r/CollegeBasketball Duke Blue Devils 7d ago

Amidst family drama and grooming allegations by his 30 year old Mormon girlfriend, Kyle Flipowski gets drafted in the 2nd round by Utah


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u/AmateurFootjobs Maryland Terrapins 7d ago

How did this not come out during college??


u/burnshimself Georgetown Hoyas 7d ago

Duke covered it up, of course. They 100% knew but didn’t care to protect a player and student who was obviously being groomed because their priority was winning basketball games not the well being of a player who is obviously being abused.


u/perfectson 7d ago

what did you expect Duke do? Ban her from dating a grown collegiate athlete? Get real. She groomed him and he's now and has been an adult and has made his decision.


u/shruglifeOG 7d ago

How about just banning her from team/school facilities? "Encouraging" counseling? It has to be a slap in the face to his parents, who'd gotten to know the coaching staff for years and had valid concerns, to see their kid's groomer posting selfies on the court. Meanwhile, they aren't even welcome at the games.

I'm not naive enough to think coaches and boosters don't have ways of freezing out competing influences. If Flip had started skipping Sunday games to honor his newfound faith, I guarantee you they would have figured something out.


u/ImMeltingNow 7d ago

His reasoning about his relationship isn’t like a normal adult’s since he didn’t develop like a normal teen should. He’s been manipulated and doesn’t know that whats been done to him is wrong.


u/perfectson 7d ago

What do you expect to happen or Duke to do or anyone to do once he reached 18+? Not saying it’s not a sickening thing but blaming the college or anyone else once he turned 18 is naive


u/ImMeltingNow 7d ago

There is a responsibility for an institution to look after their student’s health and safety. Being groomed has been shown to cause irreparable harm mentally since it’s linked to a high probability of rape. The issue is we don’t know if duke tried to intervene and failed.


u/CantFindMyWallet Connecticut Huskies 7d ago

What would that intervention look like? You understand they have no power to stop him from dating someone, right?


u/ImMeltingNow 7d ago

Calling it dating is disingenuous since it implies autonomy in his decision-making. But no, they can't stop him, because it ultimately comes down to the person if they want help, but they can provide guidance, support, and professional treatment. You would have to ask the requisite counselors for more detailed information, but if you have a potential rape victim on your campus who is still with their abuser, and depending on the statute of limitations, it is something worth looking into at least.


u/CantFindMyWallet Connecticut Huskies 6d ago

You're just speculating now.


u/ImMeltingNow 6d ago

Yeah I know, it’s almost like we’re on the internet talking about hypotheticals…


u/logicalcommenter4 6d ago

Um. You can’t force someone to go to treatment unless you’re doing an involuntary commitment or there is some type of court ordered scenario. You are assuming that there were no conversations had with Kyle and we can’t do that. He isn’t breaking any rules by having a girlfriend that is older than him.

We have to be realistic about the options that Duke has in this scenario. Would you want them to kick Kyle off of the team and potentially ruin the potential for getting drafted in the NBA for dating her? How exactly is the coaching staff or Duke supposed to regulate who an adult chooses to date?

Everything you suggested about counseling is great but requires someone to actively want to do it.


u/ImMeltingNow 6d ago edited 6d ago

But no, they can't stop him, because it ultimately comes down to the person if they want help, but they can provide guidance, support, and professional treatment.

Literally the second sentence of my post.

Also earlier i posted this. Which would be annoying to type after every single post.

The issue is we don’t know if duke tried to intervene and failed.


u/logicalcommenter4 6d ago

Apologies I missed that.

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u/KingJokic 7d ago

Duke wasn't in the guy's life when the grooming was occurring before he was 18. How would they have even know it was happening when he was a kid?


u/Melodic-Bench720 7d ago

Cool. You still can’t tell a legal adult not to date another adult.


u/ImMeltingNow 7d ago

You can still point out that person was likely raped for 3-4 years before they turned an adult.


u/Melodic-Bench720 7d ago

There is literally no evidence that they were involved before the age of consent In Massachusetts(17).

Stop making shit up to be dramatic.


u/CantFindMyWallet Connecticut Huskies 7d ago

According to The Internet, the age of consent in MA is actually 16, so even less likely.


u/ImMeltingNow 7d ago

I’m going to need to see the source on that. I do hope I’m wrong, however the way the family was cut off is disconcerting.


u/Melodic-Bench720 7d ago

Burden of proof is on the accuser. You go find the source saying they were banging when he was 16.


u/ImMeltingNow 7d ago

This isn’t court. Show me that he was 17 instead of 16. That fine line, dating him right at the precipice of legality, is enough smoke to search for the fire.


u/Melodic-Bench720 7d ago

It’s not a court thing, it’s literally the basics of any form of argument. I can’t prove a negative(that he didn’t have sex with her until he was 17). You claim something, you prove it. Sorry your dumbass claim that she was banging him at the age of 13 fell through.


u/ImMeltingNow 7d ago

Actually you can just prove they first met when he was 17. My negative statement is “he didn’t meet her as a legal adult”.

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u/WatchHillMusic 7d ago

Duke did not have to recruit him.


u/proelitedota Duke Blue Devils 7d ago

Conversely Duke didn't have to not recruit him.