r/BlackPeopleTwitter 4d ago

*checks her profile* shocked to see it says lash tech 😂

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u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/StasiaPepperr 4d ago

Wrong post or just that excited about your new deli containers?


u/TequilaAndWeed 4d ago

They could not contain their excitement


u/RudanTheRed 4d ago

Unlike how these amazing Tupperware containers can contain your leftovers!


u/oral_tsunami 4d ago

He said fuck it, he's a conscientious objector to the gender wars


u/epicmousestory 4d ago

When people post dumb culture/gender war stuff, some people post unrelated comments as a way of showing they don't want to engage with it


u/Tainted_Bruh ☑️ 4d ago

I get what they’re doing, but it’s just a different flavor of lame, on some real I’m-so-cool-because-I’m-flippant tryhard shit.

When I see culture/gender war shit I don’t want to engage in? I just smh and scroll on.


u/Nordie25 4d ago

I swear it’s not that deep Brother but go on


u/epicmousestory 4d ago

Tupperware is tryhard shit?


u/Studstill 4d ago

More like you know Tupperware, the thermometer, ending the CRM, you know, stuff that matters lol


u/lazyrancher 4d ago

I think this is one of those moments where you read something so ridiculous you just need to change the topic and who doesn’t love nice Tupperware!


u/PunishedWolf4 4d ago edited 4d ago

They’re great for meal prepping for the whole week and get a food scale for weighing out your food so you know how many calories you’re taking in.


u/LorenzoStomp 4d ago

This is how I lost weight and kept it off the last couple years. I looked up my healthy weight range, calculated my TDEE (I suggest Sailrabbit's calc), bought a food scale, and started using a free calorie app (FatSecret. Dumb name but useful) to log EVERYTHING. 

I didn't think I could stick to the calorie limit suggested by the TDEE calc, so I allowed myself 200-300 over a day and still got to my goal weight, it just took a few months longer. I'm right at the upper limit of healthy weight now and if I got a little stricter or added in some exercize I could easily drop 10lbs, I just don't wanna. The scale really helps to learn exactly what a single serving looks like and make sure I'm not logging the wrong thing. Which is why a lot of people don't see results, they are guesstimating and getting it wrong too often, or they're forgetful and sloppy about logging EVERYTHING. 


u/PunishedWolf4 4d ago

Congrats on your weight loss! I use my Fitbit watch to monitor how many calories I’ve burned(I know it’s a guesstimate not a precise science) and log my calories and am really seeing the weight loss now after a while of routine and restriction


u/BluBeams 4d ago

Thanks for telling us.


u/onebandonesound 4d ago

I picked this up when I was working as a line cook. Don't need any Tupperware other than deli container pints and quarts