r/xbox 22d ago

Xbox Games Showcase Deep Dive | Avowed Video


56 comments sorted by


u/NazRubio 22d ago

Once again, their follow-up deep dive video makes the game like waaaay more interesting.


u/BaumHater 22d ago

Idk why they are so bad at presenting this game in trailers.

It looks fantastic.


u/RicoBellic1998 22d ago

Right?! Basically everything i felt was a tad off last time out has been adressed or eased, combat looks alot better and deary me them graphics.


u/DapDaGenius 22d ago

They need to stop with these like weird montage trailers. Also, did they even say there was a deep dive during the avowed trailer yesterday?


u/BitingSatyr 22d ago

They said it last week iirc, they’re going to be doing them with games this whole week (I think Indy is tomorrow?)


u/CartographerSeth 21d ago

I had no idea. Xbox basically running an entire E3 by themselves this year


u/AbhorredCunt 22d ago

My most anticipated game.


u/kmfdm_mdfmk 22d ago

this game looks so much better than it did last year, graphically, in terms of impact, basically everything. pleasantly surprised there is a third person option too- that should've been in the showcase


u/Likely_a_bot 22d ago

UE5 is shining.


u/Tyler1997117 22d ago

3rd person?! Cannot wait


u/DeafMetalGripes 22d ago edited 21d ago

This is something the Outer Worlds needed, im excited!


u/Play_Durty 22d ago

Almost certain if Avowed has 3rd person, that it's being put into The Outer Worlds 2. I expect TOW2 to look a lot better than this game because they'll have a newer version of Unreal Engine and more time with it.


u/Pleasant-Speed-9414 22d ago

Mos def!

I’ve been interested in the game since announced with my only “gripe” being the first person.

Was so glad Starfield had the option. I probs played 3rd person 75% of the time…but kept trying out first person from time to time.


u/ArchDucky 22d ago

Those mushroom guys are fucking adorable.


u/Jdfz99 22d ago

I am very happy knowing there's a 3rd person option. This will always be my preferred perspective in games.


u/YPM1 22d ago

I don't like the visual style of the game, but I applaud them for trying to stand out from Elder Scrolls, DA, Witcher and Baldurs Gate by having their own "look". The style may not work for me but they certainly have their own, impressive look.

It's not working for me but thanks to game pass, I'll at least give it a shot.


u/khaotic_krysis Team Morgan 22d ago

I used to despise cell-shade style graphics, I eventually grew to tolerate them lol.


u/YouKilledChurch 22d ago

The game looks amazing to me, I am so excited for it


u/mustyfiber90 22d ago

This deep dive really sold me on the game. This game was not on my radar at all, as I’m not the biggest RPG fan, but the combat looks much improved and 3rd person mode !


u/Likely_a_bot 22d ago

Man, this fall is going to be so fun with Indy, Shattered Space, and Avowed.


u/Phl_worldwide 22d ago

Have they mentioned the length or scale? I found that to be one of the most surprising aspects of the outer worlds. That was a relatively small and short game for genre. Is this similarly short? Looks like a great game nonetheless


u/TheMuff1nMon 22d ago

I believe they said like 20 hours


u/idigsquirrels 22d ago

I don’t know about that. But I do think it was at least said or implied that it’s similar in length and scope at outer worlds?


u/TheMuff1nMon 22d ago

How Long to Beat has the Outer Worlds main story around 14 hours, extras into the 20s so around 20 hours


u/Lordy_De 22d ago

IIRC, main+extras means the main story plus some sidequests, a more accurate metric to the content of the whole game would be completionist, which calculates aroud 39 hours


u/idigsquirrels 22d ago

Sure. Doesn’t mean they said 20 hours. But hey, it makes sense to me. Would be surprised if it’s far off


u/valkrycp 22d ago

They've said before it's a fairly short and more focused RPG, I think someone from Obsidian last year said 12-14 hours if you rush through the story, but there are things to explore and side quests. And since then, they've now said "this is a large world" so that could have changed in the past year and a half of development.


u/kingethjames 21d ago

Do a lot of people really rush through stories in RPGs like this though? I don't go completionist but I DO always try to do as much of the content as I can.


u/valkrycp 21d ago

Not sure statistically but I know several people personally who just go straight through the main quest line, I don't think it's that unheard of but it is an odd way to play RPGs imo. I also know people who refuse to play without a guide that automates their experience to min-max their playthrough so thoroughly that they're practically not even playing the game, they do it so they can beat the game most efficiently in the least amount of time. Reviewers also tend to primarily go quickly though the main story.


