r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/imllikesaelp 4d ago

I remember when I figured out how to buy one online, but then realized it was over $100 and didn’t want to waste that much money in case it vanished.


u/eatmygonks 4d ago

Yup, still hurts


u/TheGreatZarquon 4d ago

I spent 111 BTC on a large pepperoni and sausage pizza and a 20oz Mountain Dew at a local pizza joint back when BTC was just getting off the ground as a usable currency. That pizza at today's exchange rate would have cost $6,816,110.40.

I think about that pizza a lot.


u/snuffslut 4d ago

Dude. I also bought a pizza with Bitcoin. I dont remember how many I used but it was when BTC was worth nothing. I also think about that pizza a lot.


u/kaisadilla_ 4d ago

BTC has never been usable as a currency, much less in 2012. There's a story of a guy who "bought" a pizza for 5000 BTC, but even then he actually just paid some guy 5000 BTC to buy a pizza with real dollars for him.

I sincerely doubt your comment.


u/Cantremembermyoldnam 4d ago

1) Lots of places take BTC as payment, even more than back in 2017-2018 when it took off. It's entirely reasonable that a "local pizza joint" would experiment with this stuff.

2) It was 10.000 BTC and the guy wanted to prove that you can get physical goods in exchange for BTC. Which he got.


u/TheGreatZarquon 4d ago

The guy that owned that pizza joint was super into computers and started accepting BTC after it started to gain a little traction as a currency. I still keep in touch with the guy on Twitter and he's a massive cryptobro now.


u/ADIDAS247 4d ago

What are you talking about? People were buying Lamborghinis and other high end items using bitcoin as early as 2013 and making the news all the time. Dealerships, Rental firms, real estate and a whole bunch of other fields were very quick to start accepting bitcoin coin.


u/SleepTrades 4d ago

Don’t dwell on it lol. Some of us weren’t even born yet to trade it 😭 or too younger


u/oldentimer 4d ago

Oh great so now I'm dumb AND old


u/SleepTrades 4d ago

Ur username checks out 🤣 it’s ok tho ur lucky to be old, nowadays some of us youngsters don’t even live to see that happen :/ one can only wish to reach old age


u/oldentimer 4d ago

Oh great so now I'm dumb AND old AND depressed for my children's future


u/Vegetable-Ad1118 4d ago

Buddy is doing you no favors lol


u/Khamet1 4d ago

Hey atleast your lucky you ol dog


u/BelaKunn 4d ago

I was mining it and let the account I was mining with expire and lost all access to it back in 2013.


u/rdmille 4d ago

For fun, I ran a miner for a few months, a very long time ago.

I don't have the wallet, much less the password or the computer it was on...


u/Jealous-Ad-1926 4d ago

If it’s any consolation, I did the same but did buy it, and it vanished. Thanks mtgox!


u/Godfreee 4d ago

Theyre giving em back next month. After 10 fricking years.


u/floflo81 4d ago

If I understood correctly, they are giving back the amount of dollars they were worth back then, not actual bitcoins or even how much they would be worth now.


u/Jealous-Ad-1926 4d ago

Correct. And not to everyone. I applied to be a named creditor and they didn’t approve me.

I had at least 10 btc there for sure. I bought them in 2013.


u/garry4321 4d ago

Step 1: Buy decentralized currency that's main feature is that it is secure without the need for risky financial institutions that can go under, taking your currency with it.

Step 2: Centralize said currency in a risky financial institution that can go under taking your currency with it.

Step 3: ?????

Step 4: Profit?....


u/Jealous-Ad-1926 4d ago

Yeah sure I bet you had the foresight to see that coming 11 years ago


u/garry4321 4d ago

Thats... thats literally what the entire purpose was of the currency was from the get go, my guy. Its the REASON it was created, not some benefit later figured out.

You didnt need foresight, you just needed to understand why the thing you were buying had any value to begin with.


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago

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u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 3d ago

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u/garry4321 3d ago edited 3d ago

And yet you deleted it LMFAO! You think Reddit suddenly can’t find that comment now? Another clear lack of basic awareness.

Look how mad you’re getting at the internet! 🤡. I don’t feel anything towards you but mild laughter at your clear saltiness over some truths you can’t accept. I’m sorry to have so strong of an impact on your mental state and stability. Enjoy your life if this is all it takes for you to spiral 😂


u/Dirty-Soul 4d ago

Bitcoin was secretly founded by time travellers to finance their trips to the "unprecedented times".

