r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ | Mod 4d ago

I thought this relationship was supposed to be give and take

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u/scottie2haute ☑️ 4d ago

Im sure a bunch of people are gonna say “yes” but the real answer is fuck no. That might be appealing to some of the goofy women but more normal types are not gonna be for it. Gonna be all types of “gay” accusations (especially if yall ever fall out).

Reminder: Dont let the internet trick you into thinking people are more “accepting” these days. Folks just be saying shit on the internet. If anything people want acceptance for their own lifestyle, not others


u/montroller 4d ago

Reminder: Dont let the internet trick you into thinking people are more “accepting” these days. Folks just be saying shit on the internet. If anything people want acceptance for their own lifestyle, not others

I'm just gunna quote this so people can read it twice and let it sink in


u/scottie2haute ☑️ 4d ago

Ngl, knew it was a bar when i wrote it.

With everyone being more chronically online these days (myself included) I think folks lose track of what’s reality and forget just how “unacceptable” some things are in society. Not saying its right but you’ll save yourself some pain if you accept that most “weird” things are still gonna be seen as “weird” to most people. Sure it doesnt hurt anyone if you wear a dog collar and furry tail to work, but dont expect people to not think differently of you