r/MakeMeFeelGood 21h ago

Cheer me up with few kind words:)

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r/2007scape 17h ago

Other I've played a restricted account for 7500 hours, this sub's meltdown as someone that actually plays the mode is insane to me.


I play a 10hp, 1 def iron, I've done so exclusively for many years now, and I feel like it's important to share my opinion since a lot of the takes and things reaching frontpage are blatantly from people that do not play these modes at all and it saddens me that it may have an impact on the people that actually interact with it.

I like hard grinds, I spent ~2000 hours for 99 slayer, I handpicked and spun my own flax til 99 fletching, spent 700 hours for 1 weapon and 10 months nonstop grinding for a pet,, I don't seek easy modes that circumvent my restrictions.

This does not mean that any change made to a mode is making it lose its magic, people saying that snowflakes chose to limit themselves to justify the lamp quest rewards as if it's making it be easy scape...I don't want the easy part, I want to be able to push my restrictions to their limits, not being able to theorycraft a boss fight because an intro quest arbitrarily gives 2k hp/def exp is actively removing really fun content that would be interesting within those restrictions, but that is cut short because of a supposed quest "reward".

Whenever Poison Dynamite got released, newer snowflakes got to do quests without sacrificing hp exp that I had to all those years ago, but I didn't get upset, PD also opened doors that were previously shut for me, more theorycrafting to do, more challenges within my restrictions, more fun.

Everyone talks about catering and restricting as this blanket gotcha statement and then login to their 1700 total iron that gets bosses designed specifically to drop resources that skip skilling grinds they would've had to do before, while back in the day the game was so cut throat that if you supplied a shop with soda ash for your iron to buy it'd get manually de-ironed by the modsf Bonesaw ,and again, I'm not even asking for things to be easier.

Remember when UIM wanted to use the looting bag on Ferox Enclave, and non-UIMS were advocating for a long time how this was catering and shouldn't go through and etc etc, and then they made a poll for UIM only, the poll went through and not only did Ultimates get to enjoy this, but the rest of the world just kept going and no one noticed a thing because it wasn't something that they interacted with in the first place?

The same people that are talking down on these account types are the first ones to open youtube and go enjoy the most massively popular series...which are, you guessed it, self-imposed restricted accounts.

Our most subscribed OSRS content creator, Settled, literally specializes on the most insane restrictions, and no one really lost sleep whenever they added a fishing net spawn in Morytania during Swampletics.

J1mmy recently made a video and can you guess what's the biggest edge OSRS has in gaming in his opinion and hundreds of thousands of his viewers? Here's a timestamp but I'm sure you can guess it.

In this age of the internet everyone has an opinion, but if it's on a topic you genuinely have no experience on (and that's okay), while you don't have to support it or be informed about it, I'd just ask you not to be in the way.


- Before you head into the comments, notice how I don't mention Bloodmoon level 1 armors once on the post, and when I do in the comments, I agree that that probably shouldn't be changed (and get almost -200 downvotes in the process) - please enjoy the absolute reading comprehension of the comment section below as a lot of redditors unintentionally prove my point that nuance is absolutely important about the different topics mentioned at GameJam.

r/OTMemes 12h ago

pls stop its already dead

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r/cybertruck 18h ago

Tesla Cybertruck is officially the best selling electric truck in the world. 📐

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r/politics 7h ago

Dozens of Democratic lawmakers texting about Biden stepping down: report


r/politics 6h ago

Biden says he is ‘first black woman to serve with a black president’


r/BadMtgCombos 18h ago

Imagine only having infinite mana.

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r/politics 10h ago

Third House Democrat says Biden should bow out of presidential race


r/ColombiaReddit 18h ago

Paisas Hoy cumple el mejor presidente del siglo XXI

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Llora el tipo que hizo un documental sobre paracos y le tocó pedir disculpas porque no tenía pruebas xd

r/politics 18h ago

Raul Grijalva second Democrat in Congress calling for Biden to drop out


r/JoeRogan 10h ago

Meme 💩 I really like Tulsi Gabbard.

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r/politics 14h ago

Soft Paywall Trump Stays Quiet (Relatively), Hoping Biden Stays in the Race


r/portugueses 19h ago

Política/Justiça Isto não é anti-democrático??? Não é o povo que escolhe?

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r/Wolverine 23h ago

Wolverine met Tony Stark

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r/Conservative 13h ago

THIS is frightening ! Obama president again?


r/wisconsin 16h ago

I don't want to leave Wisconsin, but when Trump comes to power I will be afraid for my safety.


I'm Trans. I love Wisconsin, but I want to be me. The Heritage Foundation pretty much explicitly threatened us with the whole "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be." thing. So it's hard to believe that this place will be safe for me much longer.

Is there any way I'll be able to stay here and eat way too much cheese with my friends? Or take in a Packers game? Or visit the Dells to see kitschy, but wonderful stuff? Is this the last few months when I'll be able to see the ships come into the harbor in Milwaukee? To wander the drift-less area and enjoy the natural world?

