r/Invincible Rex's Exploding Alphabet Magnets 9d ago

Mark Grayson is literally me MEME


226 comments sorted by


u/TwisTaRiE 9d ago

if i had super powers i’d do so much dumb shit like pretend to fall off a roller coaster and fly myself right into the floor or just fuck with people in apartments by staring at them through the window during the night


u/TwisTaRiE 9d ago

i wouldn’t exactly be a VILLAIN but i wouldn’t be a positive contributor to peoples mental health


u/Mightybean0872 Allen the Alien 9d ago

You'd be a "Super menace"


u/TMNTransformerz 9d ago

Super freak, super freak


u/BaldursBoner 9d ago

What if instead of invincible,he was called freakable.


u/Regi413 9d ago

That’s what the Mark who had the open toe suit called himself


u/Exciting-Use311 Robot 8d ago

Does whatever a freak can


u/Loose-Medium4472 8d ago

She’s a very kinky girrrrl


u/LurkingMiasma 9d ago

They'll get their own JJ in no time


u/no0bmaster-669 The Guy From Fortnite 8d ago

PICTURES OF SPI- rustles through papers SUPER MENACE


u/Perfect-Accident1 Mark and Eve 7d ago

SPIDERMA- wait wrong JK Simmons


u/Mightybean0872 Allen the Alien 7d ago

Respect the hyphen


u/TwisTaRiE 9d ago

i’d levitate or throw something at mach 12 in a store and threaten onlookers not to say shit and act all casual and human after


u/Hydr0genMC 8d ago

Hate to tell you this but thats pretty evil


u/MercerNov 8d ago

I think that’s called an Anti-Villain. Like Dr Doofenshmirtz.


u/Fundosho 9d ago

Why fly yourself? Just drop and your super durability would keep you fine, on top of that it’s scarier for onlookers.


u/TwisTaRiE 9d ago

The momentum i will fly at will traumatise onlookers as they think about how mangled and fucked up my body must be after such a fast fall


u/Anko_Dango 9d ago

I would save people, be a hero AND pull silly little pranks


u/mikelorme 9d ago

I would do this but to dictators tbh Also I would probably visit every place on earth lmao,whos gonna stop me


u/Im_a_idiottttt Very. 9d ago

What if instead of being a superhero you were a superfreak


u/Responsible-Ad5108 9d ago

But what if you saw some people doing some freaky shit?


u/Key-Distribution9906 6d ago

I'd honestly get curious with the limits of my abilities. I'd try to get stronger and find ways to improve instead of relying on them.


u/-_Duke_- 9d ago

If someone says theyd be like homelander they should probably seek professional help


u/FIRE_FIST_1457 9d ago

probably Edgy 12 y/o who think "yo bro it would be so cool i would kill like a lot of people"


u/Diligent-Lack6427 9d ago

Also, people who call themselves nihilists who think power would corrupt anyone into being a super psychopath


u/TastefulMaple Spider-Man 8d ago

There’s a really good book series by Brandon Sanderson about powers corrupting people, the first book is called SteelHeart. If you’re into reading it’s definitely a good pick for the super hero fiction


u/Diligent-Lack6427 8d ago

Thanks for the recommendation. Is this the same guy who did the stormlight archives?


u/TastefulMaple Spider-Man 8d ago

Exactly him! I love his universe he’s tying together between mistborn, stormlight archives, and that other one that was tough to read lol

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u/Tenno24 War Woman 9d ago

More like be forced into professional help


u/BeckyWitTheBadHair 8d ago

To be fair, Homelander did start off by trying to be good, but realized he didn’t really have to be. So he just stopped caring. That’s where he and mark diverge. (Based on the animated The Boys episodes)


u/Drhorrible-26 8d ago

You just don’t understand bro, he’s literally me fr fr


u/ChemistryTasty8751 9d ago

I'm so glad a lot of people agree that being like Invincible or Spiderman is a much better choice than being Homelander, who would want to be a dick who has no real friends or relationships when you could help people and live a happy life?


u/Arikakitumo Machine Head 9d ago

Help people OR live a happy life. Choose ONE.

The examples you gave literally suffer from having super powers and choosing to save lives. I'd probably try for the longest to be a good example but I think I'd start executing dictators and other shitty people sooner than later.


u/clavio_mazerati 9d ago

I'll probably make a living out of being a simple bounty hunter. Get a good detective partner and tracker while I do the heavy lifting of doing a citizen's arrest.

