r/BlackPeopleTwitter 4d ago

Did you do to your “black job” today?

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u/DirtySilicon 4d ago

WTF is a BLACK JOB?????


u/K-Dot-thu-thu 4d ago

I mean he had to mean some shit like housekeepers and field laborers, same as "mexican jobs".


u/paputsza 3d ago

it’s more like “being the first one to run in an active public shooting” and “keeping the beat in a group clap during a concert”


u/zarbemomin 3d ago

The one to throw a baseball hat to signal the others that's its on


u/TrashhPrincess 3d ago

Thabk you for your service, my rhythmically challenged ass could never.


u/slashinhobo1 3d ago

Im willing to bet anyone he was thinking slave labor and picking when he answered that question.


u/K-Dot-thu-thu 3d ago

I mean yeah pretty much


u/Mel_Melu 3d ago

I feel like a lot of "essential jobs" fall into both these categories.


u/Fakjbf 3d ago

I think he was just trying to appeal to black and latino voters by saying that illegal immigrants are taking their jobs specifically and therefore they should vote for Trump to prevent that. But then because it’s Trump he naturally worded it in basically the worst way possible.


u/K-Dot-thu-thu 3d ago

Right, but illegal immigrants are only able to get the worst/illegal jobs because they do not have appropriate documentation.

Meaning to say that they are specifically stealing black/Mexican jobs is to imply that is the only work those groups can get.


u/Fakjbf 3d ago

No it only implies that such jobs are predominately done by black and latino people, not that it’s the only jobs black and latino people can get or even that it’s a majority of the jobs they can get. If the only people working such jobs are black or latino but they only make up 0.1% of the total jobs that all black and latino people work, you could still “reasonably” call them black and latino jobs (with a loose definition of reasonable at least). It would be a dumb thing to call them but technically not incorrect.


u/KGillie91 3d ago

Man said illegal immigrants were coming over and taking “black jobs and Latino jobs”. He was extra iggerish last night. 


u/DirtySilicon 3d ago

You know, I swear I was seeing the phrase for a couple days now, but maybe that was just my nigga senses tingling, warning me some bullshit was coming.


u/KGillie91 3d ago

Senses had to be tingling because that was like watching two drunk uncles argue at the family function. Equal parts of being comical and being concerning, I was laughing while considering which country I’m about to move to with my family. 


u/DeafNatural ☑️ 3h ago

I read that as n****rish lol

u/KGillie91 1h ago

That’s what I meant lol. I don’t like typing that hard r and I was too lazy for asterisk so I just left the n off. I’ve seen, said, and done my own fair share of ignorant shit but Trump is the most iggerish person I’ve seen in action. 


u/Cosmic_Gumbo 4d ago

You know, those old dudes working the auto plant assembly line in Detroit for those GM Super Bowl commercials.


u/ATGSunCoach 3d ago

Trump responsible for all these black folk in commercials? It’s gonna backfire with his people.


u/DirtySilicon 3d ago

"You know... I'm real popular with the Blackss!"


u/throwthisTFaway01 3d ago

8 mile Eminem job. Stamping the same bumper for 30 years.


u/Either-Durian-9488 3d ago

It’s like a normal job with hip hop style and jive talk.


u/No_Pear8383 3d ago

Are people not offended when people say “the black vote”. I’m not black but I always thought that was not an ok thing to say.


u/DirtySilicon 3d ago edited 3d ago

I'm not, personally. It's not a Black thing as much as its a non-white thing. We are just a demographic that doesn't resemble the greater population. Notice they will also talk about the Hispanic vote and so forth. I personally think it's fine that they understand black and other minorities have a separate set of issues that may be of more importance to us than greater America, that pretty much refers to "White America." Like most of us won't support a racist candidate. White America probably doesn't give two flying fucks since it has zero effect on them, aside from maybe that asinine idea that minorities are the primary beneficiaries of welfare. The republican party seems to still believe in welfare queens. *shrugs*


u/No_Pear8383 3d ago

I think you underestimate how many white people hate racism. One of the reasons a lot of white people don’t like Trump is because he’s racist.


u/irn 2d ago

Running to the corner bodega when you were 12 years old with a note from your unc and a $5 for a pack of parliaments and his drink. You can get candy with the change.

High tier black job would be helping with the grill at a cookout or taking numbers during dominoes.


u/weasel999 3d ago



u/Flexivle 3d ago

It’s a job, that’s black - Norm Macdonald


u/Equivalent-Concert-5 2d ago

a job a black person has