r/ANGEL 9d ago

One of the silliest continuity errors that cracks me up.

I’ve watched this show since it aired. When I was a kid, you could give me a season and episode number and I could tell you what the episode was called and what it was about.

It’s been about 6 years since I’ve rewatched last but something that keeps cracking me up is moments when Angel is like “I don’t breathe.”

But then he’s constantly shown out of breath 🤣😂. I love it.


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u/a_different_pov_85 9d ago

It doesn't fix all the continuity aspects, but I've always just viewed it as, they can breathe, but it's not a requirement to live. I forgot which character it is, but someone (male) requires CPR, and Angel says, "Sorry, no breath." Just to avoid mouth to mouth with a guy (at least that's how I took it as "comedy")

The being out of breath when fighting or running is a simulated reaction left over from being human. Vampires would have to be able to breathe, or speech wouldn't be possible either. Vampires are also known for having a really good sense of smell, can't smell without breathing.

This is actually an issue I've had with the show as well. I've always thought about bringing it up, but thought a lot of people would think it's a stupid question.


u/PyleanCow06 9d ago

I love this! Apparently people don’t like my post because it’s been downvoted. God forbid I try to make a fun post pointing out a small flaw.

I actually love this explanation though! Also I forgot about the “no breath” thing when he didn’t want to do CPR haha. That’s so funny.


u/Big-Acanthisitta8797 8d ago

I don’t see any downvotes. I like the post by the way and the conversation it generated.


u/PyleanCow06 8d ago

When it was first posted it was being downvoted hahaha. Glad it gained some traction!