I might still fuck it though


u/TheDiscoJew 9d ago

Mark has a great life. Obviously a lot of the events during the main comic suck, but if you take the epilogue into account, he's living it up. Fulfilling job, respect of the people around him, and a family that loves him? Dude is blessed.


u/Psychological_Wear_7 8d ago

Yeah but it took a lot of suffering for Mark to get there


u/yolilbishhugh 8d ago

Like 2/3 years of absolute pain. In the grand scheme of his life the period when Mark got his powers is non stop trauma. But he'll live for thousands of years.


u/Poniibeatnik Atom Eve 8d ago

I mean in the grand scheme of Marks life the suffering mark when through was like a blink in the span of Marks lifetime.


u/ZedsDeadZD Cecil Stedman 8d ago

You wouldnt even need to execute them. The fact that you are an unstoppable force alone will open so much room for negotiations with shitty countries. The main reason some governments act like they do is that they know nothing will happen to them. Usually, you would need to send troops and they can be fought or will have massive problems moving around in a foreign country. Imagine a Viltrumite just showing up any time. Taking out dictators sometimes isnt the smartest move but putting them in check is.


u/LongjumpingClimate73 8d ago

The problem is most people wouldn’t. Because most people aren’t that good. I think Homelander is an extreme case and while there would be one or two like him it wouldn’t be most people. But the Boys more or less is an accurate representation of what would happen. Because there are still good Supes Annie, Super sonic, Mesmer. But most people aren’t inherently good however. Humans are very selfish, greedy, and depraved to an extent. Our history on this planet shows that. If you want to test someone’s character, give them power.


u/TheUncouthPanini 9d ago

Mark is probably the most realistic depiction of a real person given superpowers. The average person isn’t going to be some untouchable force of good like Superman, or a crazed lunatic like Homelander.

They’re gonna want to do good, but constantly find it doesn’t always work. They’re going to struggle with trying to live a normal life. They’re going to have to make some really fucked up decisions if they truly want to improve things.


u/KaleAshamed9702 9d ago

How many people you met my dude I think there’s loads of homelanders out there


u/AngriestManinWestTX 9d ago

I guess it’ll depend ultimately on how they’re raised. With how homeowner was raised, he was pretty much guaranteed to be a psycho.

Good people can fuck up, get jaded, or become bad still but having loving parents and a decent childhood would decrease the likelihood.


u/GamerRipjaw 9d ago

That's why people should only raise renters


u/AngriestManinWestTX 8d ago

I’m not even mad at autocorrect this time, that’s funny.


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago



u/Gold-Roof-4214 8d ago


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u/Wagman2013 9d ago

I'd Like to think I would try and do good. But I don't think Homelander is what most people would be like The most realistic depiction of most people with powers is Tighten from Megamind. Still selfish and doesnt care about others, but less masterbating on roof tops. Tighten is an Incel with Super powers.


u/New_Confection_714 9d ago

Haha This guy don't know how crazy people living in society


u/jono9898 Invincidrip 9d ago

Yeah I’d like to believe in the spirit of humanity too but realistically give the average person unlimited power and the ability to do whatever tf they want and 9.5 times out of 10 they will be Homelander or will eventually be driven that lane because of the world being shit

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u/skeletonphotographer 8d ago

Most people wouldn't be as evil as homelander but they would be mostly like a train or the deep. Those guys aren't total psychopaths, but they are still selfish assholes who mostly abuse their powers


u/5am281 Robot 8d ago

Mark goes through so much shit I don’t think most people would be able to handle mentally/emothionally

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u/Black_Thunder_ Mauler Twins (Original) 9d ago

I think I would be so annoying, people would rather to leave me at home rather than make me save the day and then having to thank me someway. 🤔


u/_IntrovertedRobot_ 9d ago

Bringing a sandwich into space because of how unaware Mark is of just how cold space can be is the type of shit I'd be doing.


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago

"Bring a lunch my ass..."

(i dont remember the quote exactly)


u/JohnnyS1lv3rH4nd 9d ago

If I had superpowers my ass would be robbing a bank almost immediately.

