r/BreakUps 2d ago

How do you resist the urge to text her?

So I got broken up with recently, and I’m not too sure what the reason was. For context, we had been dating for around a year and a half.

Before this everything seemed okay, and then it happened so suddenly. I had to take a trip out for 3 months, which put us in different time zones. I didn’t get a lot of time to communicate to her, but I did my best. A month and a half in she broke up with me over a text message telling me that she needed time for herself, and that she can’t forget my past mistakes. I know I messed up badly in the start of our relationship, but I did put the effort to change for her. I understand the reasoning though, and I respect her decision. I just kinda wish there was a way to work through this issue or that she had just called me instead.

My reaction to the break up has exactly been healthy either. I’ve been crying for the past 3 days thinking about her. Every time I think about her I just get the urge to text her and beg her to give me another chance. We did so much together it’s just kinda hard to accept that this is how it ends. I know it’s not right to reach out, but the urge to text her is too strong. I still love her


10 comments sorted by


u/cold-fusion101 2d ago

Tbh, i dont even know how i stop myslef its been 6 months i often get the urge to just call her and talk to her. Sometimes, when i am sitting, i just talk to her in my head and tell her about how bad she did me and what we could have been had she not left me for that guy. But then i remember she chose to leave, and every day, she chooses not to come back, not to text, not to call. This thought shatters me, but it is what it is.


u/ParamedicIll5844 2d ago

Say a prayer for them


u/Excellent_Shelter100 2d ago

Write a letter to her (don't send it). I wrote a few letters to my ex after we broke up and it helped me placate the part of my brain that wanted to talk to him without actually breaking no contact. It also helped me put the relationship in the past and move forward. Journaling helped too, just write down your feelings and thoughts


u/staciamm 2d ago

Beautifully stated, me too 🙂


u/bladieeee 2d ago

I just text myself instead or the meta ai on WhatsApp. I know it's pathetic but people cope how they cope :))


u/cecemitts 2d ago

Hey I’ve been in a similar position too (blindsided over text with no conversation or clarity about what the problems were). 1) Something which has stopped me is knowing that every day he has made the choice (conscious or unconscious) not to contact me, because he doesn’t want me in his life. 2) I imagine texting him, him looking at the message, feeling irritated and consequently ignoring 3) I think about how there is probably another girl at this point who does not need to text him first


u/EpauletteShark74 2d ago

We’ve all sent dumb texts before, whether a bad flirt to your crush or asking a dumb question to a coworker. Remember the feeling you had of “oh god I wish I could take that back”? Well right now, you have that power. Don’t send it.


u/lsabbo 2d ago

Write down what you want to text in your notes, I’ve found it helpful. Sometimes I even text her, if she broke things suddenly (as I’ve experienced recently) then it’s raw and you can’t bottle it all up. Tomorrow is not promised, don’t let anything go unsaid.


u/vinsanity_07 2d ago

I had to block her on everything but forgot one thing, texting, she reached out after 3 weeks of NC and now we talk every day 🙄. Just block everything man


u/[deleted] 2d ago

By knowing that I don’t miss him, just miss what we could/should have been. Knowing he hasn’t changed or taken full accountability. Knowing he doesn’t care. So why should I care for a low life such as that? It’s just a feeling. Hold strong, don’t give in.