Is there any way I can keep those things?

r/Eugene 2h ago

A massive F off to everyone making this the worst night of the year


I hope your little lights, fires and explosions made you feel really good tonight. The rest of us are trying to console our terrified animals and pretend it doesn’t sound like a war zone outside. Special fuck you to the police in Eugene who don’t enforce shit.

r/tifu 23h ago

M TIFU by trying to use a mouse jiggler at work and having it backfire for the entire company


Old story. Throwaway. Enjoy!

During the pandemic, we moved from working in the office to working from home as the world did during that time. Feels so long ago, doesn’t it?

We were pretty productive in the office but of course there were days when we’d feel ‘off’ or ‘down’ and weren’t able to get much done. But we knew the patterns of our supervisor so we’d just ‘pretend’ to do work while he was walking around. We did always get our work done though, and we did it really well. 

But when we got to the pandemic, our boss signed us up for this system where it takes screenshots of your screen to see what you’re doing and detects mouse movement/keyboard movement to make sure you’re actually doing work. It rarely takes screenshots though, just tracks your mouse movement most of the time. My coworker told me “Hey OP, why don’t we get a mouse jiggler? That way, we can just relax and do our own thing at home. Just set it to a page where if captured, it’ll be safe.” 

“Sure thing, send me the link!”

For months we were just doing our own thing, much like in the office but better. I could go out for drinks with my friends, watch some TV, and generally just take a breather whenever I needed to. Just had to leave the mouse jiggler on and no problem. Everyone else was doing the same. But one day… I got way too careless and left the mouse jiggler on while I had a goddamn JackSepticEye video playing. The software took a screenshot, my boss was notified of this, and EVERY SINGLE PERSON got in trouble and had to delete the mouse jigglers on Zoom. It was such a lengthy process and of all goddamn things, it had to be a JackSepticEye video. 

My supervisor truly was livid at first and asked if we were doing this over the past few months, and we had to admit to everything. But our coworker also spoke up and asked him if he had noticed anything and if work was sub-par and not meeting his standards, and he admitted that the work was still top notch quality despite everything. We just had to submit weekly reports of what we’d done which was still pretty easy thanks to that software, thankfully.

So, I guess thanks to JackSepticEye (and my little fuck-up) during the pandemic, our supervisor got off our backs a little and we could all continue what we were doing as usual with only a little bit of trouble. Thanks, Sean!

TL;DR: fucked up things for the whole office with a mouse jiggler, JackSepticEye somehow saved the day!

r/Scotland 9h ago

Political Regardless of who you voted for, it’s Tories all the way down

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r/politics 5h ago

California Democrat says Biden campaign ‘arrogant’ after debate


r/Knoxville 5h ago

If you're in the city... (Anti firework comment)


If you're in the city... You should NOT have to deal with bullshit neighborhood fireworks!!! I'll take the municipal display... But you idiots that start three days early, go well into the night, and light 'em up days later... FUCK YOU!!!!

Update... 11:15 pm eastern... I'm going to bed. I never thought I would generate this much discussion with this flippant post. I'll check back in tomorrow.

r/politics 6h ago

Biden is still weighing whether to stay in the race, Hawaii governor says


r/hygiene 13h ago

Just my opinion but i struggle to relate to people with hygiene issues at this point


Before I start: YES, there are absolutely people who go through trauma early and don't know how to hygiene and YES I understand when you're depressed or low or suffering from an illness you can smell.

What is annoying me is that it is a basic cause and effect action. You don't want to smell? Take a shower, soap your body, your ass, your genitals. Wear clean clothes. Brush your teeth. Use sunscreen when it's hot. Dress appropriately for the weather. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week.

If you still smell, see a doctor, but normally that's all you need to do on a daily basis.

Questions from this thread come off like "why do I stink?" When most of it boils down to

You don't take care of yourself

You're depressed

You have a medical condition

So I've laid it out for you

Edit: for the comments I'll clarify. People who are undiagnosed or unsure or trauma I am not putting down in any way. What I don't get is how there are so many posts daily about people not knowing how to hygenically clean themselves. It's a Google search away, it's soap and water, it's cleaning when you stink.

If you are disabled, depressed, sick or having childhood trauma I'm not calling you out. I don't understand why we need to have a safe space on reddit for people who just don't bathe but ask what to do. Just Google it instead of making these threads all day.

Idc if I'm the asshole, hygiene isn't difficult but neither is complaining

r/vermont 17h ago

DIY Black Lives Matter photos pls!

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The most genuine BLM signs are the ones people built themselves.

I want to make an artsy collage of signs of support for black lives in Vermont, and I'd love to crowdsource some photos.

If you're out at parades and walking about town today, and you see a black lives matter sign that is clearly handmade, snap a picture and post it here. Try to keep identifying things out of the picture & just include the name of the town.