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u/Vis-hoka 22d ago

Looks fun. I like multiple paths and outcomes. High customization. Cool style. Being related to a god is cool. Percy Jackson up in this mug.


u/Dany_Targaryenlol Clearing For Takeoff 22d ago


The one thing that made me not like Cyberpunk to the fullest was because of this. I wanna see Valeria outfits and model! With Path Trace lighting on too.


u/Stairwaytonirvana 22d ago

Did they mention what tomorrows deep dive is?


u/speedyspeedys 22d ago

I think it's state of decay 3 tomorrow


u/cwx149 XBOX 360 21d ago

Happy Cake Day


u/gswkillinit 22d ago

Combat looks WAYYY better than in previous trailers for sure. Glad it's improved cause that's what was bothering me the most. Even the graphics look much better too. They should've showed some gameplay clips in the conference trailer cause it looks better than what the trailer showed us imo.


u/S-HeatsUrgencyOfNow 22d ago

I really like how it’s shaping up. I find it quite funny how Obsidian has been heavily influenced by Bethesda since New Vegas. I can see Beths influence all over Avowed. Good stuff.


u/Forsaken-Badger-9517 22d ago

I really enjoyed the outer world and I'm hoping this game will have at least keep the same level of momentum that kept me playing that game?

Other than that, I just got bored watching it very quickly.. It didn't seem that interesting or great.?

Go ahead and dislike the comment, but that's how I feel ..


u/sam7r61n 21d ago

The trailers do this game an injustice. Game looks gorgeous, I’m a sucker for abilities that can be unlocked that directly affect how the game plays (like Deus Ex, et al), and I always appreciate a good mystery to keep engaged with the story. Plus I’m overdue for an absolute dyed in the wool classic RPG setting.


u/BitterPackersFan 22d ago

Game looks awesome! I cannot wait!!


u/jjuanny 22d ago

It's looks good now


u/AmbitiousFork 21d ago

Really glad they added third person! Sorta off topic but it's the only reason why I stopped playing Immortals of Aveum. I absolutely cannot stand first person unless it's a shooter game.


u/Big_Ad_9539 21d ago

This is the same studio that made grounded, can we dream of a 4 player co-op shared world in this setting one day?


u/Big_Ad_9539 21d ago

I want to see third person combat and gameplay, I love Obsidian but it feels like it's got a catch


u/HamstersAreReal 21d ago

why is xbox so bad at marketing this game in their main showcases? Their deep dive is much better


u/[deleted] 22d ago edited 22d ago

Look I wanted to give this a chance I really did. 

But so far I’ve seen is that the game looks underwhelming. I don’t know if the game are like that or It’s Microsoft’s terrible marketing but it doesn’t look that great.


u/SoldierPhoenix 22d ago

Why are you sorry? Not every game is for everybody. I'm in fact also very picky in choosing which games I play and don't play (since there are so many these days).


u/[deleted] 22d ago

When I comment on some trailers it feels like I walk on eggshells. That and some people get aggressive because someone have different opinions.


u/StrngBrew Founder 22d ago

Just a friendly suggestion, but if you decide you aren’t interested in a particular game why not just skip talking about it and spend your time talking about games you are interested in?


u/[deleted] 22d ago

I do think the game on the paper sounds interesting but the trailers I’ve seen so fa r is underwhelming. 


u/Shakmaaaaaaa 22d ago

I hope everyone respects your wishes that you just want to comment that you don't like the game and then be left alone lol. I get what you're saying but you're on the Internet.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

It’s not like I hate the game or anything. I just find the trailers to be underwhelming.


u/ArchDucky 22d ago

Microsoft’s terrible marketing

This is the SECOND DEEP DIVE and there's been multiple trailers. It doesn't have terrible marketing. This new flag you sony fanboys keep waving is fucking ridiculous. Why can't you just leave us alone?


u/[deleted] 22d ago edited 22d ago
  1. I am not a fanboy. I am multiple platform owner. I know it’s hard to get it but not everyone share the same opinion as you do. 

 2. If you don’t like my opinion you’re welcome to not reading it.  


u/ArchDucky 22d ago

You came to the newest bit of marketing for Avowed and complained about the marketing of Avowed. This same thing has happened with the last two xbox games that released, all a bunch of bullshit and all perpetuated by fanboys.


u/[deleted] 22d ago edited 22d ago

Not people’s fault that Microsoft have terrible marketing team. Plenty have pointed that out including this sub.   

I said that the trailer I’ve seen so far has been underwhelming.  I have the right to have that opinion either you like it or not.  

Like i said, you’re welcome to not reading my comment.