r/BlackPeopleTwitter โ˜‘๏ธ 5d ago

They tired just like us ๐Ÿ˜ญ Country Club Thread

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u/mayorodoyle 5d ago

Yes! This is exactly it!

I don't hate you because you're black, I hate you because you're a person.


u/Dr_Bluntsworthy_ThC 5d ago

Was having a drink out back in a seedy bar the other day. My type of place. I'm very white passing and my boy is completely white. This older white woman and middle aged white dude sit across from us and start smoking. Took under 2 minutes for the old lady to begin a racist rant about Mexicans (a lot of people think I'm Hispanicโ€”she either accepted me as a white or didn't give a shit lol). Typical "I don't hate them but they're ruining our country blah blah" type shit. Then the dude she's with is like "I fucking hate Mexicans. I hate white people. I hate black people. I fucking hate everyone."

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ these people sucked but that took me by surprise enough to get a laugh.


u/_Rtrd_ 5d ago

Meh, hating immigrants isn't even racism sometimes, it's just highly hypocritical. Like sure you want a more localized economy and all that bullshit, but then still reap all the benefits of all the illegals doing a lot of work for less pay? Fuck outta here with that bullshit. The American problem with immigration is simply them ripping off people who need the work, they could very well implement better temporary work visas and everyone would be happy. Like you can already buy a fuck ton of stuff here in LATAM if you're being paid in dollars.


u/Dr_Bluntsworthy_ThC 4d ago

I feel you but it was def also racist. The things she said about Mexican people were 100% racially motivated and completely fucked. Just a POS on many levels.


u/the_champ_has_a_name 5d ago

I mean. That should be the vibe. If you're gonna hate someone, you should hate specific people, regardless of their skin tone, because they are shitty people. Don't judge everyone because of that shitty person tho.