r/AskReddit 7d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/vkapadia 7d ago

Yup. To a billionaire, a millionaire is a rounding error.


u/Nerdsamwich 6d ago

This is why I laugh at the bootlickers who cry that raising taxes on the rich would be "punishing success". If you just take away 99% of a billionaire's assets, he's still got ten million bucks. There's no appreciable effect on their quality of life, even after losing statistically everything.


u/Plane_Sweet9812 6d ago

only that its a dum bo take cos a lot of rich people have thier money in companies that run and feed a lot of families . So if you took it out ,

a lot of other people will be affected .

You don't think of that do you .


u/Nerdsamwich 6d ago

Um... you know that if all the owners disappeared tomorrow, the workers could still go to work and make products, right? They'd just be doing it for themselves and their communities instead of some rich asshole.


u/Plane_Sweet9812 6d ago

this is so hilarious , you really think so?

You have no idea how this shit works . do you .


u/Nerdsamwich 6d ago

You have no idea how factory equipment works, do you?


u/Galzara123 6d ago

Carl Marx having an erection reading this comm.


u/Nerdsamwich 6d ago

Whether or not you see that as a positive, you can't deny it's true.