r/AITAH 6d ago

aitah for considerinf leaving my son in the county jail hospital over the weekend instead of paying $9,500.00 in bail? Advice Needed

My son hit a pregnant woman with his vehicle and broke his nose and has stitches on his lip.

He was arrested and is in the county jail hospital. He wouldn't tell me how badly injured the woman is, except that she might lose the baby.

He's a careless, distracted driver who has totalled 2 cars, which his bio dad immediately replaced with even better cars!

But now his bio dad is gone (heart attack) and I don't want to enable this dangerous driving problem.

I'm overwhelmed.

He has had accidents before, and has always been bailed out.

I'm trying to get a regular lawyer because now he says she might lose the baby and sue him.

He's 19.

But no one wants me to take the time to get a regular lawyer instead of this public defender who insists I must send the bail money NOW or my son will be in jail all weekend.

Honestly, I don't know. Maybe that would be good for him. Like a wakeup call.

He didn't mention alcohol, but why else would he he arrested for a car accident?

Help! I have to move fast!

AITAH for even thinking about letting him spend a weekend in jail?


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u/Dense_Reputation_420 5d ago

City jail and prison aren't the same thing, city jail is for misdemeanor crimes if felony charges are brought up they send you to county after a day or so, you either spend up to a year maybe 2-3max in county but if your sentence is any more you then go to state prison are you stupid? Are you basing your knowledge on a fictional TV show?


u/Bashfulapplesnapple 5d ago edited 5d ago

This kid isn't in prison yet either. He's in jail. Like I was. I'm basing my knowledge on my own personal experience. In the fourteen hours I was locked up I had a girl od in front of me and the guards did nothing, and I got my teeth knocked out because I looked like "a college kid". It wasn't a fun fucking time. That was because I hopped the light rail without a ticket. He can suffer his time for endangering people multiple times and ultimately ruining someone's life. I'm sorry that your personal experience is clouding your judgement here. I know the prison system is deeply flawed and fucked up, but some people deserve to be there, full stop.

Edit - we aren't talking about a "miscarriage" (something I've also experienced personally as woman), if she loses the baby that's manslaughter. To call it a miscarriage is hugely trivializing.


u/Dense_Reputation_420 5d ago

I mean it's a rage bait article to begin with, but you think he'd deserve to be locked up for months in a worse jail than you were in even Given your previously bad experience, I know some people need it I'm not saying that I'm just saying with as little evidence as we're given on a vague reddit post I'm just not super quick to feed this guy to the sharks without knowing more, that's just me. Also I really am sorry to hear about that experience being locked up is pretty rough I think every one should have to experience at least 24hrs in a city jail just to really see what it's like it's a pretty crazy and heinous place it's rough that's for sure!


u/Bashfulapplesnapple 5d ago

You're either a troll or a moron. Peace ✌🏻


u/Dense_Reputation_420 5d ago

Typical redditor can't have a real conversation, I guess having a difference in opinion makes me a troll instead of learning and growing from differenting opinions,better understanding other viewpoints better dip lol most people on reddit can't have a civil discussion with a different opinion than someone lol


u/Dense_Reputation_420 5d ago

I'll never get to hold, never got to name, or see 9 babies born due to miscarriage so I know all to well as well sorry for your loss that is some of the hardest things to ever go tbrough in this world and i will die on that hill, but the charge would be manslaughter you're right but the woman would have miscarried for it to be come manslaughter.