r/BreakUps 2d ago

Exes can be so cruel

How could someone go from planning the entire year with you and then dump you right after? Sucks how he planned on going places and visiting other country with you, looking for flights and hotels, planning on celebrating birthday together, renting airbnb for a month on some place he found and him visiting you in your home country, and then broke it all off not even 24hrs after planning. Damn how could someone be this cruel? How can I move on from this? Now he’s not even talking to me. Everyday is just plain painful😞


7 comments sorted by


u/rubycatx 2d ago

Let me know when you find out the answer


u/c2tom 2d ago

Yeah I have never understood that. We had so many plans together and we were talking about our whole lives together then it’s like I don’t love you.


u/kaiahdean 2d ago

I know, everything can change in an instant. One minute they want you and one minute they don’t give a fuck.


u/HaHaNoOneLikesYou 1d ago

my ex left for work last Monday and never came home. she broke up with me via txt on Wednesday. I've had little to no meaningful contact with her since.

10 hours before she left forever she went out of her way to bring me dinner, tell me she took Saturday off just to spend it with me and confirmed all of my upcoming medical appointments she was going to come with me to. (including my one year cancer scan which is fucking tomorrow.)

i still can't figure why she did all of that.


u/samijoes 2d ago

Its manipulative


u/Feisty-Dragonfly-11 2d ago

Sorry this happened to you. My bf of 3 yrs just broke up with me today and we were planing on going on a 3 week at my home country this month and were talking about getting engaged this year. I think people are just cruel and heartless


u/Bubbly_Sleep9312 2d ago

Because people suck and they're extremely selfish