r/CharlotteHornets 7d ago

2024 NBA Free Agency Mega Thread

Hornets fans and visitors,

The purpose of this mega thread is for centralized chat and discussion of anything related to the 2024 NBA Free Agency, including fan-proposed trades, rather than numerous self posts or trade machine images/links which really don't need their own threads.

Posts/articles from media or other reputable sources regarding free agency rumors and trades can still be posted as their own threads, this is primarily for Free Agency commentary and trade ideas by fans. If you have a high quality text submission, go for it.

Thank you for your cooperation. Bonk on. 🐝

🏀 2024 NBA Free Agency 🏀

➡️ June 29

  • Last day for a team or player option to be exercised
  • Last day for a player to receive a Qualifying Offer

➡️ June 30

  • Free agent negotiations can begin with players not on your own team (6 PM ET)

➡️ July 1

  • Free agency moratorium (12:01 AM ET)
  • First-round selections can sign contracts
  • Minimum contracts (2 years or less) can sign
  • Restricted free agents can sign an offer sheet
  • Third-year and fourth-year rookie options can be exercised
  • Two-way contracts can be signed and converted

➡️ July 6

  • Free agency begins (12:00 PM ET)
  • Teams can officially sign free agents
  • Trades can become official
  • Rookie-scale and veteran contracts can be extended
  • Clock begins on offer sheets signed during the moratorium

➡️ July 13

  • Last day to withdraw a Qualifying Offer

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u/swanbearpig 5d ago

Hear me out: sign and trade deal of some sort involving miles bridges for Paul George. I do not know ball or the cap situation implications. I feel this would be very fun and good for BMills developmenr. Do not @ me


u/Amazing_Owl3026 4d ago

FO wants to tank so we wouldn't but ik Miller would be happy with it


u/palmettowhig 4d ago

Source on the FO saying they want to tank?


u/SnakeOilPurveyor 4d ago

No source saying it directly but I think them taking a small step back rather than tanking makes perfect sense.  

That pick we owe the Spurs stands to be quite valuable in what is said to be a good draft.  Plus, it turns into seconds after this year if not conveyed.  That's a pretty huge asset change.  

It stands to reason as well that based on the Salaun pick we weren't looking for a Knecht-like instant contributor in the draft and(if what they've said about Miles is true) we won't have much cap to do anything with this year.

Seems better for a new front office to evaluate their roster for a year, trade out guys that don't fit it and protect a valuable future asset.


u/a_moniker 4d ago

Yeah, my biggest gripe with the franchise has always been that they always seem to think that their current roster is “fine” or already “ready to win.”

  • They constantly either drafted low-ceiling, win-now prospects (Cody Zeller, Frank Kaminsky, PJ Washington, etc) or the players who started to “fall” (Bouknight, Monk, Vonleh, etc)
  • They often traded valuable picks for mediocre vets (Marco Belinelli trade) or salary cap savings (Jalen Duren trade)
  • They gave out big contracts to who could “instantly” make them compete for a title, instead of making sure that they had the requisite talent for that player to actually make a difference (Gordon Hayward)
  • They have rarely been willing to take salary dumps in exchange for future draft picks
  • They refused to use free agency to upgrade their depth, and consistently acted like they didn’t even need to account for injuries (Maledon and Nitilikina as the only backup PG?? Plumlee as the only playable Center??)

I’d much rather have a front-office that’s patient and willing to take risks in order to actually build a team that’s capable of winning a title. The young core needs to prove that it can make the playoffs on its own, before they start cashing in chips for “win-now” players.