r/AlternateHistory 15d ago

Strong_Site's timeline can't be Without Reddit's most hated "Historian" 2000s

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u/viva_la_republica Roosevelt Lives 15d ago

We need to see what r/alternatehistory would be posting in this timeline.


u/Rawadon 15d ago

Since this is future althistory, Strong_Site wouldve still posted their timeline project. Thus subreddit becomes a cult dedicated to them after everyone sees that Strong_Site's timeline is the one theyre in.


u/viva_la_republica Roosevelt Lives 15d ago

Either that or alternate Strong_Site makes a series of posts called "The 2024 Presidential Election According To Reddit" where he shows off a timeline where the civil war doesn't happen and it's just reddit posts from OTL.


u/Rawadon 15d ago

Ah true, that is a classic move aint it?


u/sezar4321 15d ago

alternative Strong_Site is a mod on r/politics just check out his part8.


u/Strong_Site_348 SACWATR 15d ago

r/ACW2 actually, a fictional sub dedicated to the war.


u/Early_Daikon_7249 15d ago

Actually that got abandoned, this is the one: r/SACWATR


u/TheLegend2T 15d ago

They would've been arrested for spreading Trumpian propaganda


u/GumGumnoPistol300 15d ago

I'll probably either be fighting Maga or in Canada.


u/Maksiwood 15d ago

A user named "Weak_Front_3488" makes a series named "What if the 2ACW didn't happen according to reddit"


u/No-Still8562 15d ago

Hey… I know you…


u/PrincessofAldia 15d ago

It’s basically just our timeline


u/Chance-Aardvark372 15d ago

I wonder what bullshit whatifalthist would be making in this timeline


u/LePhoenixFires 15d ago

"I told you the incels would rise up against the woke liberal world order"


u/napoleon_nottinghill 15d ago

Vindicated after all these years smh


u/MobofDucks 14d ago

Would he read academic literature from modern times again after the liberal world order was smashed or would that still be too cuck-ish?


u/LePhoenixFires 14d ago

As long as it wasn't woke literature and had some color-in pages he'd read it


u/MobofDucks 14d ago

And was published before the 70s.


u/LePhoenixFires 14d ago

70s?! Never! Hippy dippy second wave feminist bullshit.


u/coastal_mage 14d ago

*the 1870s


u/OhBarnacles123 15d ago

Turkey fills in the power vacuum left by the US

TÜRKIYE SUPERPOWER 2025 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🪳🪳🇹🇷🍉🍉🇹🇷🪳🍉


u/Helenos152 14d ago

Nah Erdogan gets couped and Turkey suffers a similar fate to the US


u/HolyBskEmp 14d ago



u/thedarkmasterofdoom 15d ago

If there would be prequel that lead up to SACW according to Reddit, his YouTube title would be like:

“The Incoming Second American Civil War”

just like his infamous title video basically.


u/Based_Text 15d ago

Men not having enough sex caused the civil war or some shit


u/Mesarthim1349 14d ago

Depending on where he lives, he might have died in this scenario, like a lot of other civilians.

Or he'd be in the fighting (which is also risk of dying).


u/historynerdsutton 15d ago

why does he have 229 million subs


u/Martinxo51 15d ago

It's 229K, OP is Brazilian and has YT in portuguese


u/Elementisphere 15d ago

Wait why do we hate Monsieurr Z? I thought we only hated whatifalthist


u/Fartfech 15d ago

As a person, He's extremely right wing. A lot of his videos express far right rhetoric. He supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine, advocates for Eugenics, and a lot of his videos are restricted in the EU for this reason.

For his videos, his ideology bleeds into them very badly.

It is a common pattern, that Left-Wing regimes lose or perform terribly in his scenarios, while Right-Wing ones flourish and thrive, his extreme bias is obvious, and it ruins any chance for a clear picture or enjoyable content.


u/NationalJustice 15d ago

Well not surprising that he supports Russia considering his name


u/Fartfech 15d ago

For the record, I thought it was that originally too but apparently he's gone on record saying the Z means Gen Z; But yeah either its a very unfortunate coincidence or he's lying, which wouldn't be surprising.


u/NationalJustice 15d ago

Hmm, I just assumed that he thought the letter Z is cool or something (my previous comment was a joke and I don’t think he actively named himself after the Russian military either)


u/sporgking20 11d ago

It just an unfortunate coincidence. I used to be subscribed to him before the war and he was using the Z as a symbol back then.


u/derekguerrero 14d ago

Wait the russian z actually means something?


u/BiscottiTimely7740 14d ago edited 14d ago

At first it was just a sign to identify troops that we're going in ukraine (the one in the north if my memory is right). But now it's a pro war sign.