Then I might start doing some heroic shit later, but for now I’ve got bills to pay and a dope ass costume to make.


u/BeckyWitTheBadHair 8d ago

Realistic take, honestly. Just wear a ski mask, snag an ATM, then start being a hero.


u/A-Random-Hedgehog 8d ago

I mean you gotta fund it somehow


u/pjrontos 9d ago

I'll never relate to a comic book character the way I did with Invincible. My heart is empty since I finished the third compendium 😢


u/FloopyBeluga Rex's Exploding Alphabet Magnets 9d ago


u/FIRE_FIST_1457 9d ago

"there's a starman waiting in the sky"


u/jessegames456 Very. 9d ago

I think I would be Mark Grayson mainly because I would get my ass beat by insanely strong villains most of the time


u/OLKv3 9d ago

I have trouble being mean in a friggin video game. No way I could become a tyrant in real life. I'll prob be annoying and go on a brief power trip, but I doubt I'd be killing people like they're ants.


u/DeltaAlphaGulf 8d ago

How about in “..500 YEARS?!”


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago

one slip up and i hide away forever too afraid to risk someone's life with my strength


u/AndrewSP1832 9d ago

Was sorta hoping this was Steven Yeun's Reddit account.


u/CevdetMeier 9d ago

Nah, thank you, I'll just take Omniman and conquer the world


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago

at least the viltrumites still wanna help even if its in their own fucked up dictatorship way


u/FinnOfTheHorde 9d ago

Gonna remove those aliens from Bermuda Triangle


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago

drowns in the triangle


u/Visible_Video120 9d ago

People can't even win lotto or hold office without losing their shit. Imagine waking up with flight, laser eyes, bulletproof skin and super strength tomorrow. The guy who threw his coffee at me last week gonna look like he's got boneitis


u/Karharsdon_01 Art Rosenbaum 8d ago


u/Lord_Muramasa The Viltrumites 8d ago

OP After every fight. Just like Mark....


u/Lil_ruggie 9d ago

Being a hero is bullshit.


u/Vasconcelos0909 Banished to Hell 9d ago

It's great. Definitely beats being a villain, at least.

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u/Killshred 9d ago

Yeah same I’d be a hero like a true hero not a false one but only for the fame and bitches but still a hero nonetheless


u/yellow-snowslide 9d ago

Isn't homelanders entire thing that he has a lot of issues, is insecure and not that bright?


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago

bro thats literally me (not that bright and insecure)

still wouldnt kill another member of my own species no matter how much stronger i am, they have a life and family man


u/pastrami_on_ass 8d ago

he was born in a test tube and tortured his entire childhood, ya he has some issues


u/KingofTheTorrentine Space Racer 9d ago

I'd probably do crazy stunts for money. And I'm not talking million dollar redbull sponsorship stunts I'm talking doing flips for like 4$ and a mchicken


u/Hoolias Show Fan 9d ago



u/Matteus11 9d ago

Anyone else a little freaked out at how many people admit to being awful people in hypothetical scenarios like getting superpowers?


u/Mrallmight 8d ago

Id be more like mermaidman.


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago



u/Darksoldierr 8d ago

Out of all the powers, flying would be the coolest stuff ever. Though, you probably need a proper suit as it gets cold fast the higher you go, but besides that, i would be flying all day every day


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago

flying brick powerset (viltrumites) is prob the most versatile superpower set other than maybe spidey's because of spider-sense alone


u/DeltaAlphaGulf 8d ago

Very interesting this sub downvotes the idea that people would not realistically be heroic like comic characters such as Mark. Personally I agree and think giving people superpowers would not be a great idea and probably worse the higher the tier of powers. Despite knowing my own good intentions and that I would be vigilant to such potential issues I don’t exclude myself from such a possibility either.

I do hope people would be smarter than Mark though but idk that I would put money on that tbh lol


u/Miffernator 8d ago

I would cough meet Putin.


u/Greyjack00 9d ago

Even the boys doesn't think the average person would be homelander he was literally tortured daily in childhood 


u/meth_adone 9d ago

if i got superpowers i like to think i'd be a hero but even if i was superman level i'd probably still shit myself at the sign of anything bad and run away


u/Ok_Substance5632 9d ago

I would love to be like superman but I don't know if I have the strenght to do it... to be Him.


u/Fictionfan69 Spawn 9d ago

Ngl I was expecting starman to be playing


u/Nappyhead48 9d ago

I would help people but be trolling just a tiny bit


u/[deleted] 9d ago

I’d save people that I could worldwide, but best believe I’m stealing certain things. Police drug bust? Yeah, I’ll take the money. Who’s going to stop me? They won’t know who I am.


