r/AskReddit 7d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/chapl66 7d ago

Is it true the happiest days of a boat owners life are the day he buys and the day he sells it?


u/Riluke 7d ago

My father-in-law used to say it's not the day you sell it, it's the day it sinks. Because insurance is the only way you're getting any money for it.


u/Frosty_Cake9094 6d ago

Dumbest shit I heard. Definitely not the first time, I’ve heard this plenty. Meanwhile I’ve bought two wakeboard boats, spent 15+ summers of pure bliss having fun on the lake. And sold both for more than I bought em for. Wish I didn’t sell though. Those boats have appreciated another 100% since.


u/redditshy 6d ago

This is what I love to hear!!! I am 47 in four days, do not come from boat people, work hard, and I want a boat!!! I just went to motorcycle school two weeks ago. I’m doing all the things before it is too late. ⏰


u/bostonstrangler01 6d ago

You won't see 50 if you buy the motorcycle so many fucking morons talking on the phone while driving....get the boat motorcycle is too dangerous...happy Bday.