r/AskReddit 7d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/TightValue315 7d ago

Would be a curse everyone you would ever know would die before you can you can't really make connections because they would always die


u/simplespacelight 7d ago

Who the fuck cares lol I have their entire life with them plus so many more years to get to know other cool people. I would take the 5000 years.


u/HalFWit 7d ago

Star Trek: TNG: ‘Time’s Arrow’, Data talks about how comforting the knowledge that he will die is.

LaForge: So, do you want to talk about it?
Data: Are you referring to the foreknowledge of my death?
LaForge: Yeah.
Data: I have no particular desire to discuss the matter. Do you need to talk about it?
LaForge: Yeah.
Data: Why?
LaForge: Data, this has got to bother you a little.
Data: On the contrary. I find it rather comforting.
LaForge: Comforting?
Data: I have often wondered about my own mortality as I have seen others around me age. Until now it has been theoretically possible that I would live an unlimited period of time. And although some might find this attractive, to me it only reinforces the fact that I am artificial.
LaForge: I never knew how tough this must be for you.
Data: Tough? As in difficult?
LaForge: Knowing that you would outlive all your friends.
Data: I expected to make new friends.
LaForge: True.
Data: And then to outlive them as well.
LaForge: Now that you know that you might not?
Data: It provides a sense of completion to my future. In a way, I am not that different from anyone else. I can now look forward to death.
LaForge: I never thought of it that way.
Data: One might also conclude that it brings me one step closer to being human. I am mortal.

Credit to : u/PiercedMonk


u/DutchJediKnight 7d ago

And then they rebooted said decapitated head, making the point void