r/BlackPeopleTwitter 4d ago

Barack Obama chime in on the Trump vs Biden debate. Country Club Thread

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u/anylastway 4d ago edited 4d ago

Obama sure did have a bad one vs. Romney way back when

It was such a more civil time though, like Romney was actually funny at the Al Smith dinner and neither person really seemed like they despised the other. That's what pisses me off about this current cruelty culture. Maybe it's twitter, twitter plus other stuff, but you have grown people encouraged to act like bratty teenagers


u/Rvtrance 4d ago

I remember that one. It was the very first one and it was surprising to see.


u/Georgia-the-Python 4d ago

On MSNBC last night, predebate, they mentioned that every incumbent president in the last 40 years has lost their first debate. 

Reagan, Clinton, W, Obama - all of them lost the first debate going into their second term. 


u/_Sympathy_3000-21_ 4d ago

One of the candidates has to still run the country while the other one only has to run their campaign. Plus they’ve spent the last 3 years with everyone deferring to them. Biden probably had at least an 8-10 hour day before the debate even started. It’s why incumbents always look caught off guard.


u/rydleo 4d ago

This was a bit more than losing a debate. Biden looked half dead and was unable to finish a paragraph of sentences without completely losing his train of thought.


u/Parrelium 4d ago

We all lost last night.