices (it’s being reported she was at practice an alarming amount) so he isn’t living under her thumb. They could get him counseling or therapy. Instead they chose to cover it up and enable it by allowing Kyle’s abuser inside the program. Kyle shouldn’t be punished - but Duke 100% enabled this because their sole concern was winning basketball games.


u/atlbluedevil Texas Longhorns 6d ago

Outside of banning all girlfriends from practice, all of that would further entrench him to her. If what's alleged is true, she used cult like tactics to isolate him from his family, and you need to handle the relationship like deprogramming a member from a cult. You single his relationship at practice out, it gives the cult more ammo to further isolate him (us against the world stuff). You force him to counseling, same thing.

Look into cult deprogramming methods. The main way people leave cults is by being shown the outside world/having loving relationships outside the cult/tactfully making the member question the cult. Pressing the issue gets them to dig in their heels and escalates their attachment. They need to leave voluntarily

I wish it was as easy as you think, cults are masters in manipulation. Getting someone out isn't simple


u/First-Chocolate-1716 6d ago

Honestly? I don’t think Scheyer gave a shit and wanted to keep his star player in the fold and happy. 


u/atlbluedevil Texas Longhorns 6d ago

Its fine if you believe that, it wouldn't be the first time that a coach cared about winning over his player's well-being.

But my point is that he did care about getting Kyle out of that situation, we wouldn't have seen those actions as an outsider. There's not much Scheyer could do as an authority figure to help Kyle in his situation. Outside of tactfully questioning the relationship a few times in private, pretty much anything else he could do to help is his day to day job as a basketball coach

If Scheyer cared or didn't, we wouldn't know as outsiders. I'm personally not going to assume a coach doesn't care about his players unless he's shown it before


u/First-Chocolate-1716 6d ago

He was letting her come to practices. He was condoning it.


u/atlbluedevil Texas Longhorns 6d ago

Again, banning her wouldn't have helped his situation unless he banned every girlfriend 


u/First-Chocolate-1716 6d ago

Do you think John Calipari or Roy Williams would let girlfriends into practices?

What world are you living in. 


u/atlbluedevil Texas Longhorns 6d ago

My god, the phrase was "around at practice" I don't think Scheyer was letting her sit in the stands. It's not crazy to have players show up/leave practice with their girlfriends from time to time with their schedules

I'm sure she was just there every fucking day


u/First-Chocolate-1716 6d ago

You seem to want to excuse this so I’ll just say have a good day sir.


u/atlbluedevil Texas Longhorns 6d ago

Hey if it comes out that Scheyer was letting her sit in on practices/allowing her special access at the behest of Kyle, I'll eat my words

I just don't see how you can definitively blame Scheyer with the info out rn. It's a really tough and shitty situation for anyone who cares about him to help

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