r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/Spuzzle91 5d ago

Yellowfin tuna. Gonna have sushi every damn day


u/Woolbull 5d ago

Average 440lbs, at $25+/lb x 5000


u/cfreddy36 5d ago edited 5d ago

This is the check way to cash this out. Everyone saying the Yacht guy is gonna get rich. No. You don’t have anywhere affordable to put the yachts and there’s no way you’re selling all of those.

The tuna you can move quickly and there is always demand. That’s like 10 million bucks I think?

edit: math brain fart. 10k times 5k is 50 million not 10 million


u/waffleking9000 5d ago

55mil according to that calculation


u/cfreddy36 5d ago

Thank you. I rounded down to 400lbs and then probably messed up the head math lol


u/Icy_Penalty_2718 5d ago

You're not doing much with that tuna before it goes bad. You're not even moving it the same day. Good luck with realistic storage day 1.


u/Drikkink 5d ago

I mean if they're still alive, they can live 5-7 years. Now I'm not sure where you're gonna store 5000 ~400 lb tuna on next to no notice. You could probably sell off a 10-20 fish same day and use that to try to find some place but you'd be on a major time crunch to find a suitable habitat for roughly 5000 massive saltwater fish.


u/ZooperDD 5d ago

Dude sell 10 yachts 50% off on day 1, that'll net ya enough cash to store the yachts in whatever way you need.


u/Adam9172 4d ago

And how tf are you preserving the Tuna exactly? Do you realise how much fish you just landed yourself with? You got less than 24 hours before the fish goes off.


u/Impeesa_ 4d ago

Everyone saying the Yacht guy is gonna get rich. No. You don’t have anywhere affordable to put the yachts

They can come to me after I own 5000 yacht dealerships.


u/zakkil 5d ago

The viability also depends on the person's location. In the US you'd need a commercial fishing license to be able to sell the fish, especially in that quantity, so you might only be able to get it sold through some sort of sketchy back alley deal. Another issue would be fishing regulations. The catch limit varies from state to state but some limit it to 3 yellowfins per fisherman per day which is just a bit lower than 5000. saying that you just magically got 5,000 of them probably wouldn't fly so you'd be hit with hefty fines for overfishing and possibly jail time as well.


u/iamsamsmith123 4d ago

You get like 3 days to sell the fish though


u/HighlyUnoffended 5d ago

$25lb for yellowfin? Where tf you selling your tuna my brother because I get like $6 and it sells at market for $10


u/BearManUnicorn 5d ago

Unless you live in Iowa. Then what the fuck ya gonna do with em. Have 5000 rotting fish in your yard


u/Spuzzle91 5d ago

Consume. Consume and freeze anywhere I can jam fish flesh into. The rotten shall go to my enemies.


u/across7777 5d ago

Average is WAY less than 400lbs, and you only get 1/2 that weight in meat


u/Arviay 5d ago

Dang, what am I gonna do with 10 mil, worst case?


u/Cutsdeep- 5d ago

we're going to need a bigger fishtank


u/KrackSmellin 4d ago

Go on…


u/DonutBoi172 5d ago

You just gave yourself a couple thousand pounds of spoiled tuna. Congrats


u/ivanyaru 5d ago

Gonna turn into a thermometer!


u/MondayToFriday 4d ago

All the mercury is going to bioaccumulate in you!


u/EmergencyTimeShift 5d ago

They would surely go bad right?


u/thebeast5268 5d ago

We're gonna need a bigger freezer


u/_funkapus_ 4d ago

After a day, you're gonna get pretty sick.


u/MidorBird 4d ago

Your body's mercury levels are going to kill you quite quickly...


u/CheesyDelphoxThe2nd 4d ago

use a few of em for sushi and put the rest back in the ocean lol, the yellowfin population is declining


u/AzureIsCool 4d ago

Dunno how far you will get before the mercury poisoning kicks in.


u/GargantuaBob 4d ago

Better eat em fast, they spoil.


u/iamsamsmith123 4d ago

Ewww not the gross ass yellow fin. Butterfly is so much nicer and cheaper