Lotteries were the primary means of doing so prior to this.


u/Xenuthorzha 4d ago

i had 9500 saved up, was looking to buy bitcoin but the site looked sketchy and i had to link my bank account to it so i noped out. I think it was less than 10$ at the time lol


u/_BMS 4d ago

I remember when there were bots on Reddit that were straight up giving away Bitcoin as basically fancy upvotes people could give to each other since it was so worthless at the time. All you had to do was post a command under a comment for the bot to see.


u/robophile-ta 4d ago

A little later, Redditors would tip you Bitcoin Cash, which was pretty worthless. I was given $5 worth and then proceeded to upload it to some obscure exchange I've long forgotten about. Oh well.


u/no-signal 4d ago

If it’s any consolation, I bought Ethererum at $100 and at $200 sold it all because there’s no way I will make more than double my money


u/Cantremembermyoldnam 4d ago

You doubled your investment. You did very well :)


u/__cum_guzzler__ 4d ago

my college roommates tried to talk me into bitcoin in 2013 but my ass was too broke. I couldn't even muster 50 bucks because i needed that money for food.


u/ihoptdk 4d ago

I have a tale of woe to tell you. I came across bitcoins as a newfangled toy. I started mining them and soon a had 8 bitcoins. But it was still a little effort for almost no return, so I stopped mining. Eventually, they creeped up a bit, then up a little higher to $12 a piece! Twelve bucks for these useless digits! But before I caught on, they crashed again. I was sure I missed out. They creeped up again, and when they hit $20, I pounced! I sold 7 coins for $20 each with a half a coin fee. These useless things that cost me cents, $140 profit for nothing!

And obviously you know where leads. I missed out on selling those coins for hundreds of thousands of dollars. I even lost the wallet that had that remaining half a coin left over. So don’t feel bad about not knowing they would peak at $73,000.


u/Archophob 4d ago

the next time, it will crash again, all the way down to 100k.


u/smallfried 4d ago

It's some kind of fallacy to think of this as a loss. If you didn't sell them at 20, you would have sold them at 30, or 40. And so on and so on. You would have had to make the decision not to sell every day. And it would feel riskier every day and you probably would have slept badly at every crash.

Most people lost money on Bitcoin. It's a less than zero sum game after all is done.


u/NTaya 4d ago

Eh, I'm currently holding a +900% NVidia stock. Still not selling. I want to buy a house in twenty years with it, like I would have done today if I bought, e.g., Apple stock twenty years ago. I don't sleep badly when it crashes. If my $500 or however much I spent are gone, they are gone. Whatever. If I sold it at +500%, it would've really been a loss.


u/treetrunksbythesea 4d ago

I had 400 Bitcoin I bought at 7 cents. Sold them when they were like 2€... Never thought they would ever be higher than that


u/Next-Performer5434 4d ago

Was 30£ for me. That was a third of my weekly au-pair allowance so ofc I wasn't going to waste it on some imaginary novelty tech "money"


u/digitalux 4d ago

I remember when I bought 100 for $100 to buy something on Silkroad. Then lost the remaining ones with mtGox..


u/Maleficent_Present35 4d ago

I remember when a pizza place in Berkeley or some other Bay Area city as a lark offered to accept payment for their pies in bitcoin. Something like 15 (full) bitcoin I think. My memory of the actual cost is not reliable but it was double digit for certain


u/inlandaussie 4d ago

13 cents when my husband was telling me about them. I told him it was stupid, didn't make any sense and will never go anywhere.

I never tell him he's wrong anymore and let him make any investment he wants.



Ouch, please don't remind me.


u/splitcroof92 4d ago

you don't need to buy them whole though


u/Normal_Hour_5055 4d ago

They were £60 when I bought my first 1.5 coins to buy drugs online.

I was talking with my freinds about how stupid it was that something so worthless was valued so highly and after the fad ended it would go back down a like 50p a coin....


u/Sysheen 4d ago

I heard a podcast about it when it was still very new but didn't think to invest myself. I went back and found the date of the podcast and bitcoin was under $1 per coin.


u/Puzza90 4d ago

Mate I remember when it was basically 1:1, but back then it was only being used for buying drugs


u/Ninkynank 4d ago

Oh yup, I was a kid and it was at £300 and I thoughts that was too much lol


u/SyntheticManMilk 4d ago

First time I bought bitcoin, there was no convenient way to buy it like coinbase. I had to Western Union money to some guy in Morocco to get it.


u/Themadking69 4d ago

Had a buddy buy a handful at the start as kind of a jokey splurge. He cashed them in at around $900 a pop to buy tickets to Super Bowl LI. At the time I thought he was a genius and was jealous.