Edit: Corrected an error in the "in" where there was an "f" instead of a "i".


u/This_Potato9 Modern Sealion! 15d ago

I mean, his videos are kinda wacky when talking about modern politics because he's kinda a doomer when talking about american conservatives


u/RestoredSodaWater 14d ago

Bro that's not even right wing, that is straight up neo nazi


u/LitanyofIron 12d ago

Listen he is right wing but she shouldn’t be censored if your American repeat after me the, 1st Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Just because he is right wing doesn’t mean he has to be canceled. I listen to people I disagree with just to find 1 out ten thing we agree with at least start a dialogue. Freedom of speech is hard to accept in life you have to make sacrifices and hear things that makes your blood boil.


u/The_Lonely_Posadist 15d ago

Hes a literal fascist. Have you seen his eugenics paper?


u/Elementisphere 15d ago

Holy shit what


u/KeneticKups 15d ago

It is a fascist but eugenics does not = fascist


u/bigbenis2021 15d ago

Eugenics in the modern day is almost entirely supported by fascists.


u/God_peanut 15d ago

Still doesn't mean eugenics = fascists. Otherwise we're calling a shit ton of people in the 19th and 20th century fascists.


u/KeneticKups 15d ago

Depends on what you define as eugenics

are we talking the actual definition?

the idea that we shouldn't force people to be born with diseases?

killing everyone who has any flaws?


u/Alarmed_Detail_256 14d ago

There is no modern day eugenics. Most universities, including those of what would later become the Ivy League, had eugenics departments and saw it as a legitimate subject in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. There were no fascists yet back then, and it had believers from across the political spectrum, especially from the liberal side. Everything is, fascist, fascist, fascist to you people. You dilute the meaning of the word when you stupidly throw it around at everyone to the right of the far left.


u/Rhalinor 14d ago

Advocating for removing people from the gene pool because they have this or that phenotypical feature sounds pretty far-right nowadays, ngl


u/Alarmed_Detail_256 14d ago

Ok then tell me which leader of the ‘far right’ as you call it advocates removing people from the gene pool because they have “this or that phenotypical feature”. The only group that wants to remove people from the gene pool are those who advocate abortion, and that is generally from the Left. Anyway, who is this leader of the Right that advocates eugenics?


u/Rhalinor 14d ago edited 14d ago

My definition is a bit broader, since I consider both eugenics and expulsion from the country (like with the Armenian genocide) to be one and the same, tools for genetic cleansing in the scope of the state that conducts these policies (against the will of those who these policies are directed against).

For an example of the latter, take anyone that advocates for removal of foreigners in Europe, like Martin Sellner, Varg Vikernes and Breivik in the West, or Alexei Milchakov and Oleh Tyahnybok in the East.

I admit, my definition is broader since I also include expulsion as removal from the gene pool, but regardless.


u/Alarmed_Detail_256 14d ago

Eugenics and population expulsion and Genocide are three entirely different things, and you ought to know that. I’ve read some of the young right wing Europeans like Sellner, for example. Nowhere in his or his wife’s extensive writings have I found words attesting the value of Eugenics. Why? Because at one time it was considered a science but over a fairly short time it was debunked in the west. The last people to try a version of it were the Nazis. Your “broad” definition stretches “broad” until it begs for mercy. It is utterly inaccurate and absurd. Lose it and do better.


u/GumGumnoPistol300 15d ago

Imperialists, radical transhumanists, and ethnonationalists also believe in eugenics or something practically similar.


u/JXEVita 14d ago

Transhumanist is the only thing you listed that isn’t inherently right-wing


u/GumGumnoPistol300 14d ago

I know but the right wing sects are technically eugenics.


u/GumGumnoPistol300 14d ago

Hence why I said radical


u/GumGumnoPistol300 15d ago

Link also transhumanism >>>>>>>>>>>>> pseudo science (that's what eugenics is)


u/No_Biscotti_7110 15d ago

He has stated in he past that he sympathizes with Jim Crow laws because “everybody knew their place in society”


u/KeneticKups 15d ago

aka "I can pretend I'm better than others because of their skin color"


u/Nerevarine91 Prehistoric Sealion! 15d ago



u/KrazyKyle213 15d ago

Wait we hate people?


u/EccoEco 15d ago

He's literally a nazi sympathiser


u/PrincessofAldia 15d ago

He’s a mask off fascist


u/Helenos152 14d ago

Why do we hate either of them? I have never watched any of these two 


u/nanek_4 14d ago

Whatifalthis has went down a schizophrenia path with his videos while Monseur Z is pretty far right


u/Helenos152 14d ago

Can you be more specific with the first one? Do you mean that he has made some crazy videos or something like that?


u/MobofDucks 14d ago

Whatifaltiest started as a lovely, albeit odd sometimes, alt history channel. His shitty editing had some charm. Like your friends older brother that talked shit without knowing much as a kid. Like stuff you listen to at the side, while playing a game and eat ice cream.

After he got an audience, he started ranting about sub-high tier guys not fucking enough and getting extremist because of this. From there he went to prophetize the fall of "liberalism" or "woke governments" while completely dropping any kind of real explanations why things happen in their timelines.

Then he dropped the ball with his statements that academic literature "post-frankfurt" was shit and not to be believed. So basically the last 50+ years. Big hate-boner on Adorno and Habermas. But he started quoting/explaining stuff again. With a problem: Like, he now quotes some books to support his thesis about incel rebellions, book its awefully apperent that he just skimmed the first 15 pages or quotes thoughts of other peoples of the book without checking it themselves.

