r/AITAH 2d ago

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18 comments sorted by


u/kmflushing 2d ago

Why is Sandra expelled? She's the only one who didn't lay hands on someone.

Everyone else are AHs.


u/chasetheusername 2d ago

This is fake. Other submitted posts by OP:

  • AITA for telling my daughter that her bully deserved getting hit by a bus?
  • Porn sites?
  • Why does everyone hate Taylor?


u/Early-Tale-2578 2d ago

Sounds like a child wrote this


u/Danny_Mc_71 2d ago

Are her parents pressing charges?


u/celticmusebooks 2d ago

The nano second you -- a 35 year old woman-- laid hands on a minor YTA . PRO TIP: when you assault a minor don't do it in front of witness OR EVEN BETTER don't do it at all.


u/adorable_liza 2d ago

NTA. No easy situation. You were defending your daughter, but violence isn't the answer. Maybe talk to the school what really happened because it is unfair that your daughter gets to be the one expelled.


u/Melanie_libra_ 2d ago

Yes. I think it’s unfair, but i’m in a tight spot right now since the girl bullying my daughter is the principals daughter. Quite a lot of parents have adressed this matter to the principal since their children has also gotten bullied by that girl and her friends, but he never does anything about it. I’m actually a bit happy, since my daughter can now go to a new school wihout people telling her that she is a coward for leaving the school “just” because of the bullying. I have only now realised, that almost all of the students in this school have been rude and toxic, and no child should go there. But thank you for your comment.


u/Affectionate-Gap2625 2d ago

Get to a school board meeting asap


u/NovaPrime1988 2d ago

Go to the media. Get them to put pressure on the principal.


u/StrangledInMoonlight 2d ago

The media is going to hear from the principal that OP slapped a child, and called a child a red headed hoe, and they won’t touch this with a ten foot pole. 


u/SafeBetFret 2d ago

YTA - you handled this poorly. I feel terrible for your daughter if you’re the only role model she has.


u/BlueGreen_1956 2d ago


But it would have been much better if you daughter had knocked the bully on her nasty ass instead of you doing it.

She got expelled anyway, so she might as well have got to experience the pleasure of knocking the red-headed hoe on her ass.


u/ladyrose1111 2d ago

YTA. While it's understandable to be furious at someone bullying your child, violence is never the answer. Slapping the girl, regardless of her actions, is unacceptable behavior, especially as an adult. Your actions have resulted in your daughter being expelled from school, which is a significant disruption to her education.


u/solstice105 2d ago

OP is lucky she didn't get arrested.

Bullying is awful, and I completely understand why a parent would be furious. But she is a grown woman who assaulted a child. I can't believe all the people saying they are not the A.

A big part of me thinks this has to be fake since the school didn't call the cops.


u/Responsible-Ebb2933 2d ago

YTA you don't fucking hit kids.


u/Bucky-Katt-Guitar 2d ago

Should have punched redhead in the face lol. Seriously though, NTA. She threw hands first


u/Popular_Document1399 2d ago edited 2d ago

NTA. You defended your daughter from this bully. However, why was Sandra expelled? Please take this up with the school administration and be prepared to fight them. THE BULLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXPELLED. Contact the police and also the media, and make sure you get the names of all the other students involved. Good luck OP, bullying should never be tolerated. However, remember, violence is not the answer. You could have been arrested for assault on a child, so please be aware of the legal implications.