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago

"some guy suddenly has a fuckton of money right as an unknown superhuman helped us with a drug bust"

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u/Potential-Highway641 9d ago

I would try to fight crime....here fistbump 👊


u/Icy-Wasabi8901 9d ago

This is so true. I wouldn't be like Superman, an untouchable God, but rather like Mark, a boy who's trying his damn best. Spider-man-type shit, you know? Homelander is such a manchild anyway, I would have so much fun using my powers to help save people and stop crime.


u/AnimalCrossingFanMan Abraham Lincoln 9d ago

I honestly wouldn’t do anything to avoid getting destroyed by the government, probably just mess around in some random field


u/ElPolloHermanu 8d ago

If I had superpowers I would alternate hundreds of different superhero costumes to catch enemies and people trying to chronicle my good and bad deeds off guard yoooo new comic idea


u/VictoryOverDirtyCops 8d ago

..... but why , once you start down that track , every person that dies in city because you wanted your favorite food , wanted to have a social life or a career you then have that guilt every day , if two people on opposite sides of town are in a life or death situation you have to choose who lives and who dies ..... everyday , if the argument is because you can ...... you can become a soldier, go to school and be a doctor and part time cop or teacher , most people won't. ...... because being a superhero means your life is servitude......villians have a life , and open hours but , most want world domination and seem to underestimate the tedium of every decision brought to you a office is alot .... house is more a block is more a town is more , city , state , country, continents sounds exhausting,

Deadpool anti hero seems best middle ground, help who I want when I want if I want


u/GameOverVirus 8d ago

I would try to be Superman and probably end up as Spider-Man/Invincible


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 8d ago

me fr


u/BalrogofGondor 8d ago

Question is, which Mark Grayson?


u/Lanky_midget 8d ago

I’d want to do good but someone would end up pissing me off and I’d forget my on strength


u/PengPeng_Tie2335 8d ago

Yeah, I would act.like mark as well.


u/sethjojo 8d ago

If I had superpowers I would pull up on a billionaire and make them do shit for me. The fuck they gonna do about it. Probably Elon cus that would be funny as hell.


u/NemarPott 8d ago

I'm not saying I would be straight up evil, but eventually somebody gonna have to stop me


u/Ok_Restaurant3160 8d ago

If I had superpowers, unironically, one of the first things I’d do is chuck myself off a bridge and take no fall damage


u/darth-com1x DORK LORD OF THE SITH 8d ago

I'd be more of a superman type


u/Tozarkt777 Martian Man 8d ago



u/GodofExile 8d ago

Yeah I never understood being like homelander or a villain period if someone were to get powers. I've always looked up to Superman and that would be my role model. I love the human race and genuinely want to see us positively progress. It would be hard but I wouldn't isolate myself to America as well. The whole world needs help and I really want to. All of this might sound corny but it's what I'd do if I had powers.


u/Prestigious-Sea2523 8d ago

What you're really comparing is a child of trauma and had his childhood literally programmed to be a spiteful piece of shit shit who craves love and has no idea to value life Vs a child who had a loving family dynamic and learnt how to integrate into society and have meaningful relationships as a child.


u/SwampTreeOwl 8d ago

Same. Although I will admit I would definitely go find a random desolate planet and recreate what Nolan did on flaxa


u/bigbossfearless 8d ago

I love how the subtext of this can be interpreted as either "be the hero the world needs" or "have absolutely no idea what the fuck I'm doing and accidentally kill a bunch of people and fuck everything up holy shit oh God oh God I'm so sorry"


u/PS3LOVE Comic Fan 8d ago

If I had powers I’d be like Spiderman but with only the lower level villains. No venom or other insane villains or any of that. I’d likely also use them for my benefit like Spiderman (such as when he was wrestling and also when he takes pictures for the bugle)


u/AshMCM_Games Space Racer 8d ago

I literally look like him, to the point that it’s an inside joke between me and my friend that I am him


u/LeeM724 Agent Spider 8d ago

If I had superpowers I’d become Dr Manhattan and just fly away into space


u/ShoninHero 8d ago

If I had superpowers and could survive the vacuum of space for a little while I'd probably start launching satellites into space, cleaning space garbage, correcting the orbit of existing satellites, constructing a moon base and making a fat load of dosh that SpaceX, NASA or Boeing would've spent on rocket fuel, technicians and materials. No need to alienate myself from people robbing banks, there's good money in the space industry that's basically free if I can just fly up there whenever I wanted


u/Hothead361 8d ago

The things I'd doo if I had superpowers haha 😈


u/Minito200YT 8d ago

Preventing accidents is quite unrealistic, so I'd probably go around assassinating famous people I don't like and that'd be the extent of my good deeds (or at least scaring them shitless into stopping doing the bad thing they're doing). I'd generally try to do good though


u/_IratePirate_ 8d ago

I’d be so fuckin neutral

Like my powers would be for selfish use only. Not to hurt anyone, not to help anyone either tho

