r/BlackPeopleTwitter 5d ago

Jj reddick, reference Country Club Thread

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Everybody knows about duke white ballers by now.


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u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/leericol 5d ago

That's never a good reason not to believe someone. Like literally never. Sometimes people hold onto things and take time to process them. Some times people get really sick of seeing the person who hurt them in the spotlight and it bubbles up to the top.


u/nearcatch Honest Abe 5d ago

Investigating every claim and giving it due diligence is good. Believing every claim by default is not.


u/leericol 5d ago

Casting doubt by default is so much worse.


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago

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u/leericol 5d ago

There's a difference between a victim speaking up about how they were hurt and an anonymous douche on reddit saying shit. I don't have to disprove you. You don't even know my first name and there's nothing at stake to calling you a liar as we don't know yours. I'm not saying all people should be sentenced without fair trial the second an allegation comes there way. The point is if it comes down to he said/she said, and you automatically swing toward the person accused rather than the victim that is always inherently worse than the reverse.


u/spaceheatr 5d ago

Especially on people speaking out on things like this or sexual harassment. She literally has nothing to gain. Absolutely nothing.