r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/Clever_Mercury 5d ago edited 1d ago

Yttrium-90 microsphere treatments. It's a selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) that can be used to treat liver cancer and colorectal cancer. It is around $20,000 per dose. One patient may need multiple doses.

Donating 5,000 of these to a few key hospitals could do a lot of good for the world.

Edit: thank you for the award. I don't know how to identify the awarding person under the new Reddit system!


u/okaeriiii 4d ago

That's very nice of you. We should have 5000 Yous.


u/SeanArthurCox 4d ago

And each of those 5000 yous picks the 5000 Yttrium-90s, so that's 25,000,000 treatments!


u/roxgib_ 4d ago

But what if the 5000 Yous creates 5000 more Yous, and eventually the world is crushed under the weight of all the u/Clever_Mercury's created?


u/SuperSimpleSam 4d ago

5000 Yous

After reading Dark Matter that might not be a good idea


u/Clever_Mercury 1d ago

I know you wrote it a few days ago - but thank you, that comment was very kind of you.