I’m not a fuckin cop, y’all got that


u/BigfootIssReal Atom Eve 8d ago

might take the metro man route


u/Zephismydad 8d ago

I would be like Noir(bc im black)


u/TheRisen073 8d ago

Depending on how strong I was, I’d either be Saitama or Metal Bat. I’ve been watching/reading a lot of One Punch Man.


u/_captain-rex_ 8d ago

I like this trend


u/wolfwhore666 8d ago

I’d be more like Black Atom or Dr.Doom I’d go take over a small country and be their ruler/deity. If you don’t fuck with my kingdom then I won’t fuck with you, you fuck with my Kingdom id go Omniman on your home city.


u/Italongo 8d ago

but invincible does not have them LAZORS


u/falloutbi05 Abraham Lincoln 8d ago

I like to think I would be Invincible but I'd just come off as Titan from Megamind


u/Illustrious-Engine23 8d ago

If I had super powers I would realistically just find any way to monetise them so I can just relax and enjoy life.

As I get older I want more practical powers like teleportation or duplication so I could do all my work in a day or teleport to travel anywhere I wanted anytime

I just wanna chill man.


u/spartaman64 8d ago

i would get an ADS-B and a radio and get clearance to land at an airport and just fly to the runway


u/Elcuh101010 Show Fan 8d ago


u/athiestchzhouse Run the Jewels 8d ago

Op admitting they get their ass kicked on the daily


u/Witty-Bad8996 8d ago

If I had super powers, I’d find some answers


u/Poniibeatnik Atom Eve 8d ago

If I'm being real if I had powers there's no way in hell I'd be a villain.

Just not in my nature. I can be a dick but whenever I'm in a position of responsibility I always just want to do my best to help.


u/OrionOfRealms The Immortal 8d ago

Yes, i too would get my ass beaten every day


u/ZyeCawan45 8d ago

Ya Mark is what would happen if most normal people got powers and tried to be a supe. Lots of getting their ass kicked and trauma. Said trauma would most likely create a monster but in some cases could forge a real hero.


u/Grouchy_Appearance_1 Debbie Grayson 7d ago

You'd get your ass beat regularly???


u/Bright-Location-6832 7d ago

To be honest, I'd be scared to have such powers. As much as I want to be like Mark or Clark, we are humans and power corrupts. Especially, when you have a messiah/savior complex. I'm older and able to kind of process this and be somewhat be "self-aware", but man, the 20yr old me would probably eff it up so bad. I can't even imagine being the US president. I think being batman is much more doable job, because you're just incredibly rich and smart.


u/Rahm_Kota_156 7d ago

Idk, I would just hope not to be know, because that would put certain expectations or demands, something I can't be bothered to deal with


u/Lucky_Roberts Spawn 7d ago

You’d cause the destruction of Las Vegas?


u/Rude-Tip-3831 7d ago

Like bob ross said we all have happy little accidents


u/Drkocktapus 5d ago

I feel like it'd be wasted on me. I'd still go to work and do everything the same way I am now. Let's be honest, aside from the thrill seeking you could do on the weekends, what would you do with them? Become a vigilante and try to find some crime to stop? When was the last time you were around or knew of a crime in progress? There are no super villains out there, unless you wanna start interfering in geopolitics and toppling dictators and then well good luck being blamed for the fallout as a result of that.

In terms of being villainous, there's a lot I could do now without powers and I don't. I'd still feel pretty guilty if I used them to hurt people.


u/Muffin-Graham 5d ago

Now I wouldn't be an Omni-man. Wouldn't be exactly a pillar of people either. 40% Helpful 40% selfish and 20% messing around.


u/VLenin2291 Cecil’s strongest Rexplode hater 4d ago

Except for the part where he’s bad at geography. Anything social studies, I go hard in the fucking paint.


u/ISlickz Invincible 4d ago

I’d probably act like Deadpool honestly