Now we both have 0 bitcoins.


u/ALexGOREgeous 4d ago

I remember reminding my friend every time the price increased into several hundreds, then the thousands, then the tens of thousands. I would update for every increase but I thought Bitcoin was like stocks and didn't wanna get into it myself.


u/413C 4d ago

$4000 for me. Credit card in hand.


u/Bdr1983 4d ago

I sold the bitcoin I had for €250 because it would never go higher.


u/Jesus__Skywalker 4d ago

Me and my dad had a conversation once about Bitcoin and we were both lamenting over how we can't believe we missed it and we wish we would have bought. We were so depressed to have missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

Bitcoin was 450 dollars.


u/Jeremymia 4d ago

You could also bet your life savings on 25 red at a casino whenever you want. Just because it might have hit doesn't mean it would have been smart.


u/pax284 4d ago

IT was like 250 when I first really heard about it.

Didn't want to "waste" my money on something like that when I was a freshman in college living off of a meal plan and plasma donations.


u/thefatchef321 4d ago

A high school freind of mine was selling runescape bot scripts online in the early 2010s . Bitcoin was a payment method.

He's rich now.


u/Busepellerjohnsen 4d ago

I thought about that as well but would have had the balls to sit on the fence throughout the whole rollercoaster of up's and down's?


u/SparklyChinito 4d ago

I remember my friend telling me about them when it was $5000... he's now a hundred thousand'aire


u/soundmixer14 4d ago

Dude I think I did the exact same thing. I totally remember downloading a wallet app at some point, and I remember a seed phrase that I wrote down, but then I can't remember if I ever bought any Bitcoin because it wanted a copy of my driver's license and it seemed expensive to me at the time and I thought, wait a minute, what can I even buy with this, pizza? Why would I buy this? Lol. But if I wrote down a seed phrase, somewhere, does that mean I bought some Bitcoin, or could that have just been for the wallet? I've checked my email account and can't find a receipt for anything...


u/smoochface 4d ago

We were mining in college and got 10 after letting our PC's run all night for a few weeks. They popped one day and were worth $5. We all laughed that people were so stupid, we got pizza to celebrate.

lulz, not mad :)


u/LiquidDreamtime 4d ago

In 2012 I skipped a Bitcoin meetup a friend invited me to for a Tinder date


u/AggressiveLime7659 4d ago

yea I could have bought in at $50 but I couldn't really figure it out... damnit..we both would have sold when it doubled though or lost the key if that makes you feel better


u/geak78 4d ago

I was in college when it first came out and i stayed up to like 3am trying to figure out how to mine it. Eventually decided I should go to sleep and finish in the morning. Never finished...


u/PookieCooch 4d ago

Tell you what, in 2015 a senior at my uni told me to buy 1BTC for around 314$ at the time. He did and I procrastinated thinking what is the need of it. 3 years later he sold it off for around 13657$.


u/Cuckdreams1190 4d ago

I remember a buddy telling me about bitcoin when I around 2008. I looked into it and I remember buying like $500 worth... I just have no clue what I did with it.

I can't tell you how many times I've searched all of my backup hard drives, etc. It drives me nuts.


u/Klutzy_Rough9319 4d ago

i asked for 1 btc @ $300 for my birthday when i was a kid. mom said no.


u/Schoseff 4d ago

Wanted to buy at 120 for 1000 but would have had to send identification to open a wallet and let it be.


u/will-reddit-for-food 4d ago

Ever heard of the Silk Road? In college we bought weed with bitcoin that would be worth millions today…


u/ADIDAS247 4d ago

We use to tip each other in bitcoin for witty comments and other stupid shit. There would literally be threads filled with the bitcoin tipping bot tipping out what today would probably be thousands of dollars.


u/Scrogwiggle 4d ago

I wanted to buy weed online after moving to a new city but saw one BTC was .50 and the price was fluctuating. I didn’t want to put in 100 and have it be worth 90 so I didn’t do it.


u/Annoverus 4d ago

Same, I really wanted to buy one until I saw it was around 700k per coin… I ain’t got that kinda money!