r/AskReddit 7d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/IncoherentPenguin 6d ago

That’s actually smart can you imagine getting 5000 yotta size drives, you’ve just made S3 obsolete, you can comfortably fit all of YouTube on one drive. You could power the world’s storage needs for the next 50 years.


u/Necessary-Knowledge4 5d ago

Imagine having that amount physically in Yottas, though. I'm assuming you'd flood the world in SSDs.


u/IncoherentPenguin 5d ago

Well actually it wouldn’t too bad, given 20 TB drives, you would need 50 million drives to make one yottabyte, therefore for 5000 yottabytes, you would need 250 billion drives. Each 20 TB drive costs about $380, one yottabyte would cost 19 billion dollars. Or for all 5000 yottabytes, $95 trillion although if you are going to buy 250 billion disk drives I imagine they might give you a bit of a discount.

If you were to put each drive end to end. You would be able to create a road 36.7 million km which is a ridiculous amount of road to construct so let’s say you were in a space ship, it would take two light minutes to travel that distance.


u/Necessary-Knowledge4 5d ago

Sorry i meant that amount of drives total - it had nothing to do with how big data size wise they were. Like 10 yottas of SSDs were just created and dumped onto the world.