r/AskReddit 7d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/Entropic_Alloy 6d ago

Middle of college. Perfect opportunity to turn it all around...


u/thecursedcoffee 6d ago

Part of me thinks I could go back and buy a fuck ton of bitcoin so I’d be set for life.

The other part of me knows I would never mentally survive secondary school and university all over again. I would most definitely eat a bullet over doing that again.


u/HrLewakaasSenior 6d ago

If you're a Bitcoin gazillionaire, maybe you don't need to. Buy a mansion or five and just enjoy your uneducated life lol


u/max_power1000 6d ago

You still have to ride out a decade of life before you dump it all in late 2020. granted, the 2010s were a pretty awesome decade all things considered. Also, don't forget to buy a good amount of ethereum in mid-2018 too after the crash.