r/wholesome 7h ago

A wholesome moment with my disabled brother.


My youngest brother (13 years) has a genetic mutation along with severe autism. As a result, he is non-verbal. He attends a special needs school where he usually spends most of his time with a teacher playing on a swing alone.

Today, his class went outside during break and a girl his age was sitting alone on a bench - she too is autistic and non-verbal. His teacher told my mam he ran to sit by her side straight away, just looking into her eyes. They interacted in their own little ways and he stayed by her side for the whole break time. Calmly keeping her company, which they both seemed to enjoy.

Now this doesn't seem like much, but his usual interactions with strangers are either slightly aggressive or he shows no interest in interacting at all, becoming nervous at the sight of people he doesn't know. But today was something special and I've been crying over it like a little baby. Seeing him suffer for so many years all I wished for was for him to be free of his disabilities and to see him experiencing life like us. Wearing the school uniform for the school I attended. Learning to ride a bike. Bringing his first girlfriend home.

I love this boy to pieces and I would do anything for him, and this moment was just a glimpse for me of a young love he could have experienced as a teenage boy.

r/wholesome 20h ago

My mom and I bought coke for each other = apology


My mom and I fought this afternoon, and we were both upset with each other; we both don't apologize to one another because.. we both feel it's awkward. (To admit you're wrong, guess who I got that attitude from.)

Anyways, I think this is were the wholesome part comes in.

Whenever we got into fights, mom would buy us a 1.5 liter of coke and call it a day — and today, it was me who said some bad stuff, and so I bought coke for her.

When I got home she says, "I've got coke in the fridge if you want."

"but.. I bought some coke too."

We both stood in silence as she took a seat on the kitchen table, she bit her lip and sighed "Why don't.. why don't we just drink coke together, hmm..?" she says before breaking into tears.

I'm surprised that she inadvertently used coke as a way to say she's sorry, and I helped her pour some coke in her glass.

We both talked like normal the rest of the day after this, I don't know why, but I just thought it's quite wholesome.

r/wholesome 12h ago

Peace men


Not sure if this is applicable here. But yeah

r/wholesome 1d ago

Best support system


Best support system

r/wholesome 1d ago

A suprise pregnancy reveal at the office 🩷


r/wholesome 22h ago

My friend’s little brother asking him to play a game together

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His name is Michael for anyone wondering 😂

r/wholesome 18h ago

46k words well spent. Happy birthday, to my bbg!


.. Yesterday was my best friend's birthday, and I wrote a 46 thousand word (turning 47k) worth of fanfic for her birthday.

In a span of a month, (I keep procrastinating, and ideas just won't come out — but then a sudden burst hits me in 3am and I begin writing stuff)

I love my best friend, (I call her my bbg) and it's been a year since we've seen eachother since she transferred to another school.

She lives 11km away, which makes meeting up more than difficult — we were actually supposed to go to the mall for her bday, but it got cancelled.

But it doesn't matter, once she saw that I wrote 106 pages worth of fanfic for her, she couldn't stop spamming "thank you" and voice messages of her screaming in joy.

It was unfortunate that her favorite reading website (ao3) had maintenance on her birthday — and when I surprised her with his, she immediately called me and promised to write down her thoughts about the fic.

I'm glad she enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it; and she told me to post the fic on ao3 soon .. (lowkey scared)

Anyways, I love her with the bottom of my heart, and I hoped she enjoyed her day out with her classmates — Happy Cake Day, Ali !

r/wholesome 2d ago

Someone left a post-it note on my car.


