r/AskReddit 7d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/no-signal 6d ago

$10 would have got you 100 bitcoins. Each bitcoin is now worth 60k. That’s 6M.


u/DontCountToday 6d ago

But you'd still have to convince your (justifiably very skeptical) parents to buy them for you on some sketchy websites.


u/3_Thumbs_Up 6d ago

Is this really the only way you can figure out how to get some money? If 9 year old me had adult me's brain I'd figure it out one way or another. This would literally be the opportunity of your lifetime. There's millions of dollars just lying on the table in front of you. If you need to ask your parents for permission to pick them up you're doing it wrong.


u/DontCountToday 6d ago

Well actually, there are millions if unrealized dollars on the table. Dollars that would be, for all intents and purposes, gone from their bank accounts for about a decade. And you would of course have to convince them of that, which at the time sounded absurd.

And 9 year old you might have had access to some petty cash. If you couldn't convince your parents there is only one way and it would have been theft. And on top of that, would a 9 year old or potentially tech illiterate parents even know how to safely purchase them if you wanted? You make it sound easy. It wasn't easy for a child to make a purchase on the internet at that time.


u/3_Thumbs_Up 6d ago

I can think of hundreds of ways to acquire bitcoins that doesn't rely on my parents or theft. Just because you can't think of any others doesn't mean there are no other ways.

First off, you realize we're talking about a digital currency here, right? One that inherently has no KYC or barriers to entry, meaning you don't need to buy it at all to begin with. Another way would be to simply go to the main bitcoin forum and offer any kind of service in exchange for BTC. Programming, writing essays, you name it. Literally the main selling point of bitcoin is that it's permissionless, but you still can't think of a single way to get some without someone else's permission.

The first recorded bitcoin purchase was someone offering to buy pizza for someone else online in exchange for bitcoins. Do you seriously not think that there's no way whatsoever that 9 year old you would've been able to find a way to buy pizza for someone online, even if you tried full time for a few months?

Ffs back in 2010 you could probably get a 3 digit amount of bitcoin through a few months of dedicated online begging. Do you seriously don't think there's anything you could do in order to get someone to send you 10 bucks online? You would just throw up your hands and say, "oh well, I could've been a multimillionaire, but my parents said no, and there was nothing else I could do"?