r/AskReddit 7d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/BaronsDad 6d ago

Nvidia, Tesla, Broadcom, Netflix, Dominos, United Rentals, bitcoin...

MegaMillions Tuesday, March 27, 2012: 9 19 34 44 51 (24)


u/no-signal 6d ago

Bitcoin was 10 cent. Buy $2000 worth and start dumping slowly every year. You will have way more than 100m in 2024.


u/imllikesaelp 6d ago

I remember when I figured out how to buy one online, but then realized it was over $100 and didn’t want to waste that much money in case it vanished.


u/ihoptdk 6d ago

I have a tale of woe to tell you. I came across bitcoins as a newfangled toy. I started mining them and soon a had 8 bitcoins. But it was still a little effort for almost no return, so I stopped mining. Eventually, they creeped up a bit, then up a little higher to $12 a piece! Twelve bucks for these useless digits! But before I caught on, they crashed again. I was sure I missed out. They creeped up again, and when they hit $20, I pounced! I sold 7 coins for $20 each with a half a coin fee. These useless things that cost me cents, $140 profit for nothing!

And obviously you know where leads. I missed out on selling those coins for hundreds of thousands of dollars. I even lost the wallet that had that remaining half a coin left over. So don’t feel bad about not knowing they would peak at $73,000.


u/Archophob 6d ago

the next time, it will crash again, all the way down to 100k.


u/smallfried 6d ago

It's some kind of fallacy to think of this as a loss. If you didn't sell them at 20, you would have sold them at 30, or 40. And so on and so on. You would have had to make the decision not to sell every day. And it would feel riskier every day and you probably would have slept badly at every crash.

Most people lost money on Bitcoin. It's a less than zero sum game after all is done.


u/NTaya 6d ago

Eh, I'm currently holding a +900% NVidia stock. Still not selling. I want to buy a house in twenty years with it, like I would have done today if I bought, e.g., Apple stock twenty years ago. I don't sleep badly when it crashes. If my $500 or however much I spent are gone, they are gone. Whatever. If I sold it at +500%, it would've really been a loss.