r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/Addendum709 5d ago

Fun fact: 5000 days ago will take you back to October 17, 2010


u/Stewieman123 5d ago

Thank you- 2010 was the perfect year


u/Entropic_Alloy 5d ago

Middle of college. Perfect opportunity to turn it all around...


u/ObvsThrowaway5120 5d ago

I’d end up just doing what I did back then in college. Just sit around getting stoned and playing video games lol.


u/nerevisigoth 4d ago

Yeah but you'd also buy a bunch of Bitcoin for like 3 cents and be set for life.


u/terminatoreagle 4d ago

I wouldn't be able to buy bitcoin since I was 9 then.

Maybe if I could convince my parents to buy some...


u/LastChans1 4d ago

Mom, Dad, really; it'll be the cheapest birthday gift by far. For my 10th birthday, just 10 dollars of Bitcoin.


u/Woemmmer 4d ago

Reminds me of this story about this kid who asked his parents to buy him bitcoins for his birthday present and ended up getting a skateboard... (I forgot the full story, but it was probably somewhere in a random Instagram comment 😂)


u/TiredRightNowALot 4d ago

Back then you sure could. Localbitcoin.com

All you’d have to do is grab some cash, set up a meeting and then show up to the location with cash, have that shady character off the internet take your money and hope that they sent it to your wallet.

Crypto was a wee bit different back then.


u/Lord-Lobster 4d ago

Just don‘t pay a pizza with


u/Entropic_Alloy 5d ago

If I could back, it'd be early in my junior year. But I'd probably switch majors and actually buckle the fuck down instead of barely skirting by. I'd also do the obvious investments, because I'd need another year and I'd rather not put that burden on my parents. And I could help my sister more with her own college. Also, having 14 more years to get in shape and learn more skills in my prime would be so nice.


u/ObvsThrowaway5120 5d ago

That’s probably a far better use of time travel. In October of 2010, I would have been a sophomore. Not the worst year but I could have definitely worked harder and did a lot more.


u/Spare-Sky1322 4d ago

so Tuesday.....