r/AskReddit 7d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/Humble-Ad-7170 7d ago edited 5d ago

Yesterdays. I wish I can get back 5,000 days of my life

Edit: Holy shit!! This comment went crazy!!! Thank you guys for all the positive responses. And to the people who berated and hated. I hope you find peace lol jeez


u/ill-be-lonely 6d ago

Idk I feel like if you told a genie that, you'd end up reliving the same day 5000 times


u/MizterPoopie 6d ago

That would be sick. Live the same day over for 13 years and then on the last day use all the collected knowledge to become a billionaire


u/normie_sama 6d ago

Unfortunately, knowledge isn't enough to be a billionaire. That, and you'd probably come out the other end with some sort of crippling psychological problems.


u/Teledildonic 6d ago

...longer then you think!


u/TolmanP 6d ago

Oh, come on, it's just a quick jaunt...


u/MizterPoopie 6d ago

It totally is. You’d have 13 years to figure out the exact sequences it would take.


u/curiousiah 6d ago

If that was the case, living for 13 years normal would possibly give you crippling psychological problems…. Oh. It does for some people.