Guy just lost himself into the rabbithole and recently started to also unironically include esoteric and conspiratory stuff. Which he now sometimes frames as actually predictions "cause he did his reading" instead of althistory.


u/nanek_4 14d ago

Uhhh yeah. Most infamous are videos about the upcoming "incel revolution" but than theres also videos about other weird shit like CIA and the spirit world and shit. He used to have decent althist videos but he stopped making those and focused on insanity.


u/CrunchyBits47 15d ago

he made a video about how good fascism was


u/Distinct-Entity_2231 15d ago

Ah, the guy who can't say Z properly, as „zet“.


u/Illustrious-Mind-251 15d ago

Nah reddit hates what if alt hist more


u/JohnSmithWithAggron 15d ago

Moniseur Z is hated more in my opinion. It's just that we already talked about him plenty of times, and last time I checked, he isn't making funnily insane videos like "The Upcoming Incel Revolution".


u/WorldArcher1245 15d ago

Now I'm hoping to see the UFS win. Just to see his reaction.


u/UkrainianHawk240 14d ago

Why is Monsieur z so hated?


u/Szymon_Gaming618 14d ago

Mostly because he believes in eugenics and his Scenarios are very biased


u/Level_Werewolf_7172 14d ago

Far right wing, expresses pro Russian ideas and supports the invasion of Ukraine, eugenics and compares American diversity to Austro-Hungarian and believes that any form of us nationalism is like Yugoslav nationalism where one state sees themselves as the leader of the hegemony, which isn’t true in the slightest


u/friendly-heathen 14d ago

i mean he's not as bad as whatifalthist lol


u/FitGrape1124 14d ago

Nixon Boner guy.


u/CLE-local-1997 13d ago

Is he the one that refuses to read any academic historiography or pop history books written after like the '60s?


u/JakesJustBetter55 11d ago

As someone in the middle, more right leaning now a days, I HATE Z’s content. He makes the wackiest scenarios basically as propaganda because it gets ragebait views


u/Tomnenhumnomeserve 10d ago

But its funny lmao


u/Pixels7Adventure 14d ago

What's your problem?


u/CapitalSubstance7310 i made a deathnote post once 15d ago edited 15d ago

God, Monsieur z isn’t the worst. I ain’t going to praise him because he has said some shitty things. But I see people saying his alt just channel is “pure evil”


u/The_Lonely_Posadist 15d ago

The eugenicist?


u/Consistent-Zebra1653 14d ago

Happy Cake Day!


u/KeneticKups 15d ago

By that did he advocate for murdering people with disabilities or did he say they shouldn't be allowed to reproduce?


u/wweirdguy 15d ago

Both are eugenics dumbass


u/KeneticKups 15d ago

So which did he say?

unless you are erroneously saying that there is no moral difference


u/Last-Percentage5062 15d ago

Didn’t he say he liked Jim Crow because “everyone knew their place in society”? Like, whatifalthist sucks, but he’s just crazy. Monsieur Z is straight up evil.


u/Angelicareich 15d ago

He isn't a crackhead like WIAH, he knows he's evil and he loves it


u/KeneticKups 15d ago

Very simplistic view

most fascists feel they are good despite being evil


u/CapitalSubstance7310 i made a deathnote post once 15d ago

A history YouTuber isn’t evil, i disargee with Fredda but I ain’t going to call him evil


u/HistoricalHistrionic 15d ago

Hey mods, can we make a rule about clogging the page with memes about an implausible future history project which is clearly just an opportunity for the right-wing to engage in a circle-jerk? Because I’m sick of seeing stuff like this.


u/Rexxmen12 15d ago

The guy pictured is literally far-right and the post is making fun of him


u/HistoricalHistrionic 15d ago

I get that, but it’s still taking away from the rest of the sub. Half the time when I see a post from r/alternatehistory it’s stuff about this inane “scenario.”


u/Rexxmen12 15d ago

If more people are posting than usual because of this scenario, it's not taking away from the sub


u/HistoricalHistrionic 15d ago

In the same way that spam in my inbox takes away from the useful emails I get, these posts do take away from my enjoyment of the sub. If the increased engagement being fostered is of low-quality (which I wouldn’t say is the case for this particular post, actually, but would for the others I’ve seen) then that is not a positive.


u/nanek_4 14d ago

"I understand this scenario is very popular and is making the subreddit more active but it makes me angry cus its not muh wholesome left wing scenario so please remove it pls."


u/Valuable_Idea3102 15d ago

As a far left person, I don’t think the u/Strong_Site timeline is terrible.

While I don’t think Biden would do the things he does in that timeline (he doesn’t have the balls to get that bad), I don’t think it’s completely in bad faith. It’s an interesting scenario, and I don’t think the primary goal is to push an agenda.


u/Gallbatorix-Shruikan 14d ago

I like the scenario since it shows what would happen if both sides were genuinely the same in terms of corruption and dirty tricks.


u/Erwin_the_German 15d ago

Also incredibly sick of this one - it's a thinly disguised Ben Garrison cartoon in long form lol


u/HistoricalHistrionic 15d ago

Seriously. It looks like a parody to someone without brain worms but is actually intended to be a realistic depiction of reality.