I like to make my car stick out, so I have a window sticker on the back that says “I hope something good happens to you today.” When my boyfriend and I came out of the store to put the groceries in the trunk, I saw this. Genuinely made my day and got my boyfriend and I smiling like fools. I will forever store this in my car so I never lose it. I’m so glad I could make someone’s day. ♥️

r/wholesome 2d ago

This IS love!


r/wholesome 1d ago

Music helps me find inner peace. This is the case with "Mental food", a carefully curated playlist regularly updated with chill electronica, downtempo, deep, hypnotic and ambient electronic music that helps me slow down, relax and release stress. Perfect for my meditation sessions. H-Music


r/wholesome 3d ago

Letter my 6yo son gave me

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Translation: “You’re the cutest, you always make me happy cry. You’re the beast and the best mommy. You always let me have chips and unhealthy food and you get me some toys and things that make me happy. To mommy” I guess I have to start giving him more veggies 😂

r/wholesome 3d ago

Grab your iced tea and raise a toast


r/wholesome 2d ago

A mini floating friendship bean!

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r/wholesome 2d ago

Grandpa and Grandson having a blast!

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r/wholesome 2d ago

My little dog sibling

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I remember it was like yesterday getting my beloved dog for free in a Walmart parking lot from my mom's friend. She's a miniature schnauzer I love her to death every time I feel depressed and lonely she was always there to comfort me. Love you daisy can't wait to make more memories with u

r/wholesome 3d ago

text exchange with my older brother for my 26th bday (OC)

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My brother asked me if I had plans while I was at work. Got back to me a few hours later saying he was gonna pick me up 🥹🖤

"Fuck up" meaning he let me pick out whatever food I wanted because food almost always plays a part in our sibling shenanigans, and "(quietly)" meaning his baby was already asleep hahaha

Also, on the plus side regarding the scribbled out name coming home late: my husband gets off work very late but sometimes earlier on Fridays. To our surprise, he got off work significantly earlier than we expected, so he was able to join us! A well-spent, comfy birthday! 🫶

r/wholesome 3d ago

Finally the hydrangeas decided to bloom this year.

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Last year we got none. I posted some photos of another plant that was blooming well but the heavy rains almost killed those :(

r/wholesome 3d ago

me and my best friend


this is my doggy Aegis :) he’s a year old and my best friend in the whole world. i’ve had him since he was about 6 months, and he’s a cane corso (italian mastiff), and i absolutely adore him :)) i’m positive i’m his favorite, he follows me around, sleeps in the bed with me, and always has to be around me.

i knew he would be my best friend when my parents tried to take away a raw bone and he growled at him, but i could take it and run or crawl all over him and he would never growl or bite. whenever he hes scared and goes to growl at me he always licks me as an apology (even if its so grosssss), i know he always has my back even as a smart giant dog :)

he always protects the house, always protects me from scary amazon packages (i love them, he doss not lol) and he's truly a giant lap dog who still doesnt understand that he's over 120 lbs 😭

everyone give your pets a hug or a air kiss because when all else fails, ghe bonds you form with your pets is one you'll always remember the bonds you form and the comfort they bring

thanks for reading me and Aegis's story :)

r/wholesome 3d ago

So wholesome


r/wholesome 3d ago

He wants chicken nuggies

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r/wholesome 4d ago

They adopted a baby and this was their reaction when they met him


r/wholesome 4d ago

We just moved into a house and my 98 year old neighbor just dropped off a cake to welcome us into the neighborhood


r/wholesome 3d ago

The story of John and Shoep


This incredible human being brings his 19 year old dog to the lake everyday, to give him a few minutes of sleep and sweet dreams. Shoep suffers from chronic arthritis. The joints hurt so much that the animal could barely pull on its hind legs. To save the animal from its torments, veterinarians offer to give it a lethal injection. However, the owner couldn’t do that to his friend who saved him from suicide in the past. Instead, to ease the pain of his four-legged friend, this man carries him to the lake and holds him in his arms so that he can sleep. Words cannot express this. When you give love, it comes back to you ten times over. "I want people to remember that when they see these," said Shoep's owner, John Enger.

r/wholesome 4d ago

I hope my kids are like this when i grow up 🥹


r/wholesome 4d ago

A simple compliment can make someone’s day.