r/AskReddit 7d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/Humble-Ad-7170 7d ago edited 5d ago

Yesterdays. I wish I can get back 5,000 days of my life

Edit: Holy shit!! This comment went crazy!!! Thank you guys for all the positive responses. And to the people who berated and hated. I hope you find peace lol jeez


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

Clever. If I can keep some memory or note of what to do, it would be an entirely different life.

But I'd have to go back to high school too though. Hmmm. That could be rough.


u/RockitDanger 6d ago

Drop out. You'd have knowledge of the future. High School would be meaningless


u/Numerous-Champion256 6d ago

In it for the social experience and simple pleasure of learning at that point. High school would be cake if I had the knowledge I have now. NVDA at $0.10 and knowing how to easily get in shape in a year, I'd be laughing my ass off every day


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

You kinda need the degree to get any kind of work or higher education


u/RockitDanger 6d ago

Lottery. Bitcoin. Stocks. Sports betting. Real estate

Why would you think a HS diploma is a bigger moneymaker than any of those?


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago edited 6d ago

I don't. The reason for a high school diploma isn't about money, once you're rich. When I'm financially taken care of I want to do other things with life than lounge around with my money, because you go crazy if you have nothing to do but entertain yourself. As Covid demonstrated. It gets boring shockingly fast when you never have to work again. Especially at age 18? That's 60 years of pure recreation. You'd need at least one passion project to stay sane, and that needs education to do well.

If you gave me a billion dollars right now, after taxes, I'd pivot careers, but I'd still work in some capacity. Maybe not full time, but I'd definitely be doing something to stay engaged.

Edit: let me put it this way. I don't want to use money to solve literally all of my problems. I don't want to flaunt my wealth. I don't want to buy my way out of earning things. I do not want the life and luxury of the ultra wealthy, and I don't want any kind of notoriety or fame. So even if I had that money, I would use it to make my life secure and healthy, not luxurious and easy.

I don't want workarounds for education, I want to learn shit and earn a degree and use it to do a job well, and not take that job home with me.

I want to pay off the debts of myself, my family and friends, and a few more besides. Buy a few luxuries like concert and festival tickets, pay for tutoring and personal trainers and expensive healthcare to help me get over my PTSD faster, and then have some stipend of a few grand a month to cover rent and buy literally whatever I want, which isn't much. Then, hire someone to use the rest to build micro grids in developing countries or some shit.

I'm genuinely humble in my material wants and needs. This is my plan. I didn't care if there's ways to use money to bypass some things. I won't use them.


u/ChronoLink99 6d ago

I think you could do all this with self-study to learn all the knowledge you need. You don't necessarily need to participate in the formal education and structured curriculums of high school. I agree with you though. Need to stay busy.


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

My ADHD ass definitely needs the structure haha

I'd probably hire tutors tho for the things not covered in university classes.

A formal education helps with credibility for anything you're doing, if nothing else. Any dumbass can own lots of stuff and spend money. An educated billionaire has more sway among people in power & potential partners


u/ChronoLink99 6d ago

Yeah private tutors would be the way I'd go too.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

Do you have any goals in life besides having money?

I do. So I need an education


u/nb8c_fd 6d ago

You'd be getting 14 years of your life back, and you'd retain your education.


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

But not the certs to prove I did the education, which are necessary for my goals. I'd do it faster & easier than the first time, but I still gotta do it

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u/ResponsibleArtist273 6d ago

I don’t agree that it would get boring shockingly fast for everyone, but I do know what you mean. If I had infinite money, I’d love to jump around learning new languages.


u/DeadInternetTheorist 6d ago

Lmao you do no need a diploma to do the kind of fakework half-job hobbies that rich people get to feel engaged. You're not working for money, or to survive. You can just buy your way in to whatever thing you're into.


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

Yeah, but this whole thread started asking what I would do, and all the things I want to do, and do well, I'd still need formal education.

I haven't got a lot of ambitions that are based on money, and being able to capitalize on crypto in 2017 would blow so incredibly far past the few money based ones, i'd just hire someone to manage the rest and do what I was gonna do but with the security of being able to buy anything I need. Or want, frankly.

So I'd still need a diploma, so I could be a battery researcher. Or an electrician or something, which very much requires a formal training to avoid killing anyone with what I build.


u/RockitDanger 6d ago

This is a stupid back and forth. I'm bowing out. Please don't respond to me.


u/3_Thumbs_Up 6d ago

If you have a billion dollars you don't need anyone's permission to "have a career". You could literally buy most companies that you'd be willing to work for. You could literally pay Harvard professors for private tutoring if you wanted to learn something.


u/smoothsensation 6d ago

The GED test is easy enough.


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

And sadly, still very frowned upon


u/smoothsensation 6d ago

GED is no different than just having a high school diploma. If the job only requires that, then your interview presence is far more important. Any college is going to take test scores more importantly as well. If you get a 1400+ on a SAT or a 30+ on the ACT you’ll get into most colleges you’d want to get into.


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

And recommendation letters also help with college. My high school principal was an alumnus of the school I ultimately got into which definitely helped a lot.

There's a lot of little things that high school can help with. Depending on what you want to do. For some pursuits,a GED is probably fine. For others, high school is better


u/Iwantmymoviesback 6d ago

I hear you. There's just no amount of money you could pay me to make me go through high school again. 😂 I maybe could do Jr college instead, and possibly I could manage to complete a 4 year degree. Maybe.


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

I feel that. It would go differently because you'd bring a lot of maturity to it that nobody else has, but different things would go wrong.

You'd definitely be able to find a workaround though with the resourcefulness you developed since then


u/3_Thumbs_Up 6d ago

And recommendation letters also help with college.

As would a private donation of 500 million.


u/Quazimojojojo 6d ago

Fair, but also a giant waste of money when I can get a letter from a principal for free and use that money on micro grids in Brazil


u/MrHazard1 6d ago

Work in a gasstation and dump 10 bucks into bitcoin and apple every month